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engaged%3 %4.Í%2 got engaged%3 in %5.Í%2 got engaged%3 %4 in %5.QT~%7 got engaged%3.s2%7 got engaged%3 %4.Q%7 got engaged%3 in %5.Q%7 got engaged%3 %4 in %5.+0Divorce0t%1 was divorced%3.>Վ%1 was divorced%3 %4.%1 was divorced%3 in %5.%1 was divorced%3 %4 in %5.t%2 was divorced%3.Џg%2 was divorced%3 %4.%2 was divorced%3 in %5.%2 was divorced%3 %4 in %5. Gx%7 was divorced%3.iC%7 was divorced%3 %4. %7 was divorced%3 in %5. %7 was divorced%3 %4 in %5.They were divorced%3.ېThey were divorced%3 %4.They were divorced%3 in %5.They were divorced%3 %4 in %5.Divorce Filingq|%1 filed for divorce%3.đL%1 filed for divorce%3 %4.q%1 filed for divorce%3 in %5.q%1 filed for divorce%3 %4 in %5. %2 filed for divorce%3.j?%2 filed for divorce%3 %4.%2 filed for divorce%3 in %5.%2 filed for divorce%3 %4 in %5.%7 filed for divorce%3.%7 filed for divorce%3 %4.%7 filed for divorce%3 in %5.%7 filed for divorce%3 %4 in %5.eAZThey filed for divorce%3.>They filed for divorce%3 %4.eThey filed for divorce%3 in %5.eThey filed for divorce%3 %4 in %5.0Emigration!đ%1 emigrated%3.fA%1 emigrated%3 %4.!%1 emigrated%3 from %5.>!%1 emigrated%3 %4 from %5.j%2 emigrated%3.˔%2 emigrated%3 %4.%2 emigrated%3 from %5.%2 emigrated%3 %4 from %5.5%7 emigrated%3.zU%7 emigrated%3 %4.5%7 emigrated%3 from %5.?5%7 emigrated%3 %4 from %5.טFirst Communionx%1 received First Holy Communion%3.[$%1 received First Holy Communion%3 %4.%1 received First Holy Communion%3 in %5.ǣ%1 received First Holy Communion%3 %4 in %5.Ɩ y%2 received First Holy Communion%3.1%2 received First Holy Communion%3 %4.Ɩ%2 received First Holy Communion%3 in %5.Ɩ%2 received First Holy Communion%3 %4 in %5.Wy%7 received First Holy Communion%3.Зk%7 received First Holy Communion%3 %4.%7 received First Holy Communion%3 in %5.k%7 received First Holy Communion%3 %4 in %5.b>They got engaged%3.AThey got engaged%3 %4.bThey got engaged%3 in %5.bThey got engaged%3 %4 in %5.jExcommunicatedՎ%1 was excommunicated%3.nB%1 was excommunicated%3 %4.%1 was excommunicated%3 in %5.%1 was excommunicated%3 %4 in %5.Ùg%2 was excommunicated%3.%2 was excommunicated%3 %4.Ù%2 was excommunicated%3 in %5.Ù%2 was excommunicated%3 %4 in %5.mj%7 was excommunicated%3.šG%7 was excommunicated%3 %4.m%7 was excommunicated%3 in %5.Km%7 was excommunicated%3 %4 in %5.Hospitalization5%1 was hospitalized%3 %6._%1 was hospitalized%3 %6 %4.5%1 was hospitalized%3 %6 in %5.5%1 was hospitalized%3 %6 %4 in %5.Ҩ%2 was hospitalized%3 %6.: %2 was hospitalized%3 %6 %4.%2 was hospitalized%3 %6 in %5.%2 was hospitalized%3 %6 %4 in %5.G%7 was hospitalized%3 %6.j%7 was hospitalized%3 %6 %4.%7 was hospitalized%3 %6 in %5.%7 was hospitalized%3 %6 %4 in %5.GraduationP>%1 graduated%3 %6.s0%1 graduated%3 %6 %4.P%1 graduated%3 %6 in %5.P%1 graduated%3 %6 %4 in %5.%2 graduated%3 %6.+%2 graduated%3 %6 %4.%2 graduated%3 %6 in %5.%2 graduated%3 %6 %4 in %5.t2%7 graduated%3 %6.T%7 graduated%3 %6 %4.t%7 graduated%3 %6 in %5.t%7 graduated%3 %6 %4 in %5.)Illness"%1 suffered illness%3 %6.yL%1 suffered illness%3 %6 %4."%1 suffered illness%3 %6 in %5."%1 suffered illness%3 %6 %4 in %5.П%2 suffered illness%3 %6.'%2 suffered illness%3 %6 %4.П%2 suffered illness%3 %6 in %5.П%2 suffered illness%3 %6 %4 in %5.~k%7 suffered illness%3 %6.ՠW%7 suffered illness%3 %6 %4.~%7 suffered illness%3 %6 in %5.^~%7 suffered illness%3 %6 %4 in %5.Mission> y%1 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marriage%3 %4.oThey published notice of marriage%3 in %5.oThey published notice of marriage%3 %4 in %5.cvMarriage Contracte~%1 agreed on marriage contract%3.̧6%1 agreed on marriage contract%3 %4.e%1 agreed on marriage contract%3 in %5.e%1 agreed on marriage contract%3 %4 in %5.3߮%2 agreed on marriage contract%3.e%2 agreed on marriage contract%3 %4.3%2 agreed on marriage contract%3 in %5.s3%2 agreed on marriage contract%3 %4 in %5.ɯ%7 agreed on marriage contract%3.h3Ҩ%7 agreed on marriage contract%3 %4.%7 agreed on marriage contract%3 in %5.%7 agreed on marriage contract%3 %4 in %5.ѩThey agreed on marriage contract%3.<They agreed on marriage contract%3 %4.ѩThey agreed on marriage contract%3 in %5._ѩThey agreed on marriage contract%3 %4 in %5.'Marriage Licenseê`%1 obtained a marriage license%3.*%1 obtained a marriage license%3 %4.ê%1 obtained a marriage license%3 in %5.ê%1 obtained a marriage license%3 %4 in %5.2%2 obtained a marriage license%3.ëb%2 obtained a marriage license%3 %4.%2 obtained a marriage license%3 in %5.I%2 obtained a marriage license%3 %4 in %5._%7 obtained a marriage license%3.Ƭ0%7 obtained a marriage license%3 %4._%7 obtained a marriage license%3 in %5.Ӳ_%7 obtained a marriage license%3 %4 in %5./ܦThey obtained a marriage license%3.cThey obtained a marriage license%3 %4./They obtained a marriage license%3 in %5.]/They obtained a marriage license%3 %4 in %5.Marriage Settlement+6%1 agreed on marriage property rights%3.d%1 agreed on marriage property rights%3 %4.+%1 agreed on marriage property rights%3 in %5.+%1 agreed on marriage property rights%3 %4 in %5.%2 agreed on marriage property rights%3.N߮%2 agreed on marriage property rights%3 %4.%2 agreed on marriage property rights%3 in %5.%2 agreed on marriage property rights%3 %4 in %5.Ҩ%7 agreed on marriage property rights%3.u9ɯ%7 agreed on marriage property rights%3 %4.%7 agreed on marriage property rights%3 in %5.%7 agreed on marriage property rights%3 %4 in %5.They agreed on marriage property rights%3.e'They agreed on marriage property rights%3 %4.They agreed on marriage property rights%3 in %5.They agreed on marriage property rights%3 %4 in %5.ԭMiscarriageݱP*%1 miscarried%3."%1 miscarried%3 %4.ݱ%1 miscarried%3 in %5.ݱ%1 miscarried%3 %4 in %5.gƼ%2 miscarried%3.I%2 miscarried%3 %4.g%2 miscarried%3 in %5.]g%2 miscarried%3 %4 in %5.<Ƭ%7 miscarried%3.6Ӳ%7 miscarried%3 %4.%7 miscarried%3 in %5.%7 miscarried%3 %4 in %5.}They miscarried%3.Ƴ]They miscarried%3 %4.}They miscarried%3 in %5.}They miscarried%3 %4 in %5.uMilitary Service:%1 served in the military%3 %6.j %1 served in the military%3 %6 %4.:%1 served in the military%3 %6 in %5.:%1 served in the military%3 %6 %4 in %5.f%2 served in the military%3 %6.c0Ӵ%2 served in the military%3 %6 %4.%2 served in the military%3 %6 in %5.%2 served in the military%3 %6 %4 in %5.Ƶ^%7 served in the military%3 %6.)%7 served in the military%3 %6 %4.Ƶ%7 served in the military%3 %6 in %5.Ƶ%7 served in the military%3 %6 %4 in %5.>)<Namingd%1 was named%3 %6.ܶs%1 was named%3 %6 %4.%1 was named%3 %6 in %5.%1 was named%3 %6 %4 in %5.%h%2 was named%3 %6.nH%2 was named%3 %6 %4.%%2 was named%3 %6 in %5.%%2 was named%3 %6 %4 in %5.j%7 was named%3 %6.ڷ%7 was named%3 %6 %4.%7 was named%3 %6 in %5.%7 was named%3 %6 %4 in %5.H_Probatee0%1 had a will probated%3.>%1 had a will probated%3 %4.e%1 had a will probated%3 in %5.e%1 had a will probated%3 %4 in %5.%2 had a will probated%3.j=%2 had a will probated%3 %4.%2 had a will probated%3 in %5.%2 had a will probated%3 %4 in %5.T%7 had a will probated%3.%7 had a will probated%3 %4.%7 had a will probated%3 in %5.%7 had a will probated%3 %4 in %5.)Naturalization s%1 was naturalized%3.ֺd%1 was naturalized%3 %4.%1 was naturalized%3 in %5.%1 was naturalized%3 %4 in %5.%%2 was naturalized%3.tK%2 was naturalized%3 %4.%%2 was naturalized%3 in %5.%%2 was naturalized%3 %4 in %5.ûI%7 was naturalized%3.%7 was naturalized%3 %4.û%7 was naturalized%3 in %5.û%7 was naturalized%3 %4 in %5._Movei%1 moved%3.P%1 moved%3 %4.i%1 moved%3 to %5.i%1 moved%3 %4 to %5.߼I%2 moved%3.Ƽ%2 moved%3 %4.߼%2 moved%3 to %5.߼%2 moved%3 %4 to %5.UӲ%7 moved%3.q<%7 moved%3 %4.U%7 moved%3 to %5.U%7 moved%3 %4 to %5.߿HOrdinancey%1 had the ordinance%3 %6.Jɽ%1 had the ordinance%3 %6 %4.%1 had the ordinance%3 %6 in %5.%1 had the ordinance%3 %6 %4 in %5.z%2 had the ordinance%3 %6.ξ{%2 had the ordinance%3 %6 %4.%2 had the ordinance%3 %6 in %5.%2 had the ordinance%3 %6 %4 in %5.UO{%7 had the ordinance%3 %6.-%7 had the ordinance%3 %6 %4.U%7 had the ordinance%3 %6 in %5.U%7 had the ordinance%3 %6 %4 in %5.Occupationn%1 was employed%3 as %6.rF%1 was employed%3 as %6 %4.%1 was employed%3 as %6 in %5.%1 was employed%3 as %6 %4 in %5.%2 was employed%3 as %6.%2 was employed%3 as %6 %4.%2 was employed%3 as %6 in %5.%2 was employed%3 as %6 %4 in %5.qš%7 was employed%3 as %6.K%7 was employed%3 as %6 %4.q%7 was employed%3 as %6 in %5.q%7 was employed%3 as %6 %4 in %5.>Ordination0Zd%1 was ordained%3 %6.V %1 was ordained%3 %6 %4.0%1 was ordained%3 %6 in %5.0%1 was ordained%3 %6 %4 in %5.%2 was ordained%3 %6.%2 was ordained%3 %6 %4.%2 was ordained%3 %6 in %5.%2 was ordained%3 %6 %4 in %5.l%7 was ordained%3 %6.I%7 was ordained%3 %6 %4.l%7 was ordained%3 %6 in %5.l%7 was ordained%3 %6 %4 in %5.B)Retirement%1 retired%3 %6.b>%1 retired%3 %6 %4.%1 retired%3 %6 in %5.%1 retired%3 %6 %4 in %5.1%2 retired%3 %6.%2 retired%3 %6 %4.%2 retired%3 %6 in %5.F%2 retired%3 %6 %4 in %5.1Ӣ%7 retired%3 %6.vR%7 retired%3 %6 %4.1%7 retired%3 %6 in %5.1%7 retired%3 %6 %4 in %5.Religiony"%1 joined religion%3 %6..%1 joined religion%3 %6 %4.%1 joined religion%3 %6 in %5.%1 joined religion%3 %6 %4 in %5.%2 joined religion%3 %6.]%2 joined religion%3 %6 %4.%2 joined religion%3 %6 in %5.%2 joined religion%3 %6 %4 in %5.-6%7 joined religion%3 %6.V%7 joined religion%3 %6 %4.-%7 joined religion%3 %6 in %5.-%7 joined religion%3 %6 %4 in %5.Residenceb%1 resided%3."%1 resided%3 %4.%1 resided%3 in %5.O%1 resided%3 %4 in %5.a%2 resided%3.F%2 resided%3 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StreetSalt Lake City, UT 84150 USA@>NFamily History Library35 N West Temple StreetSalt Lake City, UT 84150 USAA?NFamily History Library35 N West Temple StreetSalt Lake City, UT 84150 USA@NC=NBNThe Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day SaintsAncestral File (R)Copyright (c) 1987, June 1998, data as of 5 January 1998&INGALLIS.gedSWAINE.gedGEDCOM File K1 submitted by Kirk Goddard Larson, 2466 Beaconpjautry.gedFORSTER.ged FRANCE2.ged9 MORTIMER.gedENGLAND.ged crober4056.ged BRADFORD.ged G BRANDLING.ged z= dickdutton.ged | MARIYA.ged"bPATSHULL.ged!TREGOZ.gedSNS037733SSource Media Type: OtherSSource Media Type: OtherSTITL GEDCOM File K1 submitted by Kirk Goddard Larson, 2466 Beacon Street, Fullerton, CA 92635, e-mail: Evitan1@aol.com imported on 06/01/1997 at 09:42:25.ABBR Monarchs GedcomSSource Media Type: OtherSSource Media Type: OtherSSource Media Type: OtherSSource Media Type: Other SSource Media Type: Other SSource Media Type: Other SSource Media Type: Other SSource Media Type: Other 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StuartRoyalty for Commoners: The Complete Known Lineage of John of Gaunt, Son of Edward III, King of England, and Queen Philip3rd ed., 1998, Genealogical Publishing Co., Inc., Baltimore, MDedan.FTW~x GRANDSON2.gedGRANDSON3.gedGRANDSON4.gedBTREGOZ2.gedEWYAS.gedS ZOUCHE.ged)cSUDELEY.ged3NORTHUMBERLAND.gedM<ENGLAND2.gedPOWELL.ged#ROBINSON.ged2GARLAND.ged :$PHILBRICK.ged!?CKNAPPE.ged"-POLEY.ged#'%GARNEYS.ged$@ POLEY2.ged%#ALCOCKE.ged&Wpjautry2.ged'>#GEDCOM File MARBURY imported on 03/31/1996 at 15:45:42.(*+WFT)onGEDCOM File M submitted by PJ Cole, 6714 Schaller, Garden City,*,(GEDCOM File T075 imported on 01/14/1996 at 20:18:23.+0.(GEDCOM File LAZ180 imported on 05/16/1996 at 17:07:15.,*LDS - Ancestral File-V"GEDCOM File T110 imported on 01/30/1996 at 12:11:45../5+GEDCOM File T101 imported on 01/11/1996 at 13:47:05./.GEDCOM File T068 imported on 01/14/1996 at 20:07:38.01+!SSource Media Type: Other"SSource Media Type: Other#SSource Media Type: Other$SSource Media Type: Other%SSource Media Type: Other&SSource Media Type: Other'SSource Media Type: Other(SABBR GEDCOM File MARBURY)SABBR WFT NS153633*STITL GEDCOM File M submitted by PJ Cole, 6714 Schaller, Garden City, MI 48135 imported on 03/31/1996 at 17:07:08.ABBR GEDCOM File M+SABBR GEDCOM File T075,SABBR GEDCOM File LAZ180-SABBR LDS - AF NS153453.SABBR GEDCOM File T110/SABBR GEDCOM File T1010SABBR GEDCOM File T0681SABBR GEDCOM File T0722SSource Media Type: Other3SSource Media Type: Other4SSource Media Type: Other5SSource Media Type: Other6SSource Media Type: Other7SSource Media Type: Other8SSource Media Type: Other9SSource Media Type: Other:SSource Media Type: Other;SSource Media Type: Other<SSource Media Type: Other=SSource Media Type: Other>SSource Media Type: Other?SSource Media Type: Other@SSource Media Type: OtherGEDCOM File T072 imported on 01/14/1996 at 20:13:13.10ROMANOV.ged2RUSSIA4.ged346RUSSIA3.ged473GORBATIJ.ged5<.SHUYA2.ged6X3RUSSIA2.ged784RUSSIA.ged87FRANCE.ged9A;FRANCE3.ged:7 FRANCE1.ged;9OGLE.ged<CBUCKTON.ged=_T pjautry3.ged>'PERCY.ged?e!GASCOIGNE.ged@N$FOSTER.gedA9GREY.gedBEOGLE2.gedCD<OGLE3.gedDHCGUBIUM.gedEKFBHEPPLE.gedFjEBERTRAM.gedGaI OGLE4.gedHDBERTRAM2.gedIJGBERTRAM3.gedJIGREY2.gedKLEGREY3.gedLKNEVILLE.gedMQGASCOIGNE2.gedNO@GASCOIGNE3.gedOPNGASCOIGNE4.gedPOASSource Media Type: OtherBSSource Media Type: OtherCSSource Media Type: OtherDSSource Media Type: OtherESSource Media Type: OtherFSSource Media Type: OtherGSSource Media Type: OtherHSSource Media Type: OtherISSource Media Type: OtherJSSource Media Type: OtherKSSource Media Type: OtherLSSource Media Type: OtherMSSource Media Type: OtherNSSource Media Type: OtherOSSource Media Type: OtherPSSource Media Type: OtherQSSource Media Type: OtherRSSource Media Type: OtherSSSource Media Type: OtherTSSource Media Type: OtherUSSource Media Type: OtherVSSource Media Type: OtherWSSource Media Type: OtherXSSource Media Type: OtherYSSource Media Type: OtherZSSource Media Type: Other[SSource Media Type: Other\SSource Media Type: Other]SSource Media Type: Other^SSource Media Type: Other_SSource Media Type: Other`SSource Media Type: OtherNEVILLE2.gedQRMNEVILLE3.gedR;QFITZ RANDOLPH.gedSdUCLAVERING.gedTu=FITZDOLPHIN.gedU`SMACKENNETH KING OF SCOTLAND.gedVg-(Siward).gedW&SCOTLAND.gedX\Y6SCOTLANsD.gedYZXSCOTLAND3.gedZ[YSCOTLAND4.ged[Zscot.ged\]Xscot2.ged]^\scot4.ged^]BRITAIN.ged_=FONTAINE.ged`UBELMEIS.gedakqGMESCHINES.gedblZOUCHE3.gedcFERGAN.geddtSPERCY2.gedef?PERCY3.gedfeLORRAINE.gedghVLOUVAIN.gedhigLORRAINE2.gedihHOLY ROMAN EMPIRE.gedj}FAUSTRASIA.gedkwaMETZ.gedlbMOSELLE.gedmpWHARTON.gedn)WARTON.gedoy)MUSGRAVE.gedprmaSSource Media Type: OtherbSSource Media Type: OthercSSource Media Type: OtherdSSource Media Type: OthereSSource Media Type: OtherfSSource Media Type: OthergSSource Media Type: OtherhSSource Media Type: OtheriSSource Media Type: OtherjSSource Media Type: OtherkSSource Media Type: OtherlSSource Media Type: OthermSSource Media Type: OthernSSource Media Type: OtheroSSource Media Type: OtherpSSource Media Type: OtherqSSource Media Type: OtherrSSource Media Type: OthersSSource Media Type: OthertSSource Media Type: OtheruSSource Media Type: OthervSSource Media Type: OtherwSSource Media Type: OtherxSSource Media Type: OtherySSource Media Type: OtherzSSource Media Type: Other{SSource Media Type: Other|SSource Media Type: Other}SABBR Enf-Bry~SABBR Die Nachkommen Karls des GrossenSSource Media Type: OtherSABBR Charlotte's Web Genealogyberkeley.gedqaMUSGRAVE2.gedrspMUSGRAVE3.gedsrFERRERS.gedtdCONYERS.geduvTCONTEVILLE.gedvuAVRANCHES.gedwkELMEDON.gedxWETEWODE.gedyoBRADFORD2.gedz{ BRADFORD3.ged{zcrober4056a.ged| http://www.gendex.com/users/Enf_Bry/Enf_Bry/index.html}jProf.Dr.Erich BrandenburgDie Nachkommen Karls des GrossenLeipzig: Zentralstelle fr Deutsche Personen- und Familiengeschichte, 1935~charlemagne.gedThttp://www.charweb.org/gen/rjones/Charlotte's Web GenealogyLaurence GardenerBloodline of the Holy Grail: The Hidden Lineage of Jesus Revealed1996, ISBN 0-7607-0735-9JLuke StevensDescent From Adamhttp://geocities.com/Athens/Aegean/2444/|Brigitte Gastel Lloydhttp://www.genealogy.com/~brigitte/royal/royal00.htm}Siegfried RschCaroli Magni Progenies. Pars 1Neustadt/Aisch: Degener, 1977Houdry,GillesLes Ancestres De CharlemagneInternet Publication,1994gBruce WetterauWorld History, a Dictionary of Important People, Places, andHenry Holt & Co, Inc, New York, 1994nGEDCOM File DETOENI imported on 05/15/1996 at 20:43:49.PLDSAncestral File as of January 5, 1998kBrian TompsettRoyal and Nobel Genealogical Data on the Webhttp://www.dcs.hull.ac.uk/public/genealogy/GEDCOM.html2Internet"http://www.ancestor.org/Ancestor.orgD&David Nash FordEarly British Kingdoms websitehttp://freespace.virgin.net/david.ford2/Early%20British%20Ki ngdoms.html~Thiele,AndreasErzhlende genealogische Stammtafeln zur europischen Geschichte. Bd.3Frankfurt/Main: R.G.Fischer, 1994. Repository: Universittsbibliothek DsseldorfStammbaum der Familie Von NippenburgRepository: Hauptstaatsarchiv Stuttgart Konrad-Adenauer-Str.4 70173 Stuttgart 0711-2124335\6Roderick W. StuartRoyalty for Commoners: The Complete Known Lineage of John of Gaunt, Son of Edward III, King of England, and Queen Philip3rd ed., 1998, Genealogical Publishing Co., Inc., Baltimore, MDhttp://www.gendex.com/users/Enf_Bry/Enf_Bry/index.html}SABBR Bloodline of the Holy GrailSABBR AdamSABBR European Royalty and NobilitySABBR Caroli Magni Progenies. Pars 1SABBR Les Ancestres De CharlemagneSTITL World History, a Dictionary of Important People, Places, and Events, from Ancient Times to the PresentABBR Wetterau World HistorySABBR GEDCOM File DETOENISABBR Ancestral FileSABBR Royal GenealogySABBR InternetSABBR Ancestor.orgSABBR Early British KingdomsSABBR Erzhlende genealogische Stammtafeln zur europischen Geschichte. Bd.3SABBR Stammbaum der Familie Von NippenburgSNS037733SSource Media Type: OtherSSource Media Type: OtherSSource Media Type: OtherSSource Media Type: OtherSSource Media Type: OtherSSource Media Type: OtherTThis data received as a gedcom from Stebbins 10/11/98TBroderbund WFT Vol. 2, Ed. 1, Tree #0074, Date of Import: Feb 23, 1996TBroderbund WFT Vol. 2, Ed. 1, Tree #0074, Date of Import: Feb 23, 1996TBroderbund WFT Vol. 2, Ed. 1, Tree #0074, Date of Import: Feb 23, 1996TBroderbund WFT Vol. 2, Ed. 1, Tree #0074, Date of Import: Feb 23, 1996TBroderbund WFT Vol. 2, Ed. 1, Tree #0074, Date of Import: Feb 23, 1996TBroderbund WFT Vol. 2, Ed. 1, Tree #0074, Date of Import: Feb 23, 1996TBroderbund WFT Vol. 2, Ed. 1, Tree #0074, Date of Import: Feb 24, 1996TBroderbund WFT Vol. 2, Ed. 1, Tree #0074, Date of Import: Feb 24, 1996TBroderbund WFT Vol. 2, Ed. 1, Tree #0074, Date of Import: Feb 24, 1996TBroderbund WFT Vol. 2, Ed. 1, Tree #0074, Date of Import: Feb 24, 1996Laurence GardenerBloodline of the Holy Grail: The Hidden Lineage of Jesus Revealed1996, ISBN 0-7607-0735-9Siegfried RschCaroli Magni Progenies. Pars 1Neustadt/Aisch: Degener, 1977Prof.Dr.Erich BrandenburgDie Nachkommen Karls des GrossenLeipzig: Zentralstelle fr Deutsche Personen- und Familiengeschichte, 1935~Roderick W. StuartRoyalty for Commoners: The Complete Known Lineage of John of Gaunt, Son of Edward III, King of England, and Queen Philip3rd ed., 1998, Genealogical Publishing Co., Inc., Baltimore, MDLaurence GardenerBloodline of the Holy Grail: The Hidden Lineage of Jesus Revealed1996, ISBN 0-7607-0735-9^http://www.gendex.com/users/Enf_Bry/Enf_Bry/index.htmlSiegfried RschCaroli Magni Progenies. Pars 1Neustadt/Aisch: Degener, 1977Brian TompsettRoyal and Nobel Genealogical Data on the Webhttp://www.dcs.hull.ac.uk/public/genealogy/GEDCOM.htmlhttp://www.my-ged.com/hbradleyThe Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day SaintsAncestral File (R)Copyright (c) 1987, June 1998, data as of 5 January 1998FRANCE2.ged;MORTIMER.gedlENGLAND.gedxcrober4056.geduThe Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day SaintsAncestral File (R)Copyright (c) 1987, June 1998, data as of 5 January 1998The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day SaintsAncestral File (R)Copyright (c) 1987, June 1998, data as of 5 January 1998The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day SaintsAncestral File (R)Copyright (c) 1987, June 1998, data as of 5 January 1998The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day SaintsAncestral File (R)Copyright (c) 1987, June 1998, data as of 5 January 1998The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day SaintsAncestral File (R)Copyright (c) 1987, June 1998, data as of 5 January 1998The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day SaintsAncestral File (R)Copyright (c) 1987, June 1998, data as of 5 January 1998The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day SaintsAncestral File (R)Copyright (c) 1987, June 1998, data as of 5 January 1998 The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day SaintsAncestral File (R)Copyright (c) 1987, June 1998, data as of 5 January 1998 The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day SaintsAncestral File (R)Copyright (c) 1987, June 1998, data as of 5 January 1998 The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day SaintsAncestral File (R)Copyright (c) 1987, June 1998, data as of 5 January 1998 The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day SaintsAncestral File (R)Copyright (c) 1987, June 1998, data as of 5 January 1998 Ratcliff3.FTWG=ludden1.FTWhThe Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day SaintsAncestral File (R)Copyright (c) 1987, June 1998, data as of 5 January 1998The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day SaintsAncestral File (R)Copyright (c) 1987, June 1998, data as of 5 January 1998The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day SaintsAncestral File (R)Copyright (c) 1987, June 1998, data as of 5 January 1998The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day SaintsAncestral File (R)Copyright (c) 1987, June 1998, data as of 5 January 1998The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day SaintsAncestral File (R)Copyright (c) 1987, June 1998, data as of 5 January 1998The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day SaintsAncestral File (R)Copyright (c) 1987, June 1998, data as of 5 January 1998The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day SaintsAncestral File (R)Copyright (c) 1987, June 1998, data as of 5 January 1998The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day SaintsAncestral File (R)Copyright (c) 1987, June 1998, data as of 5 January 1998The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day SaintsAncestral File (R)Copyright (c) 1987, June 1998, data as of 5 January 1998The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day SaintsAncestral File (R)Copyright (c) 1987, June 1998, data as of 5 January 1998The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day SaintsAncestral File (R)Copyright (c) 1987, June 1998, data as of 5 January 1998The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day SaintsAncestral File (R)Copyright (c) 1987, June 1998, data as of 5 January 1998The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day SaintsAncestral File (R)Copyright (c) 1987, June 1998, data as of 5 January 1998The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day SaintsAncestral File (R)Copyright (c) 1987, June 1998, data as of 5 January 1998The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day SaintsAncestral File (R)Copyright (c) 1987, June 1998, data as of 5 January 1998The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day SaintsAncestral File (R)Copyright (c) 1987, June 1998, data as of 5 January 1998The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day SaintsAncestral File (R)Copyright (c) 1987, June 1998, data as of 5 January 1998The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day SaintsAncestral File (R)Copyright (c) 1987, June 1998, data as of 5 January 1998 The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day SaintsAncestral File (R)Copyright (c) 1987, June 1998, data as of 5 January 1998!The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day SaintsAncestral File (R)Copyright (c) 1987, June 1998, data as of 5 January 1998"The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day SaintsAncestral File (R)Copyright (c) 1987, June 1998, data as of 5 January 1998##193W#194#195#196#197#198#199#200#201#202#203#204#205#206#207#208TBroderbund WFT Vol. 2, Ed. 1, Tree #0074, Date of Import: Feb 24, 1996TBroderbund WFT Vol. 2, Ed. 1, Tree #0074, Date of Import: Feb 24, 1996TBroderbund WFT Vol. 2, Ed. 1, Tree #0074, Date of Import: Feb 24, 1996TBroderbund WFT Vol. 2, Ed. 1, Tree #0074, Date of Import: Feb 24, 1996TBroderbund WFT Vol. 2, Ed. 1, Tree #0074, Date of Import: Feb 24, 1996TBroderbund WFT Vol. 2, Ed. 1, Tree #0074, Date of Import: Feb 24, 1996TBroderbund WFT Vol. 2, Ed. 1, Tree #0074, Date of Import: Feb 24, 1996TBroderbund WFT Vol. 2, Ed. 1, Tree #0074, Date of Import: Feb 24, 1996TBroderbund WFT Vol. 2, Ed. 1, Tree #0074, Date of Import: Feb 23, 1996TBroderbund WFT Vol. 2, Ed. 1, Tree #0074, Date of Import: Feb 23, 1996SSource Media Type: OtherSSeems to be based on old information putting most LOCKWOODs as descendants of Robert rather than Edmund.STimothy James Chase 1111 Boulder Court Lansing, MI 48917SThe Great Migration Begins: Immigrants to New England, 1620-1633. Ancestry .com.c 1995-2000SCustomer pedigree. Source Media Type: Family Archive CDSSource Media Type: Other\SSource Media Type: Other]SSource Media Type: Other^SSource Media Type: Other_SSource Media Type: Other`SSource Media Type: OtheraSSource Media Type: OtherbSSource Media Type: OthercSSource Media Type: OtherMTitle: Parish registers, 1829-1877 Authors: Church of England. Chapelry of Shidfield (Main Author) Notes: Microfilm of original records in the Hampshire County Record Office, Winchester. --------------------------------------------M------------------------------------ The chapelry of Shidfield is in the parish of Droxfield. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Includes baptisms 1829-1876, marriages 1843-1876, and burials 1M830-1877. Subjects: England, Hampshire, Shidfield - Church records England, Hampshire, Droxfield - Church records Format: Manuscript (On Film) Language: English Publication: Salt Lake City : Filmed by the GenMealogical Society of Utah, 1982 Physical: on 1 microfilm reel ; 35 mm. MFamilySearch® International Genealogical Index™ v4.01 North America IGI Record -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Priscilla CHAPMAN Sex: F Marriage(s): Spouse: James MRiggs HILL Marriage: 1847 Concord, Merrimack, New Hampshire -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Source Information: -------------------------------------------------------M------------------------- Batch number: Dates Source Call No. Type Printout Call No. Type 5008968 - 1553412 Film NONE Sheet: 33 M 01 North America IGI Record Select record to download - (50 maximum) -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------ Chase HILL Sex: M Marriage(s): Spouse: Nancy MOORE Marriage: 1813 #209#210#211#212#213The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day SaintsAncestral File (R)Copyright (c) 1987, June 1998, data as of 5 January 1998$#215#216#217The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day SaintsAncestral File (R)Copyright (c) 1987, June 1998, data as of 5 January 1998%The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day SaintsAncestral File (R)Copyright (c) 1987, June 1998, data as of 5 January 1998&The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day SaintsAncestral File (R)Copyright (c) 1987, June 1998, data as of 5 January 1998'The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day SaintsAncestral File (R)Copyright (c) 1987, June 1998, data as of 5 January 1998(The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day SaintsAncestral File (R)Copyright (c) 1987, June 1998, data as of 5 January 1998)The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day SaintsAncestral File (R)Copyright (c) 1987, June 1998, data as of 5 January 1998*The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day SaintsAncestral File (R)Copyright (c) 1987, June 1998, data as of 5 January 1998+The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day SaintsAncestral File (R)Copyright (c) 1987, June 1998, data as of 5 January 1998,The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day SaintsAncestral File (R)Copyright (c) 1987, June 1998, data as of 5 January 1998-The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day SaintsAncestral File (R)Copyright (c) 1987, June 1998, data as of 5 January 1998.The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day SaintsAncestral File (R)Copyright (c) 1987, June 1998, data as of 5 January 1998/The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day SaintsAncestral File (R)Copyright (c) 1987, June 1998, data as of 5 January 19980The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day SaintsAncestral File (R)Copyright (c) 1987, June 1998, data as of 5 January 19981The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day SaintsAncestral File (R)Copyright (c) 1987, June 1998, data as of 5 January 19982AOL 12/27/98.AOL 12/27/98.The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day SaintsAncestral File (R)Copyright (c) 1987, June 1998, data as of 5 January 19983Betz, Prof. Joseph Alexander1404.GED14 July 1998; ancestry.comWunknown1404.zipVarient Adeline9oRoheise and Roesia2in 41 AD by Bishop Marcelleas of Rome Descendant of the Dukes of MelanRoheise and RoesiaThe Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day SaintsAncestral File (R)Copyright (c) 1987, June 1998, data as of 5 January 19984The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day SaintsAncestral File (R)Copyright (c) 1987, June 1998, data as of 5 January 19985The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day SaintsAncestral File (R)Copyright (c) 1987, June 1998, data as of 5 January 1998611615-2.ftw7The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day SaintsAncestral File (R)Copyright (c) 1987, June 1998, data as of 5 January 19988The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day SaintsAncestral File (R)Copyright (c) 1987, June 1998, data as of 5 January 19989Betts, B.Descendants of Edmund Lockwood9 Sept 1998; http://www.quiknet.com/~bbetts/lockwood.htmDavis, 2nd, Roderic A.Lockwood Familyhttp://dav4is.8m.com/Families/Lockwood.htm, 17 Jan 2000ERoach, Daniel C.16849.gedAncestry.com, 25 May 1999, Daniel C. Roach, 13324 Laraway Drive, Riverview, FL 33569, Chase, TimothyFamily researchhttp://worldconnect.genealogy.rootsweb.com; 29 June 2000; dBrennan, CharlotteCharlotte's Web28 Aug 2000; http://worldconnect.genealogy.rootsweb.com; Barry Price w:Roach, DanielDescendants of Robert Lockwood28 May 1999, Robert Charles AndersonThe Great Migration Begins; Immigrants to New England, 1620-1633NEHGS, 1995;Kinnun, DottyKeeler, JehuDotty Kinnun, Ojai, California; February 10, 20006Jacobus, Donald LinesHistory and Genealogy of the Families of Old Fairfield, Volume IFor The Eunice Dennie Burr Chapter, DAR, Fairfield, CT. Tuttle, Morehouse & Taylor Co., New Haven, CT, 19308AjR. Thomas CollinsSavage-Collins Origins & DescendantsHttp://www.Seas.Upenn.Edu/%7Emicah/anceshtm.Htm\The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day SaintsAncestral File (TM)July 1996 (c), data as of 2 January 1996 Repository: Family History Library 35 N West Temple Street Salt Lake City, UDescendants of Robert Lockwood Susan's Family Genealogy: Lockwood Familyhttp://home.att.net/~jg245/lkwd-r5.htm#3/4<R. Thomas CollinsSavage-Collins Origins & DescendantsHttp://www.Seas.Upenn.Edu/%7Emicah/anceshtm.HtmBrøderbund Software, Inc.World Family Tree Vol. 1, Ed. 1Release date: November 29, 1995=phelps.FTWf=CB Todd "The History of Redding" / AF CB Todd "The History of Redding" / AFHAF Barlow LineageAF  AF AF AFAncestral FileSAncestral FileAncestral FileAncestral FileAncestral FileAncestral FileAncestral FileAncestral FileAncestral FileAncestral FileAncestral FileAncestral FileAncestral FileAFAF Ancestral File!AF"Ancestral File.AF# AF$"AF%#AF&$AF'%AF(&AF)'AF*(AF+)AF,*AF-+AF/,Ancestral File0!AF1-Ancestral File.AF2/AF31AF42AF53AF4JE Griffiths Pedigrees 1914fraser:Frederick O. ConantHistory and Genealogy of the Conant Family in England and America1887, Portland, ME: Harris & Williams>Beverly, MassVital records of Beverly, Massachusetts, to the end of the year 18491906, Topsfield, MA: Topsfield Historical SocietyO:Salem, MassVital records of Salem, Massachusetts, to the end of the year 18491916, Salem, MA: Essex Institute?9contributorsNew England Historical and Genealogical Register (vol:page)1847 <-> present, Boston, MA: New England Historic Genealogical Society@RJames SavageGenealogical Dictionary of the First Settlers of New England1860, Boston, MA: Little, Brown & Co5Essex CountyRecords and files of the quarterly courts of Essex County, Mass1911, Salem, MA: Essex InstituteTIcontributorsHistorical Collections of the Essex Institute1859 <-> 1944, Salem, MA: Henry Whipple & SonPQ8Marblehead, MassVital records of Marblehead, Massachusetts, to the end of the year 18491903, Salem, MA: Essex InstituteBM:Clarence A. TorreyNew England Marriages Prior to 17001985, Baltimore, MD: Genealogical Publishing CoR;Alonzo Lewis, James NewhallHistory of Lynn1865, Boston, MA: John L. Shorey, PublishersFLynn, MassVital records of Lynn, Massachusetts, to the end of the year 18491905, Salem, MA: Essex InstituteKU?Charles H. PopePioneers of Massachusetts1900, Boston, MA: Charles H. Pope!John VennAlumni Cantabrigienses1922, Cambridge, ENG: University PressLucius R. PaigeList of Freemen of Massachusetts1978, Baltimore, MD: Genealogical Publishing CoCharles H. ChandlerHistory of New Ipswich, New Hampshire, 1735-19141914, Fitchburg, MA: Sentinel Printing CoAEssex CountyProbate records of Essex County, Massachusetts1916, Salem, MA: Essex InstituteProbate CourtCase records (for place noted) A.W. Hughes ClarkeRegister of St Lawrence Jewry, London 1538-16761940, London, ENG: Harleian SocietyJ=Richard D. PierceRecords of the first church in Salem, Massachusetts, 1629-17361974, Salem, MA: Essex InstituteIBridgewater, MassVital records of Bridgewater, Massachusetts, to the year 18501916, Boston, MA: New England Historic Genealogical SocietyLBIpswich, MassVital records of Ipswich, Massachusetts, to the end of the year 18491910, Salem, MA: Essex InstituteWKPlympton, MassVital records of Plympton, Massachusetts, to the year 18501923, Boston, MA: New England Historic Genealogical SocietyN?Thomas W. BaldwinVital records of Reading, Massachusetts, to the year 18501912, Boston, MA: Wright & PotterMBeverly, MassVital records of Beverly, Massachusetts, to the end of the year 18491906, Topsfield, MA: Topsfield Historical Society9contributorsHistorical Collections of the Essex Institute1859 <-> 1944, Salem, MA: Henry Whipple & Son>Frederick O. ConantHistory and Genealogy of the Conant Family in England and America1887, Portland, ME: Harris & Williams>Clarence A. TorreyNew England Marriages Prior to 17001985, Baltimore, MD: Genealogical Publishing CoX@The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day SaintsAncestral File (R)Copyright (c) 1987, June 1998, data as of 5 January 1998V>Essex CountyRecords and files of the quarterly courts of Essex County, Mass1911, Salem, MA: Essex Institute=Marblehead, MassVital records of Marblehead, Massachusetts, to the end of the year 18491903, Salem, MA: Essex InstituteBThe Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day SaintsAncestral File (R)Copyright (c) 1987, June 1998, data as of 5 January 1998 Repository: Family History Library 35 N West Temple Street SYSLynn, MassVital records of Lynn, Massachusetts, to the end of the year 18491905, Salem, MA: Essex InstituteLClarence A. TorreyNew England Marriages Prior to 17001985, Baltimore, MD: Genealogical Publishing CoRThe Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day SaintsAncestral File (R)Copyright (c) 1987, June 1998, data as of 5 January 1998ZV?The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day SaintsAncestral File (R)Copyright (c) 1987, June 1998, data as of 5 January 1998[Y@The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day SaintsAncestral File (R)Copyright (c) 1987, June 1998, data as of 5 January 1998ZASimmons.FBK`]BSimmons.FTWa\BBidleman.FTW_BBidleman.FBKcb^BSimmons.FBK\CSimmons.FTW]CBidleman.FTW_CBidleman.FBK_C.A? @lH~~5%M&.A?σ[CH=E`r^/%:FP.A?"F%uH܅a%~My.A?^UJ[X%M.A?LGH@%F.A?7jwC +G %M.A?AQA[?oh %,F `0.A?sqqB/4%M2 .A?a)A"ٍ=%FZ .A?n{+LؐR ;%F9:}HDudM .A?RNӀN?3%Mϑ .A? 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Edward /Preston/ Capt.PxEdward /Presson/s James /Eaton/Abigail /Wood/*$Benjamin /Eaton/ 1GN1-ZNB/]William /Eaton/= FP96-0M/ Mary /SWAINE/u GTFK-WJA John /Eaton/Elizabeth /Kendall/Thomas /Kendall/ Deacon4Rebecca /Paine/Rebecca /Payne/William /Eaton/Martha /Jenkins/dArmando /Finzi-Contini/Luisa /Del Vecchio/nEttore /Calabresi/tOlga /Minerbi/aCharles Frederick /Treadway/PCelia Maine /Hayden/rArthur Edward /Weaving/Annie /Carroll/James /Weaving/ Janet /Syme/g Robert /Syme/Anne /Allison/Augustin Russell /Treadway/|Mary Louise /Mansfield/aRussell /Treadway/, Mary /Wilcox/wWilliam Lyon /Mansfield/eElizabeth Rachel /Bradley/kFrank Elwood /Hayden/l Alice /Maine/HDavid /Hayden/aElizabeth /Booth/ Rufus /Maine/ Frances /Cox/Susan /Matteson/, Sarah /Daily/nWilliam Rhoades /Mansfield/|j Sarah /Oakes/sL Sarah OakssWilliam /Mansfield/sʨElizabeth /Lyon/d PSTB-DDhNathan /Mansfield/&Deborah /Dayton// MPW6-KM/Jonathan /Mansfield/Sarah /Alling/sMoses /Mansfield/Mercy /Glover/nRichard /Mansfield/Gillian /Drake/ Daniel /Gow/f Jane /Mearns/ Edward /Gow/ James /Gow/ Ann /Gow// Thomas /Gow/ Janet /Gow/ Daniel /Gow/Elizabeth /Sime/D Janet /Gow/ Millar /Gow/Amadio /Calabresi/Christian /Secrist/Christian /Sechrist/Nancy Ann /Acker/tPeter /Secrist//Mary /Secrist/Jacob /Secrist/Anna /Secrist/Henry /Secrist/Jacob /Sechrist/rqJacob /Segrist/ѬMary /Peelman/Margaret /Peelman/iElizabeth /Secrist/John\Jacob /Secrist/c_Michael /Secrist/t=Michael /Siegrist// Anna /Garber/Mary /Secrist/S Ann /Secrist/Michael /Secrist/Barbara /Secrist/Irena /Secrist//Bartholomew /Secrist/Bartholomew /Secrist/Jacob Leroy /Secrist/Blake Barner /Secrist/ERaymond Henry /Secrist/Howard Irwin /Secrist/dElizabeth Rebecca /Secrist/Dorothy Louise /Secrist/HJanet Irene /Secrist/George E. /Kerchner/Susan /Kerchner/e:Cambridge, Mass.Barrington, RIX~New Haven, Conn.:Cambridge, Massachusetts:Washington, D.C.,~New Haven, CTѰXMilan, ItalyItalyT"New Haven, ConnecticutѰDurham, North CarolinaPIJScranton, Pennsylvanian,Philadelphia (?)4POquossoc, MaineaʱChicago, IllinoistFresno, CaliforniafConcord, New Hampshire]PSan Francisco, CaliforniazX ʱChico, CalifornianPfoutz Valley, Perry Co, PAѹPrince Edward IslandBerkeley, California.y Belvidere, Warren, NJ6,Scranton, Pennsylvania (?)]Bryn Mawr, Pennsylvania2=ѰLiverpool, Pennsylvania=IJShedfield, Hampshire, Englandi&E_Campsie Glenn, Scotland18 APR 1824 in St Marys, Limerick C96St Marys, Limerick Cathedral, Limerick, IrelandAScotlandConcord, Merrimack, New HampshireStratham, Rockingham, NHdaChesterlQEnfield, Grafton, New Hampshire_Cathedral (St. Mary), Limerick, Limerick, IrelandgHastings (on St. Leonards), EnglandCanongate, Scotland~Limerick, Ireland$tEnglandʱDoctor of Medicine`H~Winford SomersetoSɵ4Oriental, Snyder Co, PAη.Perry Co., Pennsylvania9St. Michael's Lutheran Church, Pfoutz PA۽QEnfield, New HampshireڻYork Beach, MaineݶIpswitch, MAHStratham, Rockingham, New Hampshire>Chebacco Parish, Ipswitch, MAgIpswitch, MassachusettsHgIpswitchddGrauthaw, New HampshireJyManchester, New HampshireQxGroton, Suffolk Co., England͸ Choate Islandnof Enfield, Grafton, NH$ɵPaisley, IrelandýOakwood Cemetary, Chicago9To U.S. from Ireland, 2 years in BostonpIpswich, Mass._Chicago2~=Massachusettsc/fConnecticut07Andover, Essex, Ma JColchester, Essex, England2Leith, Scotland ļQFerrara, ItalyQKɵPerugia, Italyz=Lynn, MANWaterford, Irelandburied in Abbey churchyard9lof the "Limerick Chronicle"]Reading, Middlesex, MassachusettsͺѹReading, MAZ5`Waterford pAbbey ChurchyardkM`Watertown, Middlesex, Masschusetts2Limerick, Limerick, IrelandA@iLetterkenny Co., DonegalReading, Middlesex, MaLStaple, Kent, England7Reading, Berkshire, Englandi6Shedfield, EnglandBishops Waltham, Hampshire, England ]Bristol, EnglandSt. Mary's, Dover, Kent, EnglandQHWingham, Kent, England%ηoriginal name Passinghamu ηPenn.Barner's Church Cemetary, Liverpool, PAtEdinburgh Parish, Edinburgh, Midlothian, ScotlandѹRoxbury, NJ=Forest Hills Cemetery, Dunmore, PA5JLiverpool, Perry Co., PA6Juniata County, Penn.Y)ļFranklin, Ohioe=Franklin, Co., Ohio#JMahantango, Penn.32 Chapman Township, Snyder, PA4New Jersey=w$Enfield, NHHIpswich, Essex Co., MAlEnfield, Grafton Co., NHU:Chelmsford, Middlesex, Massachusetts%PHIpswich, Massachusetts Creich, Fife, ScotlandPEdinburgh, Midlothian, Scotland)\HYorkshire, England#PSalem, MA or Ipswich, Essex Co., MA#) Lancaster, Penn.?iIAt>Chebacco, Essex County, MassachusettsIpswich, Essex Co., MassachusettsпIpswich, MAEIpswich, Essex, MAuw Robeson Twp., Berks Co., PA]Bishop's Startford, Herts., England#͸Colchester, Essexsex, Maq0Andover, Essex Co., MassachusettsSon Of John Dane, , Hannah/3rd Wife2NBishop's, Startford, Herts, England3>fDover, Kent, England6Kent, England[:]Dreptford, Kent, England=FGoffstown Twp, Hillsboro, New Hampshire.)$Enfield, N.H.Beverly, MAdChester, NH+6)Candia, Rockingham Co., NHQPChester Rock[-ingham], NHjLynn, Essex, Massachusetts):>Dunstable, MAzdHalifax, Yorkshire, EnglandM 1670zLynnfield, MA6_7ͺReading, Middlesex County, MassachusettssProb. Reading, Middlesex, MassachusettstOf Reading, Middlesex, MassachusettsGANWatertown, Middlesex, Massachusettsnsstt ýNorfolk, Norfolk, EnglandT8ͺReading, Middlesex, Mass.#Kempstead, Bedford, England HSailed from Sandwich, England;Bologna, Italy25Lugo, ItalywNBrazilBewdley Worcester, England Boxford, Suffolk, England7iThorpe-Morieux, Nr. Boxford, Suffolkshire!dGestingthorpe, Essex, England#Saint Andrew, Newcastle Upon Tyne, Northumberland, EnglandH Bildeston, Suffolk, England 6Rainhill, Lancaster, EnglandJwļfiled intent to marry papers 7-3-1732 at Salem, MAQJColumbus, Franklin Co., OhiowuNWestmoreland, Co., EnglandMWestmoreland, Englanduy]Port Byron, Cayuga, NY+Vermontth0ݶIrelandLwl Firstcongregatio, New Haven, CtuOwNew Haven, , Conn  j jLOGAN пIpswich, Essex, Massachusetts, Colonies"xGrove Street Cemetary, 28 Sycamore St.rTheydon Garnon, Essex, England, EngTheydon Garnon, Essex, EnglandLExeter, Devonshire, England|ýNew Haven, Ct.GEdinburgh, Scotlandt pAbderdeen, Scotlandf;Sprinham, Englandu#Lancaster, Penn.h0Mahantango, Juniata Co., PApLieutenant, Colonial Army%Hempfield Twp., Lycoming Co., PAH, , Massachusettsof, , Brittany, France6i}GermanyCHyManor Twp., Lancaster Co., PennsHempfield Township, Lancaster Co., PA u)CASTILE, Spain )Gisburne, Yorks., England]M, Brunton, Northumberland, EngY{9Of Gisburne, Yorkshire, England_H, , Northumberland, England M, , , Englandh@Lewistown, Penn.K Sanibel Island, Fla.Cs, Hilton, Hereford, England# 8 Essex, EnglandOiLetterkenny, Donegal, Ireland:-5Conwall Parish Churchyard, LetterkennyvK~Liverpool Twp, Perry Co, PA7Barner's Church Cemetery, Liverpool, PA,Painswick, Gloucester, England dGreenwood Twp., Cumberland Co., PA  7Barner's Cemetery, Liverpool, PAgQGreat Yarmouth, Norfolk, EnglandP Berne, Switzerland)$Perry Co., Penn.>wSt. Michaels Church, Perry, PA )RDPEmigrated to America p=Served in American Revolution^zBerks Co., Penn.%lOf, Vladimir, Vladimir, RussiaJ_ #Coldred, Kent, England!Thanet, Kent, England(ROf, Scotts Hall, Kent, EnglandeڻWingham, Kent, Enlgand Kent, Enlgand E Of, WALDEGRAVE, Northamptonshire, England4Cambridge, Cambridgeshire, EnglandUwSmithersby, Cambridgeshire, Englandh%Of, Oxborough, Norfolk, EnglandSLAKE(Of, Oxburgh, Norfolk, England gSt. James Cemetary, Dover, Kent:pjLyminge, Kent, England.A?9bwSWJ\{~Z^%.A?`0DCU/%X.A?h)Dk~g'%.A?HIeN!?j%Ѱ.A?ABj2*A E%.A?7w-HEy-$.A?>LL* R^%P.A? ^}LAFT4.A? 7_LL]Y%n.A?$% uSvK G$.A?m0GD_p$.A?UVX F3HcI+LN.A?45<-GHLJ8U/0$ʱ.A?9N\AZ $.A?YZ)T%@=}TC$4N.A?[\uD7d@7zA$N.A?Ƹ< amAz·AM.A?ddB| %.A?!#M[ $Y.A?*+&OICnJ2($.A?;<,/rIgx|[.A?67-ĖjNLn,—`$ N.A?89.7/_K,zN P >8"`]$9.A?z{0;sXL5)"=:[]$_.A?=>1rGEA~`W$tN.A?gh2>Bm$.A?KL39J nADJU,m$.A?DE4@IuN(21h.A?5w(!"O>@d.A?FG7yjH\==V.A?8"IipFH.A?9oM_kf$.A?:( OIfK.A?;;N3CoM.A?MN=#8d;Ln&iw)M$N.A?QR>c0QU"*Gbۀb[`Z$Q.A?T 3u1wJHG^jHv/9D@f0aV?LI<W,$N.A?SAUYzHzM.A?WXB 0{DU*ǫ|.A?_`C0SbK؊.A?]^DvyGZDb.A?stTMKmDK÷0JSo#`#N.A?U܊}H$5#H.A?uvVcȏ/:C h#N.A?xyWY>IFd.A?wXXJS\U`m#.A?YҊaI5#͸N.A?}~Z3EYuBzdNE8$.A?|L[r7`SN ~2 .A?\a)xM$`$.A? ]H1}5I"k.A?^u_6HtW%.A?_G8B h8#J.A? `X cxKJkwV.A?aK }M8>#.A?b͊@Gc_@KS#`ց#N.A?%&ducmIj|Q-#ͺ"b bb<b6bbb b b b b b ! b b b <bbbbbbbbbbbb b"b#b$b %b "!&b #"'b $#(b %$)b %*b'&,b('-b&(.b*)0b+*1b)+2b<,4b/-5b..6b-/:b00;b<1<b22=b<3@b 44Ab!55Bb6Cb"77Db#88Eb$9Fb%::Hb&;;Ib<Jb'=Lb(>>Ob)<?Pb*@@Qb+AARb,BBVb-CYb.DDZb/EE[b0FF]b1G_b2Hab3IIcb4JJeb5KKgb6LLhb7MMib8NNjb9OOkb:Plb;}Qmb<RRnb=SSob>TTqb?UUrb@VVsbAWWubBXvbCYYwbDZZzbE[[{bF\\}bGr]~bH^^bI__bJ``bKabLbbMcbNdbOebPffbQggbRhhbSiibTjjbUkkbVllbWmmbXnnbYoobZppb[qqb\rrb]ssb^ttb_uub`vvbawwbbxxbcyybdzzbe{{bf|bg}}b~bibjbkblb$b$b$b$b$9bmbnbkbkbobpbobobobobobqbpbpbsbqbqbqbqbqbsbbbbbbbbtb-b-b-b-Cb1b1b1b1b1Gb2b2b2b2HbbM Stratham, Rockingham, New Hampshire -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------ Source Information: -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------ BatcMh number: Dates Source Call No. Type Printout Call No. Type 5008968 - 1553412 Film NONE Sheet: 29M FamilySearchr International Genealogical IndexT v4.01 British Isles IGI Record Select record to download - (50 maximum) -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------ John CARR Sex: M MarriMage(s): Spouse: Anne MADDOCK Marriage: 18 Apr 1824 Cathedral (st. Mary), Limerick, Limerick, Ireland -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------ Source Information: -------------------M------------------------------------------------------- ------ Batch number: Dates Source Call No. Type Printout Call No. Type M700561 1726-1839 0897365 Film NONE7IFamilySearch® International Genealogical Index™ v4.01 North America IGI Record Select record to download - (50 maximum) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Priscilla CHAPMAN 7ISex: F Event(s): Birth: 1822 Stratham, Rockingham, New Hampshire Parents: Father: John CHAPMAN Mother: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Source Inform7Iation: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Batch number: Dates Source Call No. Type Printout Call No. Type 5008968 - 1553412 Film NONE Sheet: 33@M E. O. Jameson, The Cogswells in America, 9. E. O. Jameson, The Cogswells in America, p 28, William Goodhue, father of Mrs. Hannah (Goodhue) Cogswell,... James Savage, SAVAGE, Vol 2 DICT FIRST SETTLERS OF NE, pg 273. E. O. Jameson, The@M Cogswellin America, p 28, William Goodhue, father of Mrs. Hannah (Goodhue) Cogswell, married, Nov. 14, 1666, Hannah Dane. ADate of Import: Feb 9, 2000ADate of Import: Feb 5, 2000MIAccording to Maggs family tradition, Benjamin Maddock was a barrister at the Irish bar. However, according to the "Maddock Family Website," http://www.users.bigpond.com/dawntapscott/Ireland/Maddock.htm - he was a "feltmaker and hatter."ADate of Import: Feb 5, 2000PI(Shedfield is near Southampton) Title: Parish registers, 1612-1904 Authors: Church of England. Parish Church of Bishops-Waltham (Main Author) Notes: Microfilm of original records (15 volumes) in the Hampshire County Record OfficePI, Winchester. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Hampshire Record Office no.: 30M77/PR1-10, 15-16, 18 Subjects: England, Hampshire, Bishops-Waltham - Church records FormPIat: Manuscript (On Film) Language: English Publication: Salt Lake City : Filmed by the Genealogical Society of Utah, 1982 Winchester, England : Hampshire Record Office, 1992 Physical: on 2 microfilm reels and 51 microfiche ; 35PI mm.[IOccupation: Railroad Car Builder; Education: Common School Religion: Methodist Note: 31st NJ Infantry Company #1 in Civil War 62-63; After war moved to Scranton, PA;]MFamilySearch® International Genealogical Index™ v4.01 North America IGI Record Select record to download - (50 maximum) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- William Lyon MANSFIELD]M Sex: M Marriage(s): Spouse: Elizabeth Rachel BRADLEY Marriage: 1820 New Haven, Connecticut -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Source Information: --------]M------------------------------------------------------------------------ Batch number: Dates Source Call No. Type Printout Call No. Type 5008435 - 1553369 Film NONE Sheet: 18 _MFamilySearch® International Genealogical Index™ v4.01 North America IGI Record Select record to download - (50 maximum) Is this the right David Hayden? --------------------------------------------------------------------------------_M David HAYDIN Sex: M Marriage(s): Spouse: Elizabeth BOOTH Marriage: 2 Jan 1845 Franklin, Ohio -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Source Information: _M -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Batch number: Dates Source Call No. Type Printout Call No. Type M513352 1840-1852 0285143 V. 45 Film NONE Sheet: aM"The Descendants of Ezekiel Maine of Stonington, Conn." pg 68eIMoved with his mother to Chili, NY in 1801; After the death of his father in 1813, he move to NJ with his mother;lIVital Records of Ipswich, Mass. to 1849 PUBLICATION: Salem: The Essex Institute, 1910 Also known as Anna, but should not be confused with her sister Hannah.lMTitle: Old parochial registers, 1694-1854 Authors: Church of Scotland. Parish Church of Creich (Fife) (Main Author) Note Location Film Baptisms, Marriages 1694-1819; Burials 1783-1794, 1817-1820 FHL BRITISH Film 1040099 ItemlM 4 Baptisms, Marriages, Burials 1820-1854 FHL BRITISH Film 1040100 Item 1 Another microfilm copy. Salt Lake City : Filmed by the Genealogical Society of Utah, 1951. -- 1 microfilm reel ; 35 mm. FHL BRITISH Film 102181 Items 1-2 lM Numbers 1-3 of 3 film notes oI 1635 from London on Susan & Ellen to MA 1664 shares in Plum Island, MA 1668 in Ipswich, Essex Co., MA Occupied many offices of trust in colony.!.A?K3NLkK =$F".A?~nㅁFAG,$8$Fؕ#.A?W.I/,0$<$M$.A? 3YbH$-/%F%.A?M#qXEdo )$%ME.A?n}jLʈ$Fk&.A?q/"G颔,$F'.A?`5E1O3И{P5$F(.A?y^H*%Fږ.A?Za@kfm$=$dF4.A?aIA w$$y;%Mؙ5.A?*UdZLJ^yV<$A%F6.A?5-)E<`# %F% 7.A?|[FN`$`%MH 8.A?)QyVqN4k`#%Fr"9*9ۯĝaKw/`x$`C$M".A?bz@o?jF:.A?vJjI^ ~$ YW%Mۚ;.A?4iFB/u$N%.F<.A?|RD܊{w%M*/fI?@I??`ݸ$IK@IK?IK:#ѹMT?Im7`lv#Io7`&#I w7RD# I w8Sb#`# I 7֒#I 8T#ѹI7 #9I?`sb##I:`f#pM:`f#EM?zI:I#M?`($I@`$GI?`1*$iI&A!MI&B!NI(7` "3RI(A!TI(B!UI)B!ZI)A![I*7`;!3`I *A!bI*B!cI,?I;?4I<?I%=@I$=?I:`ϴM:`M)7`m#I(8#I+7`A#>I,*8Sh#`½#pI+8Sս#`/#I.7QK#I-8`:#I07Ck!q @I1/7Ck! AI2080! BI3180! CI427Ck! DI537Ck!q EI6480! FI580! GI8`! QI8# hI:7 nI98ϡ# oIP# I. 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Baltimore, 1985 Note: this would make Mary Haskell only 13 at the time of her marriage. Repository: Note: ILL Call Number: 929.373 Torrey Media: Book Page: 605rIRachel; born 13 Mar 1718 at Chebacco, Ipswich, Essex, Mass (Ibid., pg 357.); married Joseph Goodhue 9 Apr 1741 at Ipswich, Essex, Mass (Ibid., pg 413.) (Abraham Hammatt, 'The Hamatt Papers, Early, pg 353.). As of 13 Mar 1718, she was also knorIwn as Rachel Storey (_________, Vital Records of Ipswich, pg 357.).uI"Goodhue History and Genealogy in England andAmerica to 1890," by Rev. Jonathan E. Goodhue, A.M. Published by E. R. Andrews, 1 Aquaduct Street, Rochester, NY, 1891. Notes for William Goodhue: William Goodhue, father of Mrs. Hannah (GoodhueuI) Cogswell, married, Nov. 14, 1666, Hannah Dane. He was deacon of Chebacco church, captain of militia, freeman Oct. 12, 1682, selectman from 1696 to 1698, and representative to General Court nine years, between 1691 and 1711. Mrs. Cogswell haduI a brother, who was a clergyman, Rev. Francis Goodhue. She was administratrix of John Cogswell's estate. There is record of the following receipt: "Received from our married mother, Mrs. Hannah Pearley, admx. of our father, John Cogswell's estuIate, late of Ipswich." This was signed as follows: "July 11, 1726, Amos Perley, husband of Margaret; Jan 21, 172 2/8, Francis Cogswell; May 4, 1726, John Cogswell; Dec. 20, 1726, Elizabeth (Cogswell) Blaney; Aug., 1726, William Cogswell, NathauIniel Bethia, and Susanna Cogswell, Hannah Burnham, and Joseph Cogswell." Dea. William Goodhue left the library of his deceased son, Rev. Francis Goodhue, to his grandson, Francis Cogswell, who was fitting for college in 1712. It is probabluIe that this Francis Cogswell [42] did not enter college.wIOne of the disputes centered around the two ministers of the Church of Christ: Francis Dane and Thomas Barnard. Dane, then 76, had told his congregation he wanted to cut back on his duties. They hired a younger minister, Thomas Barnard from HawIrvard, expecting Dane would be leaving and that they would not have to pay his salary. But Dane insisted on staying and receiving his full salary. The town took the issue to the General Court which ruled that the community had to support bwIoth ministers, Liffmann explained. TABULAR STATEMENT OF PASTORS AND CHURCHES North Parish, First Church organized October 24, 1645 Names of Pastors Date of Installation Close of Pastoral Relation Rev. wIJohn Woodbridge October 24, 1645 1647 Rev. Francis Dane 1648 February 17, 1697 Rev. John Barnard April 8, 1719 June 14, 1757 = = = = = = Reprieved or Acquitted Elizabeth PrwIoctor, wife of John who was hanged, "on account of her condition." Mrs. Thomas Bradbury, of Salisbury, daughter of John Perkins, of Ipswich, eighty years old, condemmed, then acquitted. Rebecca Eames, wife of Robert, of Boxford, condemmed, rwIeprieved Elizabeth Morse, of Newbury, reprieved ********** Abigail Falkner of Andover, thirteen months in jail, released -- daughter of Rev. Francis Dane ********** Elizabeth Johnson, of Andover, five months in jail, released -- daughter owIf Rev. Francis Dane Mary Lacy, wife of Lawrence and daughter of Andrew and Ann Foster (died in prison), confessed, accused her mother of bewitching her, and escaped punishment. = = = = = = Sarah Lord was born about 1648 in Ipswich, MwIassachusetts, daughter of Mary (Waite) and Robert Lord, a prominent resident of Ipswich who served as Town Clerk from 1645 until his death in 1683. In 1678 Sarah Lord married widower Joseph Wilson of Andover, son of William Wilson, the emigranwIt ancestor, and his wife Patience. Their children included daughter Sarah Wilson, Jr., born in 1678. In 1692 at the height of the infamous Salem witchcraft trials, Sarah, aged about 44, her husband, Joseph, a cooper, their daughter Sarah WilsowIn, Jr., aged 14, and their other children were living in the south part of Andover, MA. Joseph and his wife were both members of the Andover church. On Wednesday morning, September 7, 1692, the Rev. Thomas Barnard called certain members of wIAndover's elite to the meetinghouse. Some children were also invited. The majority of the congregation, however, were absent. When they arrived, they found the group of Andover's "afflicted" girls already present. After a short prayer, Rev. BawIrnard launched into a sermon describing the evils of witchcraft. "Perhaps there are few persons, ever allured by the Devil unto an explicit covenant with himself. If any among ourselves be so, my counsel is, that you hunt the Devil from you." wI Five of the women present, Mary Osgood, Deliverance Dane, Sarah (Lord) Wilson, Mary (Lovett) Tyler, Abigail Barker, and one girl, Hannah Tyler, later made this statement about what followed. "After Mr. Barnard had been at prayer, we were bwIlindfolded, and our hands were laid upon the afflicted persons, they being in their fits and falling into their fits at our coming into their presence, as they said. Some led us and laid our hands upon them, and then they said they were well awInd that we were guilty of afflicting them; whereupon we were all seized, as prisoners, by a warrant from the justice of the peace [Dudley Bradstreet] and forthwith carried to Salem. "And by reason of that sudden surprise, we knowing ourselves wIaltogether innocent of that crime, we were all exceedingly astonished and amazed, and consternated and affrighted even out of our reason; and our nearest and dearest relations, seeing us in that dreadful condition, and knowing our great dangerwI, apprehending that there was no other way to save our lives, as the case was then circumstantiated, but by our confessing ourselves to be such and such persons as the afflicted represented us to be, they, out of tender love and pity, persuadewId us to confess what we did confess. "And indeed that confession, that it is said we made, was no other than what was suggested to us by some gentlemen, they telling us that we were witches, and they knew it, and we knew it, and they knew thatwI we knew it, which made us think it was so; and our understanding, our reason, our faculties almost gone, we were not capable of judging our condition; as also the hard measures they used with us rendered us incapable of making our defense, buwIt said anything and everything which they desired, and most of what we said was but in effect a consenting to what they said. Some time after, when we were better composed, they telling us of what we had confessed, we did profess that we were wIinnocent, and ignorant of such things; and we hearing that Samuel Wardwell had renounced his confession, and quickly after condemned and executed, some of us were told that we were going after Wardwell." Why were these particular people, twIhe leading citizens of Andover, singled out to come together at the meeting house in Andover to be put to the touch test? In the settlement of Andover, those who came first obtained the most desirable and largest portions of land; latecomers wwIere given the crumbs, small farms on marginal land. The controlling elite - those who gained their large land-holdings by the good fortune of being the town's first settlers - were now under attack. In the eight weeks from July 15, 1692 unwItil the touch test on September 7, Dudley Bradstreet, acting in his capacity as justice of the peace, had granted out arrest warrents against, and committed, some thirty Andover persons to prisons for supposed witchcrafts. Now, on September 7,wI Dudley Bradstreet dutifully wrote out the arrest warrents for the eighteen who were accused in the touch test. Torn from their homes without warning, stripped of their dignity and their rights, these women with terror in their hearts found thwIemselves being carted off to Salem prison, accused of witchcraft. Sarah (Lord) Wilson and her 14 year-old daughter, Sarah, Jr. were among those imprisoned. Sarah was the sister of Ephraim Foster's aunt, Abigail (Lord) Foster. On September 14, wIEphraim Foster testified against Samuel Wardwell, who was hanged on September 22, 1692. The touch test was cunningly executed. The elite of Andover were caught off guard. Capt. Osgood, Deacon Frye, and others had urged their wives to confe wIss. Apparently these men, pillars of the church, believed the message preached by Barnard that confession was the way to eternal life. They also may have hoped that confession would save the lives of their wives. And "confess" these women did. wI Those who did not were in danger of being tried and executed. Not until their wives and children were in prison did the minds of these men begin to clear. They then realized that they had been deceived by the fanaticism of their younger minis  wIter, Thomas Barnard. Capt. Osgood, Deacon Frye and the other good men of Andover now began to comprehend the full implications of the storm raging in their midst. They turned to their older minister, Rev. Francis Dane, and formed a resistan  wIce movement. Under his guidance they started to take the strong steps required to free the imprisoned members of their families. On September 16 the Andover children Sarah Wilson, Jr., 14, Dorothy Faulkner, 12, Abigail Faulkner, Jr., 9, Jo  wIanna Tyler, 11 and Martha Tyler, 11, as well as Joseph Draper, 21, were made to confess that they had been led into witchcraft by Abigail (Dane) Faulkner. The officials were desperate for evidence to use against Abigail Faulkner in her forthco wIming trail, as she had made only a partial confession. "Also, Martha Tyler, Johanna Tyler, Sarah Wilson, and Joseph Tyler, confessing themselves witches, did all acknowledge that they were led into that dreadful sin of witchcraft by the means  wIof the aforesd Abigail Faulkner." On October 15 the officials allowed Sarah Wilson, Jr. to be released on bail after six weeks imprisonment. The other imprisoned Andover children were also allowed to be released on bail about the same time. wI The ministers visited the prisons to confer with the prisoners in an effort to elicit confessions. In October, Rev. Increase Mather visited the Salem prison and interviewed Sarah (Lord) Wilson. Rev. Increase Mather's Report of his ConverwIation in Prison with Sarah Wilson, Sr. "Goodwife Wilson said that she was in the dark as to some things in her confession. Yet she asserted that, knowingly, she never had familiarity with the Devil; that, knowingly, she never consented to twIhe afflicting of any person, &c. However, she said that truly she was in the dark as to the matter of her being a witch. And being asked how she was in the dark, she replied, that the afflicted persons crying out of her as afflicting them madewI her fearful of herself; and that was all that made her say that she was in the dark." On October 8, 1692, one month after the "touch test", Thomas Brattle wrote, "Deacon Frye's wife, Captain Osgood's wife, and some others, remarkably piouswI and good people in repute, are apprehended and imprisoned [at the touch test]; and that that is more admirable, the forementioned women are become a kind of confessors, being first brought thereto by the urgins of their good husbands, who havwIing taken up that corrupt and highly pernicious opinion, that whoever were accused by the afflicted, were guilty, did break charity with their dear wives, upon their being accused, and urged them to confess their guilt; which so far prevailed wIwith them as to make them say, they were afraid they were in the snare of the Devil; and which, through the rude and barbarous methods that were afterwards used in Salem, issued in somewhat plainer degrees of confession, and was attended with wIprison. The good Deacon and Captain are now sensible of their error they were in; do now grieve and mourn bitterly, that they should break charity with their own wives, and urge them to confess themselves witches. They now see and acknowledge wItheir rashness and uncharitableness." Dudley Bradstreet, the justice of the peace, had also come to his senses. His warrants had put in jail nearly fifty Andover citizens. After the touch test, he refused to grant out any more warrants. SowIon after his decision, Dudley Bradstreet and his wife, Ann, were cried out upon. The afflicted claimed he had killed nine persons by witchcraft. In response, Bradstreet and his wife found escape their safest course and in short order they fledwI from Massachusetts. However, he later returned to Andover and his name appears first on the petition written in late December. On 12 Oct Joseph Wilson, on behalf of his wife and daughter, petitioned, along with eight other men of Andover, wIfor the release of their families on bail. Petition "To the Honoured Court now sitting in Boston this 12th of October 1692. Right Honoured Gentlemen and Fathers, We, your humble petitioners, whose names are underwritten, petition your hwIonors as followeth: We would not trouble you with a tedious Diversion, but briefly spread open our distressed condition and beg your honour's favor and pity in affording what relief may be thought convenient, As for the matter of our Troubles wIit is the distressed condition of our wives and Relations in prison at Salem who are a company of poor distressed creatures as full of inward grief and trouble as they are able to bear up in life withall. And besdies the agrivation of outward wItroubles and hardships they undergo and want of fo;od; and the coldness of the winter season that is coming may soon despatch such out of the way that have not been used to such hardships. "And besides this, the exceeding great charges and wIexpences that we are at upon many accounts which will be Tedious to give a particular account of, which will fall heavy upon us, especially in a time of so great charge and expence upon a general account in the country, which is expected of us wI to bear a part as well as others, which if all put together our families and estates will be brought to Ruin, if it cannot in time be prevented. Having spread open our condition, we humbly make address to your Honors, to Grant that our Wives !wIand Relations (being such that have been approved as penitent Confessors), might be returned home to us upon what bond your Honors may see good. We do not petition to take them out of the hand of justice, but to remove them as Prisoners under " wIbonds in their own families where they may be more tenderly cared for and be ready to appear to answer further when the Honored Court shall call for them. We humbly crave your Honors favor and pitty for us and ours. Having set down our Trouble#!wId State before you, we hereby pray your honors: John Osgood in behalf of his wife. John Ffray in behalf of his wife. John Marston in behalf of his wife Mary Marston. Christopher Osgood in behalf of his daughter Mary Marston. Joseph Wilson i$"wIn behalf of his wife & children. John Bridges in behalf of his wife & children. Hope Tyler in behalf of his wife & daughter. Ebenezer Barker for his wife Nathaniel Dane for his wife." On October 18, again Joseph Wilson and 25 other men of A%#wIndover petitioned for the release of prisoners on bail. On December 6, Joseph Wilson and seven other men of Andover petitioned a third time for release of the prisoners on bail, emphasizing the desperation and suffering of the accused, and the&$wIir "extreme danger of perishing." The efforts of the Andover resistenace started to take effect. The authorities allowed a few of the imprisoned women to be released on bail. On December 20, Sarah (Lord) Wilson was released on bail after 15'%wI weeks imprisonment, along with Mary (Clement) Osgood and Eunice (Potter Frye). Husbands and kinsmen had to post stiff recognizance bonds which would be forfeited if the released prisoners did not appear at the meeting of the Superior Court of(&wI Judicature scheduled of January 3, 1693. The rest of the Andover women had to remain in prison. Recognizance for Sarah Wilson, Sr. and Sarah Wilson, Jr. Memorandum: That on the Thirteenth day of January 1693 In the fourth year of th)'wIe Reigne of our Sovereigne Lord & Lady Willam & Mary by the Grace of God of England &c: King & Queen defenders of the faith &c: Personally appeared before W'm Stoughton Esq'r cheife Justice of their Maj'ies Province of the Massachusets bay in *(wINew England John Osgood of the Town of Andiver in the County of Essex husbandman & Joseph Wilson of the Same Towne and acknowledged themselves to be Joyntly and Severally Indebted unto our s'd Sovereigne Lord & Lady and the Surviver of them th+)wIeir Heires & Successors in the sum of One Hundred Pounds to be levied on their or either of their Lands and Tennements, goods and chattles for the use of our said Sovereigne Lord & Lady the King and Queen or Survivor of them On Condition that ,*wISarah Wilson the wife of Joseph and Sarah her daughter haveing stood committed for suspition of Witchcraft shall make their Personall appearance before the Justices of our s'd Lord & Lady the King & Queen at the next Court of Assizes & General-+wIl Goale Delivery to be holden for the County of Essex then and there to answer to all such matters & things as shall in their Maj'ies behalfe be alledged against them and to doe & receive that which by the s'd Court shall be then & there injoy.,wIned them & thence not to depart w'th out license. Attest *Jona Elatson Cler -- (Reverse) Recognizance of Jno Osgood Joseph Willson Sarah Willson the wife of Joseph Willson and Sarah her daughter May the 10'th Appeared In late De/-wIcember, Dudley Bradstreet, the Rev. Dane, the Rev. Barnard, thirty-eight other men, and twelve women drew up a petition that was presented to the Superior Court of Judicature at Salem at its opening session on January 3, 1693. The petition was0.wI on behalf of Mary (Clement) Osgood, Eunice (Potter) Frye, Deliverance (Haseltine) Dane, Sarah (Lord) Wilson and Abigail (Wheeler) Barker. These women, all church members and part of the Andover elite, had been arrested together at the Andover1/wI touch test. The petition affirmed the innocence of all, a bold step, indicative of the courage of the Rev. Dane. Petition for Mary Osgood, Eunice Fry, Deliverance Dane, Sarah Wilson, Sr., and Abigail Barker To the honoured court of Ass20wIize held at Salem, The humble address of several of the inhabitants of Andover. May it please this honoured court, We being very sensible of the great sufferings our neighbours have been long under in prison, and charitably judging that31wI many of them are clear of that great transgression which hath been laid to their charge, have thought it our duty to endeavor their vindication so far as our testimony for them will avail. The persons in whose behalf we are desired and concer42wIned to speak something at present are Mrs. Mary Osgood, Eunice Frye, Deliverance Dane, Sarah Wilson and Abigail Barker, who are women of whom we can truly give this character and commendation, that they have not only lived among us so inoffens53wIively as not to give the least occasion to any that know them to suspect them of witchcraft, but by their sober godly and exemplary conversation have obtained a good report in the place, where they have been well esteemed and approved in the c64wIhurch of which they are members.We were surprized to hear that persons of known integrity and piety were accused of so horrid a crime, not considering, then, that the most innocent were liable to be so misinterpreted and abused. When these wom75wIen were accused by some afflicted persons of the neighbourhood, their relations and others, tho' they had so good grounds of charity that they should not have thought any evil of them, yet, through a misrepresentation of the truth of that evid86wIence that was so much credited and improved against people, took great pains to persuade them to own what they were, by the afflicted, charged with, and, indeed, did unreasonably urge them to confess themselves guilty, as some of us who were t97wIhen present can testify. But these good women did very much assert their innocency, yet some of them said they were not without fear least Satan had some way ensnared them, because there was that evidence against them which then was by many th:8wIought to be a certain indication and discovery of withccraft, yet they seriously professed they knew nothing by themselves of that nature: Nevertheless, by the unwearied sollicitations of those that privately discoursed them both at home and a;9wIt Salem, they were at length persuaded publickly to own what they were charged with , and so submit to that guilt which we still hope and believe they are clear of. And, it is probable, the fear of what the event might be, and the encouragemen<:wIt that it is said was suggested to them, that confessing was the only way to obtain favour, might be too powerful a temptation for timorous women to withstand, in the hurry and distraction that we have heard they were then in. Had what they sa=;wIid against themselves proceeded from conviction of the fact, we should have had nothing to have said for them, but we are induced to think that it did not, because they did soon privately retract what they had said, as we are informed, and, wh><wIile they were in prison, they declared to such as they had confidence to speak freely and plainly to, that they were not guilty of what they had owned, and that what they had said against themselves was the greatest grief and burden they labou?=wIred under; Now, though we cannot but judge it a thing very sinful for innocent persons to own a crime they are not guilty of, yet, considering the well ordered conversation of those women while they lived among us, and what they now seriously @>wIand constantly affirm in a more composed frame, we cannot but in charity judge them innocent of the great transgression that hath been imputed to them. As for the rest of our neighbours, who are under the like circumstances with these that havA?wIe been named, we can truly say of them that while they lived among us, we have had no cause to judge them such persons as, of late, they have been represented and reported to be, nor do we know that any of their neighbours had any just groundsB@wI to suspect them of that evil that they are now charged with. Dudley Bradstreet Samuel Ingolls John Abbot, sen. Francis Dane, jun. Elizabeth Rite Eliza. Barnard Francis Dane, sen. Ephraim Stevens Samuel Blanchard George Abbot WmCAwI. Peters Phebe Robinson Thomas Barnard Daniel Poore Wm. Ballard Wm. Chandler, jun. Sam. Peters Hannah Chandler Tho. Chandler, sen. John Ingolls Thomas Hooper John Chandler Walter Wright Hannah Dane John Barker Henry Ingolls, jun.DBwI John Hooper Joseph Robinson Hooker Osgood Bridget Chandler Henry Ingolls, sen. John Frie, sen. Wm. Abbot Thomas Johnson Benj. Stevens Mary Johnson Wm. Chandler, sen. James Frie James Russell Tho. Johnson, jun. Ann Bradstreet RECwIobert Russel Samuel Martin John Aslebee Oliver Holt Andrew Peters Joanna Dane Mary Russel Stephen Parker Samuel Holt John Presson Mary Peters Eliza. Stevens Neither Sarah (Lord) Wilson nor her daughter, Sarah, Jr. were tried iFDwIn January, 1693. On January 13, Joseph WIlson and John Osgood posted a recognizance bond of £100 for the continued freedom of Sarah (Lord) Wilson and Sarah Wilson, Jr. on bail. On 10 May 1693, mother and daughter appeared at the Superior CourGEwIt of Judicature at Ipswich and were cleared. The family remained in Andover after the witchcraft scare subsided. Joseph died April 2, 1718. Sarah died in Andover on May 21, 1727. Their daughter, Sarah, Jr. married Jacob Preston, a grandsonHFwI of emigrant, Roger Preston, in Andover on June 17, 1702 and removed to Ashford, Connecticut. Mass. Archives Vol. 135 No. 145; The Salem Witchcraft Papers, "Verbatim Transcripts of the Legal Documents of the Salem Witchcraft Outbreak of 1IGwI692," 3 volumes, DaCapo, New York, 1977 Witchcraft, Magic, and Religion in 17th Century Massachusetts, Richard Weisman, University of Massachusetts, Amherst, MA, 1984 Salem Witchcraft and Hawthorne's House of the Seven Gables, Enders A. JHwIRobinson, Heritage Books Inc., Bowie, MD, 1992 More Wonders of the Invisible World, or the Wonders of the Invisible World Displayed in Five Parts, Robert Calef, London, 1700. Reprinted, Salem, MA 1861 Historical Sketches of Andover, MasKIwIsachusetts, Sarah Loring Bailey, Houghton, Mifflin and Co, Boston, MA,1880 Essex Co. Archives "Witchcraft" Vol. 2, page 20 Records of Salem Witchcraft Copied From the Original Documents, Privately printed for W. Elliott Woodward, RoxburLJwIy, MA, 1864, volume 2 History of Ipswich, Essex, and Hamilton, Joseph B. Felt, 1834 Salem Witchcraft with An Account of Salem Village and A History of Opinions on Witchcraft and Kindred Subjects, Charles W. Upham, Boston, MA, Wiggin and MKwILunt, 1867 Wilson Genealogy; Margaret Abbott; 1983 Genealogical Dictionary of the First Settlers of New England, James Savage, Genealogical Publ. Co., Baltimore, MD, 1990 (rev.) The Pioneers of Massachusetts, Charles Henry Pope, BaltLwIimore, MD, (reprint) 1969ADate of Import: Feb 9, 2000ADate of Import: Feb 9, 2000ADate of Import: Feb 9, 2000 ADate of Import: Feb 9, 2000 ADate of Import: Feb 9, 2000wM One source identifies Jane Hussey's father as Capt. Christopher Hussey and her mother as Theodate Batchelder, but the dates seem inconsisten.UxIID: I0099 Name: William Goodhue Sex: M Birth: 1612 in Kent, England Death: 7 SEP 1699 in Chebacco (now Essex), Massachusets Event: Emigrated 1635 from Kent, England to Ipswich, Massachusetts Note: William, who emigrated from Kent, TxIEngland in November 1635/1636, was the first of the Goodhue family in America.WyI Sources: Title: The Abridged Compendium of American Genealogy Author: Frederick A. Virkus Publication: 1925 Repository: Call Number: Media: Family Archive CD "Fayerweather Family," NEHGSS "Register," Vol 144, pg. 8. Title: New EnglandXVyI Families Genealogical & Memorial, Third Series, Vol. I Author: William Richard Cutter Publication: NY: 1915; repr. by Genealogical Publishing Co., Inc., Baltimore, 1997 Repository: Call Number: Media: Book Page: pg. 63 Title: Vital RecYWyIords of Ipswich, Essex Co., Massachusetts to the End of the Year 1849, Vol. III Author: The Essex Institute Publication: Salem, MA: 1919; reproduced on CD by Search & ReSearch Publishing Corporation, Wheat Ridge, CO 1998 Repository: Call NXyIumber: Media: Book Page: pg. 569 Also known as Margaret[{I IGI Record Select record to download - (50 maximum) -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------ Elizabeth Winn POLLARD Sex: F Event(s): Birth: 19 Apr 1794 Goffstown Twp, Hillsboro, \Z{INew Hampshire Parents: Father: James POLLARD Mother: Esther -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------ Source Information: ------------------------------------------------------------[{I-------------- ------ Batch number: Dates Source Call No. Type Printout Call No. Type 7540070 - 1001029 Film NONE Sheet: 0IType: Book Periodical: Vital Records of Beverly, MA_I International Genealogical Index (IGI) Record Number 446075, Reference Number1439 Peter Maggs has guessed that this is the Abigail Wood who married James Eaton. The ages match exactly and the places where the families lived are close togeth^Ier. ADate of Import: Feb 5, 2000 ADate of Import: Feb 5, 2000ADate of Import: Feb 5, 2000ADate of Import: Feb 5, 2000ADate of Import: Feb 5, 2000ADate of Import: Feb 5, 2000ADate of Import: Feb 14, 2000ADate of Import: Feb 5, 2000ADate of Import: Feb 5, 2000ADate of Import: Feb 5, 2000kICould this be the person? FamilySearch® International Genealogical Index™ v4.01 North America IGI Record Select record to download - (50 maximum) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ljI David HAYDEN Sex: M Event(s): Birth: 2 Mar 1822 Of Harwinton, Connecticut Parents: Father: David HAYDEN Mother: Maria Ann SMITH ---------------------------------------------------------------mkI----------------- Source Information: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Film Number: 457363 Page Number: Reference Number: Prepare selected records for downlIload -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Gender: M Birth: 2 Mar 1822 Of Harwinton, ConnecticutoIIndividual Record FamilySearch® Ancestral File™ v4.19 Is this she? -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Elizabeth LYON (AFN: PSTB-DD) Sex: F ------------------------------------pnI-------------------------------------------- Event(s): Birth: 1757 Christening: May 1757 Firstcongregatio, New Haven, Ct Death: 18 Oct 1817 ---------------------------------------------------------------------oI----------- Parents: Father: William LYON (AFN: PSTB-ML) Mother: Elizabeth MALTBIE (AFN: PSTB-9V)ADate of Import: Feb 13, 2000ADate of Import: Feb 13, 2000ISome say the husband is John MansfieldIor GillearADate of Import: Mar 1, 2000ADate of Import: Feb 13, 2000ADate of Import: Feb 13, 2000ADate of Import: Feb 13, 2000 ADate of Import: Feb 24, 2000!ADate of Import: Feb 25, 2000"ADate of Import: Feb 24, 2000MAbt. 1627#ADate of Import: Feb 4, 2000$ADate of Import: Feb 4, 2000M [dickdutton.ged] SLAKE%ADate of Import: Feb 4, 2000[.A?6NɛWHM[.A?ŌtLJTJ;F7Xr98hIqRj `$McXs.A?FY/ TC1T-`$F\.A?!/K8uqltM\.A?ILuk,J%<(3RF̦]t059DL H.`#R$`o$M]%594_JwGAxF Yu.A?5sI@*`2%MFYv{9PNDϦ`$#`%Fd_9j59jFN]TFŀM_.A?4ߑNHGJI]F`w(99ߠ;>BwssH`k$`$Mç`O99 PK5']`q$Fax99, B%E7"`I$$Fb.A?0'"Ai0}F ^y.A?qGM'PNL{Mt`1*$` $ML^:bq.\ JoLw!.$$Fcz.A?p<0%QHP-`$Mc<n59,lXA Fʆ0I` $ $dd$Fd{.A?$czM>l h"(;`#`2$MdM1:O @tRa~n#c$^%2^%2F>e|.A?-J̖`\#`V'$Mce}.A?yKg=+ߧ#:$:Ff~.A?2.kEo`Me#:#:Mf.A?eZdEx4Wk#:`Ƴ#:Fésf:3"<ԋ~O\-`;# `!|#4Mt=:I=qd1ḶAo`4# `#F$.A?WQN dC|E$P͚$qM$$Fa<9xLWsg`9$)$FB.A?H\A \ˣ ڿM_.A?': !N*D1tM{.A?Jk@HWf}TF.A?XKyM.A?MoJ@DFΪk.A? b4Oy7v`$`T$Mk.A?5o%Ϭg@KF.A?q"tIKaVNF`".A?=j`E#Ғ.A?|}硺Dn.A?'%9Gv2ė/`".A?`E&5F7`"M.A?*$O0_`@"u.A?.T-Cō}^.A?/maoŒKф-مH.A?00#VAOB".A?1`jh6@~^O8.A?2ۄ Dz)UG.A?3`FeҽtRM.A?4c[lN9cpv.A?5j _Q2=Gz.A?6GoG\C.A?:L ՒlAT G#H.A?dL.6CqUc`c#H.A?<5EsfrpKc.A?=HdRD yBI#.A?>0zH=Jtӽ.A??ԼE"oK.}7.A?@v DZ#W#N.A?AP"LKͲ".A?Bq:ǡBy "F.A?C,:@,Q.A?Dkyq JR%jRf.A?zB"%c"̳.A?E/õB@F`".A?F`Ayu.A?Gj_ #LZs%2`k".A?H5SR6-He"MH.A?I_KdS@\pJf.A?J#5xE P|.A?K0LeQaL.A?7gEٮy].A?uKIcڶ:CJ.A?M7>LϾ6`!.A?NіSK(.A?YB^|I/MA~`#M.A?UյLi"U&`.A?nRGNr;h  l.A?$MjdC$!N.A?PRusL@@n&.A?Q*=S'qJ&d.A?RDNi̋\K.A?SnL"I; 'ٖ.A?ߢ,sI/lАr^ .A?TRLĕ@qq|.A?Uy~ЮAT_P.A?VW Y0YAC jy.A?Wnp@Ojl.A?XC BANed.A?( i Yp D(o/0A.A?*+[ oO5Q`|D#QN.A?=\ BDݩ%.A?]e!DI L]dS#`#!.A?^\}YcDublH.A?r8J%3S#`#t.A?@ `45ڳ@9+`X" .A?#d aý3I %^7.A?&[&>BJ.`_"".A?iCx3z.IAN-.A?cOII].A?dƁ?]G)x2.A?e4?-DɡFv.A?fBӵE,H .A?gdΟM~4.A?hSO.A?ip4WK49.A?jGlhQ{B";.A?k'2^G]DQT.A?lSxDmS.A?mȵ^HA .A?nnDݞ~.A?oAT{@LM.A?pTIU-ve.A?qo tJ@%bbbbbbbb'b'b'b'b'b'=bvbLbLbLbLbLbLbLbLbLbLbbNbNbNd bO bO bO bO bOebwbxbybzb{b|b}b~bTb!b$b&b(b*b+b"",b-b.b/b2b3b7bb9b:b;b<b>b@bBbCbDbfIbfJbfKbfLbfMbfNbf|ObPb(=biRbiSbiTbiUbXbYbZb[b\b]b^b _b+1 `b!(  =b( =b(  =b('3 =b(3=b( =b(pb(=b(=b'Qb(d3=b(=b(=bqbrbwsbwtbwubwvbwwb zb!|b" ~b!b#"b$#b$b-%b'&b('b)(b)b+*b+b%,b*-b..b//b00b11b22b33b44b55b66b 87b 98b 79b::b;b<<b=b>>b??b@@bAAbBBbCCbDDbEEbFFbGGbHHbIIbJJbKKbLbMMbNNb0 O bPbQQbRRbSSbTTbUUbVVbWWbXXbYYbZb[[b\\b]b^b_b`baabbbccbddb .A?<A5ТGB$F(.A?2~=I9?I$MEV.A?M541C}_`W$`l$Mh2.A?2+DŽCZOMQ`!$`z$Mo.A? 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Mary /Nash//James /Alling/*0Marry /Coppin\Choppin/r1 John /Allen/\2 Thomas /Nash/C3Margery /Baker/o4Bindley /Nash/5Nicholas /Baker/p6Mary /Hodgett\Hodgetts/7 Robert /Coe/\7 9KH5-37C8Hannah /Mitchell/e8 9KH1-2HM9 Robert /Coe/e: Henry /Coo/;Mary /Vincent/l< John /Coo/n= /Dorothy/> John /Coo/n? /Margaret/n@ John /Coo/nAJoane /Golding//B Thomas /Coo/gC John /Coo//D John /Coo//E /Eleanor/F John /Coo//GElizabeth /MALTBIE/tG PSTB-9Vh HWilliam /LYON/H PSTB-ML/IMercy /Mansfield/JHannah /Mansfield/KSamuel /Mansfield/SLMoses /Mansfield/MSarah /Mansfield/NRichard /Mansfield/OBathshia /Mansfield/PHenry /Glover/iQExperience /Walcott/RHannah /Glover/S Mary /Glover//T John /Glover/UAbigail /Glover/sVWilliam /DE DENE/WWilliam /A'dene/XEllen /Glover//Y John /Glover/ZElizabeth /Glover/,[ Anne /Glover/\William /Glover/ ]Thomas /Glover/^George /Glover/_ Jane /Glover//`Peter /Glover/SaFrances /Wakemen/b Esther /Peck/cMary /Wakeman/kdSamual /Wakeman/eSarah /Wakeman/fJohn /Wakeman/gMartha /Wakemen/hPriscilla /Wakemen/iSamuel /Wakeman/njElizabeth /Wakeman/kIsaac /Wakeman/lJoseph /Wakeman/,mAnna /Wakeman/ nHester\Ester /Wakeman/,oJohn /Wakeman/,p John /Oakes//qNicholas /Vincent/erAndrew /Vincent/Ss Joyce /Eaton/tBarbara /Eaton/u John /Eaton/,vWilliam /Eaton/wNicolas /Eaton/xRev. Stephen /Batchelder/m%yJohn /Mansfield/ L%ySir zWilliam /Kendall/{Sarah /Brayne/,|James /Kendall/}Elizabeth /Miles/~Samuel /Kendall/Thomas /Kendall/ John /Kendall//Thomas /Kendall/ James /Kendall/Henry /Kendall/Elizabeth /(Edith)/Jeremiah /Kendall/Bartholomew /Kendall/Edward /Kendall/vJohn /Kendall/John /Kendall/ /Margaret/NJohn /Kendall/Thomas /Kendall/dWilliam /Kendall/George /Kendall/v/Agnes/Andrew /Vincent/vPellegrina /Pisa/Giulio /Minerbi/v Ebe /Finzi/ Moise /Finzi/ Bellina /?//Giuseppe /Minerbi/Constanza /Pirani/uSimone /Minerbi/Giuditta? /Coen/Jeps? /Minerbi/Zaccaria /Finzi-Contini/vLucrezia /Neri/CLeon Vita /Finzi-Contini/Jacopo Amadio /Finzi-Contini/Cesare /Del Vecchio/CBice /Cavalieri/MSalvatore /Del Vecchio/Celeste /Vita/ Isacco /Cavalieri/lEva /Zamorani/aMoise /Cavalieri/Katharine Ashley /Whartenby/Miles Paul /Calabresi/ Augustus Gilbert /Calabresi/lBrent Arthur /Calabresi/Henry /Widener/Mary Clackner /(Calckgleaser)/Zacariah /Story/,Rachel /Andrews/r, Seth /STORY/b,w, Sgt. & Deacon, M7HF-2SeElizabeth /Cross/ -William /Story/, FVQS-LW/C-Sarah /Foster/oc-$-Sarah /Forster/C- 94SK-W2o John? /Gow/-William Lyon /Sime/- Wiliam Simn Mary /Hunter/Patrick /Hunter/rJames /Mearns/ Anne Patrick or /Paidrie/Thomas Patrick or /Paidrie/Helen /Clement/rJames Patrick or /Paidrie/uJean /Litster/KJohn /Litster/sThomas Patrick or /Paidrie/Catharine /Honeyman/iJohne /Honyman/Robert /Clement/Thomas /Hussey/Bridget /Bowes/u.A?E|{%C{`]~$z$M.A?kVD|=F.A?CL!'|"Nv>;8A^F.A?]onC$BM.A?MXMkmئF$r.A?OlO<ԐMC.A?\ICރvsFa.A? }M3KNM.A?Iu5mHʺ_F.A?]@-؜$"Fu.A?V귖LЭF.A?Q#An%t$F.A?}Cv$M.A?ŦL$ $FD.A?C1~]*$Mm.A?C,)LPS=$F.A? >,EAo{^$M.A?F+3N.A?0dVꇢ@Y.A?1SLξ:D؆.A?A(?lWFh8|KN.A?1UG\]iD .A?12[\M9Y"%#!%$.A?1RΣAټCf#%4@%&.A?35LA3Dۺ"am.A?3`|p2]Gd ߹"%'.A?Hb M1'.A?4eqN~B`Q{"(3%).A?4 Ct^`"*%+.A?cLk.8JU`F", )%-.A?885 <؎INw*M.A?<\[A+џ` !.A?;<9 A:*`>.A?@WyĒ+@J ǹ`e!..A?Ag ZWJHjVk` !/.A?BCN(wVCm̗H.A?DE4sxDB|.A?FGЉI54s.A?HI,-$oGA*"C.A?4k޹fL*!`"0k%2.A?Yov DCnd`r"4 %5.A?}Ca L~͋Qf.A?nf\ﺎzFsK5`"%6%7.A?huE[OD`T"8.A?n^ake38CQ N`Q{"(9l%:.A?q`&f`HI$Kq~d"%;.A?ch8 EԐx.A?e f #~mIw\%U.A??#^AFBJRf8`6"h<2%=.A?cưD+.A?=cFM—y".A?gLN풉XgS"`".A?nrEb.A?/o~JSV@`">.A? 4F+,P`!,?.A?=ZQN=e^Q#`"R@.A?S!hC:y0HA.A?:H\B^%Dy3"'1%B.A?F+3N|,yw`!C.A?UR!{K4_9G#D.A?0@m]9 .A?@i/A9 7.A?I:A=L&GKF`!H.A?Ev~B8^ _.A?-ߣwA[N`!O.A?'ev@R T.A?0 K[8`O!Q\.A?F7 dHgd\.A?c8G)'.A?6HBܝ.A? "p:B"4_Л.A?WDL1Q͞Cl _.A?SHC*6e.A?h^bN Y;.A?N.A? $-"8'O 9,+W.A?`rbE⹭}9&ADate of Import: Feb 4, 2000I Death also reported as 1805IShe was the widow of John Bunn.M [dickdutton.ged] SLAKE'ADate of Import: Feb 4, 2000M22:13M [dickdutton.ged] ARIZO(ADate of Import: Feb 4, 2000)ADate of Import: Feb 4, 2000*ADate of Import: Feb 4, 2000+ADate of Import: Feb 4, 2000M [dickdutton.ged] SLAKE,ADate of Import: Feb 4, 2000-ADate of Import: Feb 4, 2000.ADate of Import: Feb 11, 2000/ADate of Import: Feb 11, 20000ADate of Import: Feb 4, 20001ADate of Import: Feb 4, 20002ADate of Import: Feb 4, 20003ADate of Import: Feb 4, 20004ADate of Import: Feb 4, 20005ADate of Import: Feb 4, 2000M [dickdutton.ged] SLAKE6ADate of Import: Feb 4, 20007ADate of Import: Feb 4, 20008ADate of Import: Feb 4, 2000M [dickdutton.ged] SLAKE9ADate of Import: Feb 4, 2000:ADate of Import: Feb 4, 2000M [dickdutton.ged] SGEOR;ADate of Import: Feb 4, 2000M [dickdutton.ged] IFALL.A?1O%Mg)`̟#F.A?JL~NIR-'`#F.A?mgEv!E]`#M.A?9Ҷ0FC xiǀ`vX#F$.A?.t -KH~,xSc#`Me#MC.A?`ETIynFck#F`.A?:ƬO6I`m#F.A?$mXAOB`p#F.A?ԤADate of Import: Feb 4, 2000?ADate of Import: Feb 4, 2000@ADate of Import: Feb 4, 2000AADate of Import: Feb 4, 2000 M [dickdutton.ged] ARIZOBADate of Import: Feb 4, 2000CADate of Import: Feb 4, 2000DADate of Import: Feb 9, 2000EADate of Import: Nov 7, 1999FADate of Import: Nov 7, 1999%I Also said to be born before 1503 at Upton Cresset, Shropshire, EnglandGADate of Import: Nov 7, 1999HADate of Import: Feb 4, 2000&I [pjautry.ged] From the database of PJ Autry:(pjautry@aol.com) Check primary records.JADate of Import: Feb 14, 2000LADate of Import: Feb 14, 2000MADate of Import: Feb 14, 2000NADate of Import: Feb 14, 2000OADate of Import: Feb 4, 2000QADate of Import: Feb 14, 2000SADate of Import: Feb 14, 2000TADate of Import: Feb 14, 2000UADate of Import: Feb 14, 2000WADate of Import: Feb 14, 2000YADate of Import: Feb 14, 2000ZADate of Import: Feb 14, 2000[ADate of Import: Feb 14, 2000\ADate of Import: Feb 4, 2000]ADate of Import: Feb 4, 2000_ADate of Import: Feb 14, 20009)P0lEast Herling, Norfolk, Englandyp%Oxburg, Norfolk, Englandu%Of, Suffolk, EnglandJNorfolk, EnglandQ(Of, Bedingfield, Suffolk, EnglandUUSkirbeck, Lincolnshire, England_~PlOf Upton Cresset, Shropshire, EnglandSUB1T)Dover, Kent, Eng6Of, Heyford, Norfolk, Englandn04New Havnen, Conn.zGrove Street Cem, New Haven, New Haven, ConnecticutDGrove St. Cemetary, New Haven, Conn.B:Kempston, Bedford, EnglandQOf, Donyatt, Somersetshire, England*ASt. Leonards, Buckingham, EnglandBewdley, Worcestershire, EnglandmBoxford County, Essex, England Boxford, County, Essex, EnglandLxStratford, Fairfield, Connecticut qStratford, , ConnecticutRThorpe-Morieux, County Suffolk, Englandx6/xHampstead, Suffolk County, Long Island, NYDDl=Great Maplestead, Essex, EnglandvBoxford, Suffold, Englandburied Village Church Yard, BoxfordbQWissington, Suffolk, England 4buried Wissington Church!Suffolkshire~buried Churchyard, Stoke-Nayland Saybrook, , Ct4New Haven, CT", "86 years oldSMGrove St Cem, New Haven, CtvBoston, , Ma- L6Of, Ewyas Harold, Herefordshire, Englanda0ZeWorcester, England|HSalem, MAF, , , FranceЈ~Of, , , EnglandX')WALLINGFORD, BERKSHIRE, ENGLAND+Wallingford, Berkshire, Englandy&x Exeter, Rockingham, New HampshireG}Chester, Rockingham, New Hampshire)Rof, Uppsala, Uppsala, Swedenrd , , Wessex, England}!{Hampton, Rockingham, New Hampshiree0, , New HampshireZ)Bures, Suffolk, England, UkLwpmBoston, Suffolk, MaMSheffield, Yorkshire, Engj Of Bures, Suffolk, EngxLt9Of Stokes, Ipswich, Suffolk, EnggSt. Mary's, Bures, Suffolk, England |, , Suffolk, EnglandpLOf, Barking, Suffolk, EnglandQOf, Kenton, Suffolk, England5rSunderland, Mass.9:;tNew Salem, MAķp6zMainz, Rheinhessen, Hesse-Darmstadt, PrussiaH, Of Wetherden, Suffolk, England pOf, Ilkingham, Suffolk, Englandz6Of, Codreth, Suffolk, England" Of, Thrnm Beride, Stokes, Suffolk, England3 Of, Codreth, Hertfordshire, EnglandT0NOf, Beccles, Suffolk, England3uMWestmoreland Co., EnglandtOf Kiev, Kiev, Ukraine of Kiev, Kiev, Ukraine 1EUppsala, Uppsala, Sweden.0T uKherson, Kherson, Ukraine4 NCento, ItalyBi~Shirbeck, Lincoln, England^0Modena, Italy , , England Of, Moskva, Moskva, Russiak Of Moskva, Moskva, Russia, UssrJpuMoskva, Moskva, RussiaE% Of, Suzdal, Vladimir, Russia! xOf, Gorodets, Nizhnii-Novgorod, RussiacsI}Of Polotsk, Polotsk, Byelorussia q2hOf, Rostov, Yaroslavl, RussiagMoscow:iChili, New Yorkt01813 Fellows Cemetery, Chili, NYLEuropesrSt. Petersburg, St. Petersburg, RussiawuWindsor, VT EIpswich, Essex, MassF:8Essex, Mass.?j0пIpswich, Essex, MazSchwedt, Brandenburg, PrussiaI >Norwich, England  Norwich, Norfolk, England )YFrankfurt Am Main, Hesse-Nassau, PrussiapTheydon Garnon, Essex, EngA{, , Ma 8Exeter, Devon., England, England12], Potsdam, Brandenburg, Prussiaa , Vechelde, Braunschweig, Germany 2, St. Petersburg, St. Petersburg, Russia4 Karlsruhe, Karlsruhe, Badenj ? ], K2benhavn, K2benhavn, Denmark))Schloss Gottorf B. Schleswig, Schleswig-Holstein, Prussia>wK2benhavn, K2benhavn, Denmark)XCollessie, Fife, ScotlandvqAbdie, Fife, Scotlandt of, Trondheim, Sor Trondelag, Norway] Old Sleaford, Lincolnshire, EnglandqAske, York, England&0gof, Dunbar, East Lothian, Scotland Old Sleaford, Lincoln, Englandsuof, Kirkoswald, Cumberland, EnglandP xUNKOWN:}of, Hinckley, Leicestershire, England\ of, Trondheim, Sor-Trondelag, Norwayn  of, Buchan, Aberdeenshire, Scotlandc{$p, Alnwick, Northumberland, England{va, Shrewsbury, Shropshire, England>w 2, Whitchurch, , England;  Dartmouth, Bristol, MA __2Llangoed, Llyswen, Breconshire, Wales , Llyswen, Breconshire, Walese , Dominican Friary, Cork, IrelandM  , Wigmore, Herefordshire, Englandi$)r, , Orkney, Scotland}#Saco, York, Maineq=w Deurdanr=|St. Denis, Paris, Seine, FranceW) Sandwich, Barnstable Co., MA <)$Parish Of, St. Nichols, Northumberland, Englandq )Carnarvon Castle, Carnarvon, Caernarvonshire, Wales  Berkeley Castle, Berkeley, Gloucestershire, England)T03Cathedral, Gloucester, Gloucestershire, England!E Carnarvon Castle, Caernarvonshire, WalestCaernarvon Castle, Caernarvon, Caernarvonshire, WalesEb Berkeley Castle, Gloucestershire, Englandg< LOf, Gawthorpe, Yorkshire, England )BET. 1244 - 1290 }3 Of, Bradford, Northumberland, England r3 Of, Chappyngton, Northumberland, England:ieFrance# +w] Of, Wychestre, Northumberland, EnglandoJ" Berhamstead, Herts, England/1Biships Stratford, Herts, EnglandE9OwRoxbury Norfolk, Massachusetts-vOf Ipswich, Essex, Ma >Norwich, New London Co., Connecticut Norwich, New London, Ct}iScratby, Norfolkshire, EnglandE North Lynnfield, MAB) 2London Garden, Essex, Englandj0Ipswich, Essex, Massachusettsg0Exeter, Devonshire, Devonshire, Englandi0EIpswich, Ipswich, Essex, Massachusetts!6z6LANGEzI! Of, Gisburne, Yorkshire, England gn0Of Brunton, Englandj0=)BrunstonR, , Eng)!Gisburne, Yorks, England8  j Of Brunton Hall, England Of Brunton Hall, Northumberland, Englando0zp Of Adderstone, Northumberland, England5Flandersm sw, , , EngxOf, Oversly, Warwickshire, Englandv  ., Andover, Essex, Massachusetts ., Beverly, Essex, MassachusettsrrP"Of, Thirland, Lancashire, Englandmu͌ Kittery, York, Maine@s׆ , York, Me lK Sandwich, Barnstable, MA2n Of, Beverstone, Gloucestershire, EnglandQ_wa, Usk, Monmouthshire, England#j London, Englandv)Chateau De Beaufort, Meuse-Et-Loire, Francen:b5of Martha's Vineyard, Dukes, MA1qSanwich, Barnstable Co., MA EQueen's Chapel, Reading, Berkshire, EnglandU0h: Of, Cassington, Oxfordshire, England| %Hog (Choate) Island, Ipswich, Essex Co., MA j , Donyatt, Somersetshire, England7q, Hog Island, Ipswich, Essex Co., MA)e , Earnwood, Shropshire, EnglandDQGroton, Boxford, Colchester, Englandh|zG of, Winchelsea, Sussex, England?uW Tower Of London, London, Middlesex, EnglandV0)u Papal Dispensation> ؼ͸Colchester, England) PROVOr|? , Neubourg)9P Bet. 1 Mar 1730/31 - 19 Nov 1733~fLEssex Co., MA5LP Claydon, Buckinghamshire, England1~w (contract), Aix-En-Provence, Bouches-Du-Rhone, FranceLStaplegrove, Somerset Co., EnglandtVB99ؗȧK'd'`"XF^`*@5xiA4St`;!Mg 39y9 I *M q#:#:M:gd839!ćL^29$*z#:Q#|Fp 39x-Hy(0 @#@#J#:M.A?xȇLVgQwn`1J##:F 39PD DSB#`##S}#`~#M.A?oARG[rB`d#F.A?W%V|GE`"M.A?E%A_AP8`##:M2.A?n~HWW/L`'#Sz#`!|#:FR.A?dIMo_2s`n#gQMq.A?( Ocߤfݳ`#\#:M.A?mNؿ{``n#QF"h39DrmME.,PS#S# ɂ#LM"!kH39XAOx?Z#xZ#x#:F).A?qiN:I.A? R|O obm.A?Zh:C?` s.A?$ ;?NH$N.A?'x] O{aLFnN.A?  .'cyxEy-f[`.A?"?HGM.A?˛P)Dh`wM t.A? ̴B6UN~U“.A?){ȔC9qTN.A?8%NWC˽-Cjp.A?J&&>!H""O@u]:ٻ`} .A?#2 MBQK( `Jx.A?q% ) VMGxG.A?ٌ6)HLnN.A?1$HAsM |vI`Ky.A?5bтO; }_#z.A?i:<G|H=8Sͽ#`/#{.A?op[$iCl Jg`|.A?23!.GR.C" .A?"'/TyCe]E.7`}.A?/0#] Sw<:@zq~.A?-.(&ŻN:'.A?[\2GwM6 5#/.A?e_Vym~MT 3 vi#_.A?XV9?jJ " m`ց#.A?RSK(3ؼnF8i.A?PFR'5~O Ky?{#/.A?x%++FX\JC#~.A?rsdŃy%FG`+^#.A?  [Fб`0#.A?of,yeC61.A?pqeXM!CMF}".A?qY*1Jou`R".A? ]bNM`_".A?q)^GO9ko`#A.A?E} Jø`\"r.A?<:I\z`X".A?u!eK{C`@".A? ]Ei .A?"r† nE4,S1řJx #.A?HXsD `AVsB`W".A?e)h)0ٸn D:6`["].A?CnB᭑.A?NWL`s".A?HDD" .A?./8GzFHEй`F".A?%7ۓBa%ɚ.A? 7fD blt!`r".A?$|Bn;".A?^@g{N"`8!.A?ݏ(dJ] O.A?BJ* hI䅑9w.A?󚗹Gl``1!.A?CyAqB Ē`B!L.A?>9FOT5.A?+ XuBFyq.A?'(DB;@F'1pGGHIJGuOGtOG\wQI]vQITGWGXGYG:ZG\G]G_G`GaGcG cG!cG!dG eGfG hG!iG!jG#jG!kG!lG"mG#nG#qG#rG#tG#vG%xG%zG$}G$~G(G)G*G'G1G'G+&V'&VG'GG'G p p.G'G/'V.A?= u$J2V8ȋF.A?6σErF i.A?PsKw2S0#`1##:M6 v:>cHQoF>4*a{#F[ .A?KOrYiF{ .A?AD9aL}F .A?apL6FDF .A?]hUqsA+.$f F |&;18yHqY@'?_9`t!+M {&<187ByW1Km[` 1"X`"XM!.A?Ef*C5AF:!.A?E/zH? h^MX!.A?Z^kFaOt֣M{!.A?׬XU.Lni{F!.A?pC@9J&/1EF!.A? CD}#5RM!.A?׭FeءYM!.A?tut!CvfF" .A?[I@D6,F7".A?:߁7[C)JNMY":CyIL:.E$$Fw".A? )E kF".A?Z.\@-7F".A?ܷ] )A'~F".A?^i $`?$MC$.A?17@B`hds`"`"Mf$.A?*K\e`"#MADate of Import: Feb 5, 2000ADate of Import: Feb 5, 2000ADate of Import: Feb 5, 2000ADate of Import: Feb 5, 2000ADate of Import: Feb 5, 2000ADate of Import: Feb 5, 2000ADate of Import: Feb 5, 2000ADate of Import: Feb 5, 2000ADate of Import: Feb 5, 2000ADate of Import: Feb 5, 2000ADate of Import: Feb 5, 2000ADate of Import: Feb 5, 2000ADate of Import: Feb 5, 2000pIA-1 John Oakes, born ca 1700, died 2-3-1767 Sunderland, MA, filed intent to marry papers 7-3-1732 at Salem, MA. He married Experience Walcott, born 3-21-1709 at Salem. Experience was the daughter of John & Mary Walcott, a line that goes back tpIo Alexander Walcott of the thirteenth Century. The Oakes line had been worked on for sixty years by Miss Elvira Oakes. Her cousin Bill Oakes inherited her collection, and his widow was last known to have the collection. She was last living on pIBainbridge Island, in Washington State in the early 1990’s. She may have moved to Seattle, WA. There are two John Oakes in the towns of Sunderland and Petersham. This caused some problems for many years. Samuel Oakes, m 10-4-1693 BostopIn, MA Joanna Phillips. The fact that John Oakes named his oldest son Phillips indicates to some that Samuel is his father. 1. A transcript of a page from the Boston City Records for 1693: City Document No. 130 pg 210 Samuel Oake & JoanpIna Phillips were married by Rev. Samuel Willard Oct.4, 1693. 2. Page 302 of GENEALOGY DICTIONARY of FIRST SETTLERS OF NEW ENGLAND by JAMES SAVAGE VOL. III that includes under Oakes : Samuel, Boston. Freem. 1690. 3. VITAL RECORDS of MpIARLBOROUGH, MASSACHSETTS To the end of the year 1849 pg 142 MARLBOROUGH BIRTHS: Oaks, Elizabeth d. John and Experience, AUG. 23, 1733 Philip, s. John and Experience, April 13. 1735. 4. 1673 1899 HISTORY of the TOWN OF SUNDERLAND, MASSApICHUSETTS by JOHN MONTAGUE SMITH: There is a rather long entry here for Oaks, John.." That includes wife Experience and lists children as; Elizabeth, Philip, Jonathan, Ruth (with more detail), Experience, David, John, Mary, Jerusha, Nathan, EbpIenezer, and Samuel. These are all the individuals in my family tree whether related directly or not. They consist of both my side of the family and my wife's side of the family. The information is not quaranteed accurate. It is also not apIll mine. It is a collaboration of manADate of Import: Feb 5, 2000ADate of Import: Feb 5, 2000ADate of Import: Feb 5, 2000ADate of Import: Feb 5, 2000ADate of Import: Feb 5, 2000ADate of Import: Feb 5, 2000ADate of Import: Feb 5, 2000ADate of Import: Feb 5, 2000ADate of Import: Feb 4, 2000M22:13eebffbggbhhbiibjjbkkbllbmmbnnboobppbqqbGsr bGts bG]t bYub2vbwwbxxbyybzzb{{b|| b;<}!b~~#b'b)b+b,b-b/b1b3%b4 )%b6b7b9b:b;b=b@bmAb gBb Db Fb HbK!%bM!%bN!%bO!%bPbQ!%bV%bW )%bX"%bYbZb[%b\"%b]b_%ba %bbbc%bd"%bfbgbh2%bibkbm %bnbpbqbr%bsbt%bubv%bw"%bx%bybz%b{ )%b| )% b} )% b4 )%bl%b bbb&b]%bbb2%bb '1%bbb!bbb2%bb,b"!b#b%b$b&b%b'b)b)bb*b,bb)b.b/b0b0b$)6.b3b1b4b5b*b/b/b/b/b6b8b:b;b%l3N;%) b9b=%b?b@b>bAbCb?bDb?b?4.b$-b}$#+b$0bHbIf'bJg'b(%UbL5b|$A-<4bX5b%bb b_' b bT' bB  bM  bNbO.bPbPbibG K %bG K %bGK %bTb$.A?붕TG_U ɑRF$.A?TxL.eT7F$.A?| ۊN4 M$.A?EvI?{g'vF%.A?:'RpE/M[F"%.A?|~礚LzkuML%j*1:gN)M`#M%.A?NԈ+B9"o3`"t`/#M%.A?sC~`"tF%.A?8N:|T `"u`E#tM%.A?dlCqCF& .A?i}CIt~IF%&!.A?I=/xyN3"m y`"MF&".A?hZ*|AJ<ԡ0xFe&#.A?րvOm<~F&$.A?+oVңCnC3^S F&%.A?,K9P`J"M`"M&.A?Q\ CAkN3wF&&.A?| *-HmS`"M ''.A?ǸGAl`e"M3'(.A?>wL3"ӇF'*.A?ـo\Kyh`?B"M'+.A?QCHVBJnhy`E"M',.A?j]'PN\/8Z`aI"M(-.A?f08{AY{0`M"M0(.A?E NK_.`"FH( 39I: E5h.0`y"S`"`_"Mi(V.A?|^>BP`5$3`@$F(W..A?1Hp `x$`$M(W/.A?GeE_^u` %F(.A?~b OF+lo@uM(.A?̊@b3F)0.A?FEB}>QG`T$`$M%).A?BCU)3`Z$`$F.A?,{ `Conm..A?P0O.A??AڅG)G>p*`C .A?3&I[;JYlY`ϴ.A?4CiE`.A?9)/HKí|+.A?C6dݫ8DAG.A?LN '[#NI4CܤNAS l`.A?=>;~{IIP.A?@;H6F` .A?F$=OwDm>7*1`a.A?G=E*H`.A?HFtCzX]`.A?Iҭ4rL@o`^.A?J~A 0Gt`+.A?PKP K)4s` .A?`a,9@ؾFN`##M.A?OT,VQRBq `9#Q.A?ogJA& ".A?cd/]f>H<.A?qrFCMECڝK`B#.A?xy: FaKH`".A?5(ՆOR.A?tuR;n뵰FZh]`=".A?N &YAȩ,+`".A?8"I ~0Ix$.A?vc%*vDi"}SwQ#`R#.A?<cMV Mq`~".A?Eؚa4J ):7M.A?UY?7lL,@W`K".A?dߣWJ[*5'`}d"".A?]UFNu(n`'"".A?]]K*;(`Z!".A?a݊2R;Dk10Ӌ`G"L.A?z'v=DPL&Re`*!.A?-=1=OVO!;B9N.A??z/'BUR`!.A?@HJ}i.A?BpN}R3``!".A?5 JLSK(P#4.A?)XzITlT$a.A?S?#D>G7AdXR$.A?GPE{_Og۞~$.A?VA }"NA%ɓ.A?CD fFb7I` ^Y$.A?QRi%@%Bjx6~Z$4 .A?[b߮FSqŠ9c$a .A?tuPQb|I_ p` .A?,OV,A^aN.A?x%vR.'kJp*s#S#`#F,<A;*aPNc.u`A# #HM$-=9-DcS6L]`1J#QQK##HF{-m.A? CIY>M-n:9RD$XIm GKV`"#`/$M-n>.A? DWj `"#`!$F-.A?9kN+l@C%`#`$M.l5a<9:K!M_f-`$`f$M4.l?.A?kt>Fn߾u`4 $`W$F^.@\<9_HZ{r`G##`A$M.A(9)@*#`4 $F.B.A?.\ԁ@ph)R` #`#M.C`<9:)ѻET)U`/##_ `#F._<9Q#ENH.$BMADate of Import: Feb 4, 2000ADate of Import: Feb 11, 2000ADate of Import: Feb 11, 2000ADate of Import: Feb 4, 2000ADate of Import: Feb 11, 2000ADate of Import: Feb 11, 2000ADate of Import: Feb 11, 2000ADate of Import: Feb 4, 2000*IHistorical Digest of Early Chili by Jay C. Widener, Town Historian . . . Henry Widener and his family of 11 adult children and step-children arrived in 1796. . . . The first tavern was the Checkered Tavern. It was located at the present+)I site of South Chili and was built by Henry Widener Religion: German Baptist Or German Chilian Religion Note: "Minute Man" Patriot in the 2nd Regiment of the NJ State Militia in the Revolutionary War; Inherited only 12P from mother "...be,*Icause he was disobedient after his fathers death and by his own will went from me and made himself to be his own master several years before the law giveth him to be free." Moved to Roxborough, Sussex County, NJ near Belvedere, NJ; After marri+Iage to his sister-in-law, they settled near hamlet of Clifton, NY with children & step-children in 1800; Opened first "Checkered Tavern" in Chili area; .I"Woman Of Education In Her Native Language" She married Henry Widner, Sr. when Henry's brother Jacob die and left her a widow; After Henry, Sr. death she returned to NJ with her son John;ADate of Import: Feb 11, 20000I Zechariah3 Story (Seth2, William1) was born on 14 Mar 1684/85 at Ipswich, Essex, Mass (_________, Vital Records of Ipswich, pg 359.). He married Rachel Andrews, daughter of William Andrews and Margaret Woodward, on 4 Jul 1714 at Ipswich, Esse/Ix, Mass (Ibid., pg 417.). He died on 16 Feb 1774 at Ipswich, Mass, at age 88 (Ibid., pg 688.). The mark of Zacharias Storye cattle + sheep is a swallow's taile in ye top of ye near ear and two half penys in ye far side of ye ear.ADate of Import: Feb 11, 2000ADate of Import: Feb 4, 2000ADate of Import: Feb 11, 20005ISeth2 Story (William1) was born in 1646 at Ipswich, Ipswich, Ma (_________, Vital Records of Ipswich, pg 687.) (Story Family in Vermont.); Estimated from age at death. He married Elizabeth Cross in 1682 at Ipswich, Essex, Ma. He died on 9 Oct 64I1732 at Ipswich, Essex, Mass (_________, Vital Records of Ipswich, pg 687.) (Story Family in Vermont.). (_________, Essex Antiquarian, Vol. VII, pg 58.); He is buried at the Ancient Burying Ground in Essex, Ma. He served on the Witch trials75I at Salem in 1692/93 at Salem, Essex, Ma (_________, Historic Homes and Places, 1194-1197, pg. 1194.). Name: SETH (Deacon) STORY 1 Sex: M Birth: 1646 in Chebacco Twp., MA 2 Death: 9 OCT 1732 in Ipswich, Essex Co, MA _FA1: Served in 86IKing Philip's War _FA1: Senior Deacon, 2nd Church of Chebacco 3 Occupation: Farmer Burial: 9 OCT 1732 Essex Burial Grounds, Chebacco Parish, MA Reference Number: 376 Note: 1. Material supplied by New Hampshire Antiquarian Society. 97I 2. See also: "Genealogical and Family History of State of New Hampshire", Stearns, Vol 1, p. 315, 1903. 3. Said to have fought in Narragansett winter fort under Capt. Samuel Brocklebank of Rowley during 'King Phillip's War with the rank :8Iof sergeant. 4. From "DAR" application material collected by Ruth Ellen Story, 126 Elm State Street, Athens, OH 45701: "Seth Story was a deacon in the chruch from 1712 until his death. The Stones erected on the graves of Seth and Elizabe;9Ith are still standing and in a remarkabel state of preservation. Inscriptions recorded 1939: a. HERE LYES BURIED THE BODY OF DEACON SETH STORY AGED 87 YEARS DEC'D OCTR YE 9TH ANNU DOMIN 1732 b. HERE LYES YE BODY OF MRS. ELIZABETH:I STORY WIFE OF DEA. SETH STORY WHO DIED MARCH 12, 1736 AGE ABOUT 87 YEARSADate of Import: Feb 13, 2000ADate of Import: Feb 13, 2000ADate of Import: Feb 13, 2000ADate of Import: Feb 11, 2000ADate of Import: Feb 4, 2000&6G'4G( p.4G17G2 p34GI<I=(U>)U?7G@ pIIR*U,U7G pIICR-U.U7G7G8G p7G p8G p8G p8G p8G p8G p8G p9G p p9GG:G pG9G p9G pBI 1. William1 Story was born circa 1614 at Norwich, Norfolk, England (_________, The Complete Book of Emigrants 1607-1660 in no series (Baltimore: Genealogy Publishing Co., 1987), pg 183-184.); Date is based on William's age at emigration. He mCAIarried Sarah Foster, daughter of Reginald Foster and Judith (--?--), circa 1640 at Ipswich. He died on 20 Jan 1702 at Ipswich, Essex, Ma (The Story Family in Vermont, Descendants of William Story of Chebacco Parish Ipswich Massachuetts (now thDBIe town of Essex), Presented to the Vermont Historical Society by Elbridge Witham Salkeld., November 1948.). Administration was granted to his estate Jan. 20, 1702 (Ibid.). William Story emigrated Apr.8, 1637 from Norwich, England (_________ECI, Complete Book of Emigrants, pg 183-184.); Examinations of those intending to embark in the John and Dorothy of Ipswich, Mr. William Andrewes, and the Rose of Yarmouth, Mr. William Andrewes, for New England. Samuel Dix of Norwich, joiner, FDIage 43 and his wife Joane aged 38 with 2 children Presella and Abegell, and 2 servants William Storey aged 23 and Daniel Linsey aged 18, to Boston to inhabit. He possesed land adjoining John Webster, Nov. 10, 1652 (Abraham Hammatt, 'The HamattGEI Papers, Early Inhabitants of Ipswich, Mass., 1633 -1700 in no series (Salem, Mass.: Higginson Book Co., n.d.), pg 352.); He possessed land in Chebacco, Nov. 10, 1652, adjoining on the northwest, land of John Webster. William Storye was listedHFI as a juror Jan. 29, 1653 (_________, Essex Antiquarian in no series (Salem, Mass.: n.pub., 1904), Vol. V., pg 19 .); He was a carpenter by trade (Abraham Hammatt, 'The Hamatt Papers, Early, pg 352.);. He was a signer of the Loyalist and PrIGIocter petitons. The procter petition was drafted by the leading men of Ipswich to help save the life of John Procter who had been accused of witchcraft in 1666 at Ipswich, Essex, Ma (_________, Historic Homes and Places and Genealogical and PeJHIrsonal Memoirs, Relating to the Families of Middlesex County, Massachuesetts, by William Richard Cutter in no series, III (New York: Lewis Historical Publishing Co., 1908), 1194-1197, Vol. III, pg 1194.). Built the first sawmill in North AmKIIerica. Fought in the King Phillip War. Children of William1 Story and Sarah Foster were as follows: 2. i. Sarah2, born 8 Aug 1641 at Ipswich, Essex, Ma; married Richard Walker. 3. ii. Seth, born 1646 at Ipswich, Ipswich, Ma; married ElizLJIabeth Cross. 4. iii. William, born 1650 at Ipswich, Essex, Ma; married Susannna Fuller. iv. Abagail; born 1654 at Ipswich, Essex, Ma. 5. v. Samuel, married Elizabeth Burnham; born 1660 at Ipswich, Essex, Ma; married Mary (Williams) Choate. MKI 6. vi. Hannah, born 19 Aug 1662 at Ipswich, Essex, Ma; married Richard Swan; married Thomas Jewett. 7. vii. Susanna, born 4 Mar 1663/64 at Ipswich, Essex, Ma; married John Clark; married Cornelius Brown. viii. Mary; Mary Story was born in 1NLI666 in Ipswich, Mass. Mary Story joined the church by taking covenant (Abraham Hammatt, 'The Hamatt Papers, Early, pg 351.); joined church. 1. Info from FAMILY GROUP SHEET provided by Priscilla Bohanan, New Hampshire Antiquarian Society. MOMIaterial was prepared by Annetta S. Walker, 1520 S. Spruce, Casper, Wyoming (1983-1987). 2. See Vital records of Ipswich, MA, Vol 1 & II, Essex Institute. 3. Re: Vol. v, p 596, Essex Co. Deeds: 31 March 1693, deeded " all my housing, laPNInds, fences, orchards, etc. belonging to my lands in Chebacco, in Ipswich, adjoining to Chebacco Falls River" to son, Seth Story". 4."Genealogical and Family History of State of New Hampshire", Stearns, Vol. #1, p. 314,15, 1908. "William QOIStory, carpenter, came from Norwich, Norfolk Co., England, in 1637, as a servant of Samuel Dix, being then twenty-three years old. He embarked April 8, 1637, and settled in Ipswich, Ma." 5. See NEGHR, Vol. VIII, p. 130: William "died abouRPIt 1658". This begs question about youngest 3 daughters, Hannah, Susannah and Abigail who are shown on FAMILY GROUP SHEET provided by New Hampshire Antiquarian Soc. 6. See: Internet web pages..... http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Prairie/9SQI324/ded_smb.htm 'Colonial Families of New England'.... http://members.xoom.com/colfam/colfam.htm 7. Note for Elizabeth Story Moore (Story family researcher): "Forget all those references about William's father - as far as I know they TRI are all just idle speculation. " Andrew was a resident of Ipswich MA 1639, proprietor 1635, etc. [See reference "Genealogical Encyclopedia of First Settlers to New England" which says he may be the youth sentenced to be whipped Sept CUSIourt 1635 for running from his master, and after had served in the expedition against the Pequots two years later.] I can find no further reference regarding this man. Augustine was a resident of Exeter NH 1639, had the year before beenVTI of Bostom MA, etc. [See reference cited above, which says his surname was variously recorded as Star, Storr, Storre & Story.] Nothing further known. Regarding when William came to the colonies... 8 Aug 1637: Examination of Samuel Dix,WUI of Norwich (etc - this is in England) and two servants, William Storey age 23 & Daniel Linsey age 18 all desirous to pass to Boston in New England, there to inhabitt." = = = THE ANCESTRY OF JUDGE JOSEPH STORY JUSTICE OF THE SUPREME COURXVIT OF THE UNITED STATES BY RUTH STORY DEVEREUX EDDY In the Essex Institute Collections, Vol. 50, and Vol 51, published in 1915, is an article entitled, "Elisha Story of Boston and some of his Descendants, Compiled by Perley Derby with AddYWIitlions by Frank A. Gardner, M.D." The opening paragraphs of this article are as follows,- - Elisha Story is supposed to be the patriarchal head of this branch of the Story Family in New England, and said to have arrived in Boston from EngZXIland with his sister Sarah about the year 1700. Mr. Savage expresses his belief that he came to New England in the last year of King William. Attempts have been made to connect him with the early families of the name who settled in Massachu[YIsetts and New Hampshire, but without success; and hence the statement, in the Genealogical Register, Vol. I, page 353, concerning the Foster family, that "Sarah, one of the daughters of Reginald Foster, who married William Story of Ipswich, wa\ZIs ancstress of Dr. Story, formerly of Boston, and of the late Judge Story, must be erroneous. Tabitha Story, the half-sister of Justice Joseph Story,was the grandmother of Robert Williams Devereux, my father, Tabitha was the daughter of Dr.][I Elisha Story by his first wife, Ruth Ruddock. She was born March 17, 1771, married Nathaniel King Devereux of Marblehead, and died in 1852 in Rhode Island, having spent the last or fifteen years of her life in the home of her son, Robert Deve^\Ireux during the youth and young manhood my father Robert Williams Devereux, who was born in I829. Through her and my father the tradition has handed on to me that the Story family came from Ipswich before settling in Boston. This tradition wou_]Ild be in accord with the statement in the Genealogical Register, rather than with the statement by Derby, who follows Savage. In the following article I have produced facts which tend to verify the tradition, though they do not absolutely p`^Irove it, being only circumstantial evidence. Sarah. Foster, daughter of Reginald Foster, married William Story of Ipswich. In his will proved June 9 1681, Reginald Foster mentions his daughter, Sarah, William Story's wife. The children of Wa_Iilliam and Sarah (Foster) Story were Sarah, Seth, Samuel, William, Jr., Abigail, Susannah, and Hannah. Of these Samuel married and had twelve children, among whom was Samuel, Jr. Sometime before 1722 Samuel, Sen. moved to Norwich, Conn. witb`Ih several of his family. William Story, Jr. married Oct. 25, 1671 (Ipswich Rec.) Susanna Fuller, daughter of John and Elizabeth Fuller. This is the couple, whom I believe to be the parents of Elisha Story of Boston and of his sister Sarah, whocaI married Thomas Dawes. The birth of William's oldest child is recorded in the Ipswich Records as occurring in 1672 and no other child is recorded until the birth of Margaret on Mar. 26, 1687. I claim that between Elizabeth, born in 1672 anddbI Margaret, born in 1687, there were at least four other children and probably a fifth, namely: William, Elisha, Amos, Sarah, and probably Susanna. The birth of their last child, Mary, is recorded in Concord, as being born to William and. SusanecInah Story on Feb. 26, 1691/2. William Story, Jr., like his father was a carpenter. He served in King Philip's War. In Mar. 1689/90 William Story, Jr., carpenter, and wife Susanna sold 12 acres of land with house orchard and mill, reserfdIving. the right to live in the house until September following. On Nov. 21, 1690 (the same year) William Story, Sen. transferred a piece of meadow from his son William to his son Samuel for the reason that "my son William is removing from us tgeIo dwell in another place." On Feb. 15, 1691 William Story of Concord bought a tract of land in Marlborough. And since in the next year when the daughter Mary is born, Susannah is given as the mother, it shows that William and Susanna moved frohfIm Ipswich, the home of his father, to Concord. William next went to Boston, to the Roxbury section, where the death of Susannah is recorded on June 4, 1707. Later that same year, on Dec. 3,1707, William Story married Abigail Torrey, the widow igIof Jonathan Torrey, by whom she had had two sons, Jonathan, Jr. and Philip. William Story next appears in Brookline, where on May 14, 1711 he was appointed to keep school and on Oct. 5, 1711 at a Town Meeting William Story was chosen to serve jhIas a grand juryman. Willam Story died July 20, 1721, aged 73 years, in Brooklinne. (Church Records of the First Parish). Thus we find that William and Susannah left Concord sometime after 1693 and moved to Boston, where they spent the spent thkiIe rest of their lives. Of Mary, whose parentage is known to be William and Susanna, there are the following records. In Vol. 28, Boston Record, Mary Story of Brookline and Cornelius Youngman published their intentions to be married Mar.3, 1ljI708/9. On Apr. 25, 1715 Mary Youngman married Philip Torrey, son of Jonathan Torrey and his wife Abigail. On Nov.10, 1720 they had a son whom they named ELISHA Torrey. On Apr. 2, 1722 Abigail Story, widow, Philip Torrey, yeoman and Mary, his wmkIife, and Jonathan Torrey, cordwainer, joined in a conveyance of land. (Note, Up to this date there had been no one named Elisha in the Torrey family, showing that the name came porbably from the wife's family. ) Waters' Charlestown GeneanlIlogies, p. 1088 cites this records from the Selectmen's Records: "William Story, a carpenter, came from Concord and binds himself not to be chargeable, Mar. 30, 1693." He married Mary, and their son William was born Oct. 3, 1698 and daughter MomIary on Aug. 20 (31) 1701. They joined the Charlestown Church in 1705. Since this William came from Concord where in 1693 William and Susannah were the only Storys recorded, there can not possibly be any reason for not accepting the William of pnICharlestown as son of William and Susannah Story, who had come from Ipswich and Concord. Living in Charlestown, at the same time with William, is Amos Story. He married on Aug. 28, 1707 (Waters, Charlestown Gen.) Mary Waters, daughter of AdqoIam Waters. She was admitted to the Church Nov. 20, 1709 and died Dec. 14, 1721. Their children were Mary Story, bp. Nov. 27, 1709 and twins, Susanna and Sarah, who were born and died on the same day. (Note these two names and also note that AmrpIos, not a very common name, is a name occurring in the Foster family.) Here is circumstantial evidence connecting Amos with William and Susanna and his home in the same town and at the same time suggests a relationship with William of CharlestsqIown. In 1719 Mary Story, wife of Amos, gave a receipt to Adam Waters for her share in her father's estate. Deeds, XIX, p. 448.) In 1719 Ellsha Story of Boston took a mortgage from Adam Waters on his house. (Middlesex Deeds, vol. 21, p. 1trI7) Why did Elisha Story of Boston, a cordwainer, choose the relatives of another Story family in Charlestown, to lend money to on a mortgage, (and so far as the records show, the only time that he owned a mortmage) unless there was some relusIationship between the two Story families? Elisha, Story was one of the one hundred or more persons who petitioned the Board at Portsmouth, N. H., in 1721, for permission to settle a new town to the North of Exeter, N. H. The petition was grvtIanted and the. town was named Nottingham. Another name on the list was Samuel Story.. This was Samuel Story, Jr., bom in Ipswich, son of Samuel, the brother of William Story of Ipswich, Concord and Boston. He later settled in Norwich, Conn., wwuIith his father. There is no absolute proof in any of the above material that Elisha, Story of Boston was the son of William and Susannah Story, but it does show that Elisha Story was not a lone Story individual, having no dealings with any xvIof the Ipswich group. All students of genealogy agree that if names are sufficiently odd or unusual they may have some value by way of substantiation of otherwise tenable but unproved assumptions, a sort of corroborative evidence. They alsoywI agee that the names of the parents and grandparents are likely to appear in the names of children, especially where there is a large family. Amos Story named his twins, Sarah and Susannah; these were the names of William Story's mother andzxI wife. Mary (Story) Torrey named a son Elisha Torrey. Among the early Foster names are Amos, Benjamin, Isaac, Daniel, Ebenezer and James. Amos appears in the Charlestown record and Isaac, Daniel and Ebenezer appear frequently among, the descen{yIdants of Elisha Story of Boston, and Elisha Story, himself, names his second son William, having called the older son Elisha, and William named a daughter, Sarah. Elisha had a sister, Sarah. She married Thomas Dawes. They named their first son|zI, William. He died young and they named another son William, and after he died in childhood the name William was given to a third child. Among their children there also was a daughter, Susannah. William Story, son of Elisha, named a daughter, }{ISarah. Thus we find the names of the Ipswich family, Sarah, William and Susannah repeated again and again in the families of Elisha, Story and of his sister, Sarah (Story) Dawes of Boston. No facts contradict the theory that Elisha Story wa~|Is the son of William and Susannah Story, and every fact found would- seem to corroborate that theory. Record of the children of Nathaniel King Devereux and wife Tabitha Story, as given in an old Note-book and apparently copied from a Bible }IRecord, by Robert Williams Devereux, of Manton, R. I. Nathaniel Devereux, b. Mar. 10, 1793; bp. Mar. 17, 1793; d. Oct 8, 1814 while studying for the ministry. Ruth Ruddock Devereux, b. July 31, 1794 on Thursday; bp. Aug. 1794; d. Sept. 10~I, 1795. 3 Elisha Story Devereux, b. Nov. 10, 1795 on Tuesday; bp. Nov. 15, 1795; d. Nov. 16, 1840. 4. James Devereux, b Feb. 11, 1797 on Saturday; d. Nov. 26, (sic) 1819 thrown from a carriage. 5. Ruth Story Devereux, b. Feb. 14, 1799 oIn Thursday; bp. Feb. 24, 1799; d. Aug. 31, 1873. = = = = Witchcraft History -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Petition for John Proctor "The Humble and Sincere Declaration of usI, Subscribers, Inhabitants in Ipswich, on the Behalf of our Neighbors, John Proctor and his wife, now in Trouble and under Suspicion of Witchcraft. "To The Honorable Court Of Assistants Now Sitting In Boston "Honored and Right WorshipfIul,- The aforesaid John Proctor may have great reason to justify the Divine Sovereignty of God under these severe remarks of Providence, upon his peace and honor, under a due reflection upon his life past; and so the best of us have reason to Iadore the great pity and indulgence of God's providence, that we are not exposed to the utmost shame that the Devil can invent, under the permissions of sovereignty, though not for that sin forenamed, yet for our many transgressions. For we doI at present suppose, that it may be a method within the severer but just transactions of the infinite majesty of God, that he sometimes permit Sathan to peronate, dissemble, and thereby abuse innocents and such as do, in the fear of God, defy Ithe Devil and all his works. Thew great rage he is permitted to attempt holy Job with; the abuse he does the famous Samuel in disquieting hissilent dust, by shadowing his venerable person in answer to the charms of witchcraft; and other instanIces from good hands,- may be arguments. Besides the unsearchable footsteps of God's judgements, that are brought to light every morning, that astonish our weaker reasons; to teach us adoration, trembling, dependence, &c. But we must not troublIe Your Honors by being tedious.Therefore, being smitten with the notice of what hath happened, we reckon it within the duties of our charity that teacheth us do as we would be done by, to offer thus much for clearing of our neighbors' innocencIy; viz., that we never had the least knowledge of such a nefandous wickedness in our said neighbors, since they have been our acquaintance. Neither do we remember any such thoughts in us concerning them, or ant action by them or either of themI, directly tending that way, no more than might be in the lives of any persons of the clearest reputation as top any such evils. What God may have left them to, we cannot go into God's pavilion clothed with clouds of darkness round about; but,I as to what we have ever seen or heard of them, upon our consciences we judge them innocent of the crime objected. His breeding hath amongst us, and was of religious parents in our place, and, by reason of relations and properties within our tIown, hath had constant intercourse with us. We speak upon our personal acquaintance and observations; and so leave our neighbors, and this testimony on their behalf, to the wise thoughts of Your Honors. Jn Wise Nathanill Perkins BenjaImin Marshall William Story Senr Thomas Lovkine John Andrews Jur Reinalld Foster William Cogswell William Butler Thos Chote Thomas Varny William Andrews John Burnum Sr John Fellows John Andrews William ThoImson Wm Cogswell Jur John Chote Ser Tho. Low Senr Jonathan Cogswell Joseph Proctor Isaac Foster John Cogswell Jr. Samuel Giddings John Burnum jun John Cogswell Joseph Evleth William Goodhew Thomas Andrews I James White Isaac Perkins John Andrews" I have given the names of the men who signed this paper, as copied from the original. It is due to their memory; and their descendants may well be gratified by the testimony thus borne Ito their courage and justice.(This was written by the author Charles W. Upham). Source: Salem Witchcraft, by Charles W. Upham, pub. New York, Vol. II, pg 305-306ADate of Import: Feb 13, 2000ADate of Import: Feb 13, 2000ADate of Import: Feb 13, 2000ADate of Import: Feb 13, 2000ADate of Import: Feb 11, 2000ADate of Import: Feb 4, 2000IAlso known as Sarah Foster. Abbrev: SOURCE #a426 Title: Mary Beth Wheeler ( E-mail address: mb@thewheelers.com ) whose source was "THE PIONEERS OF MASSACHUSETTS" by Charles H. Pope, 1986. (URL=http://www.thewheelers.com/ ) Publication: MaIr. 2000 Page: (She is mentioned in her father's will: Sarah, wife of William Story) Abbrev: SOURCE #a425 Title: Mary Beth Wheeler ( E-mail address: mb@thewheelers.com ) whose source was "A GENEALOGICAL DICTIONARY OF THE FIRST SETTLERS OF NIEW ENGLAND" by James Savage. (URL=http://www.thewheelers.com/ ) Publication: Mar. 2000 Page: (Immigration) Abbrev: SOURCE #a428 Title: Mary Beth Wheeler ( E-mail address: mb@thewheelers.com ) whose source was "NEW ENGLAND HISTORICAL & GENIEALOGICAL SOCIETY REGISTER," VOL. 90, Oct. 1936. (URL=http://www.thewheelers.com/ ) Publication: Mar. 2000 Page: p. 307 (B. info) Abbrev: SOURCE #a446 Title: Mary Beth Wheeler ( E-mail address: mb@thewheelers.com ) whose source was "DESCEINDANTS OF REGINALD FOSTER: NEW ENGLAND HISTORICAL & GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY REGISTER," VOL. 30. (URL=http://www.thewheelers.com/ ) Publication: Mar. 2000 Title: Peabody Pedigree Chart Abbrev: MAN C G Dick Author: Dick, Colin G Publication:I unpublished, 3 Northmount Cr NW, Calgary, Ab, T2K 2V6, 11dec1989 Repository: Name: Unknown Title: Probate Records of Essex County MA. Abbrev: PRO Essex Co, MA Page: Vol 3 page 419. Page: p. 84 (B. info) Abbrev: SOURCE #a447 TitlIe: Mary Beth Wheeler ( E-mail address: mb@thewheelers.com ) whose source was "NEW ENGLAND FAMILIES GENEALOGY & MEMORIAL," THIRD SERIES, VOL. IV, by William Richard Cutter, NY, 1915, reprinted by Genealogical Publishing Co., Inc., Baltimore, 19I97. (URL=http://www.thewheelers.com/ ) Publication: Mar. 2000 Page: p. 2002 (B. info) Abbrev: SOURCE #a429 Title: Mary Beth Wheeler ( E-mail address: mb@thewheelers.com ) whose source was "ANCESTORS OF AMERICAN PRESIDENTS" by Gary Boyd RoIberts and Carl Boyer, III; Santa Clarita, CA; 1995. (URL=http://www.thewheelers.com/ ) Publication: Mar. 2000 Page: p. 26 (B. info)ADate of Import: Feb 13, 2000ADate of Import: Feb 13, 2000ADate of Import: Feb 13, 2000ADate of Import: Feb 13, 2000ADate of Import: Feb 13, 2000ADate of Import: Feb 11, 2000ADate of Import: Feb 11, 2000ADate of Import: Feb 11, 2000ADate of Import: Feb 4, 2000ADate of Import: Feb 11, 2000ADate of Import: Feb 4, 2000ADate of Import: Feb 11, 2000ADate of Import: Feb 4, 2000ADate of Import: Feb 11, 2000ADate of Import: Feb 4, 2000ADate of Import: Feb 11, 2000ADate of Import: Feb 4, 2000ITitle: Old parochial registers, 1694-1854 Authors: Church of Scotland. Parish Church of Creich (Fife) (Main Author) Notes: Microfilm of original records in the New Register House, Edinburgh. ----------------------------------------I---------------------------------------- Creich is parish 418. Subjects: Scotland, Fife, Creich - Church records Format: Manuscript (On Film) Language: English Publication: Salt Lake City : Filmed by the GenIealogical Society of Utah, 1979 Physical: on 2 microfilm reels ; 35 mm.ADate of Import: Feb 11, 2000ADate of Import: Feb 4, 2000 ADate of Import: Feb 11, 2000 ADate of Import: Feb 4, 2000 ADate of Import: Feb 11, 2000 ADate of Import: Feb 4, 2000 ADate of Import: Feb 12, 2000ADate of Import: Feb 4, 2000ADate of Import: Feb 4, 2000ADate of Import: Feb 12, 2000ADate of Import: Feb 25, 2000ADate of Import: Feb 25, 2000M22:13ADate of Import: Feb 4, 2000/.A?͘קK:I T#'`f#`#M?/D]<9nAy0X`Ӌ## ` #Fd/]<9oO#u:M#zڝM/.A? v|(@1`3#`#M/E.A?z]BDF.K7`" M/.A?؂Ar=@kpR<`"  Fp F.A?UʵTL@*O`"Mp .A?6uKvV5hO`"F%%UMs .A?BY}'ԳJ}LB`*!`!M t Q.A?/545HS"P F:t R.A?ڐ^рC&4q"`a `c!F_t S.A?l}L,+` `;!Ft O.A?7I)GyL5`  P`!Mt T.A?k#J{E.)r`* `!Ft .A?wg>$HØ`Ӏ `n M%u U.A?^FDFG:5`\ ` FGiles /Hussey/ Jane /Pigot/ John /Hussey/ Anne /Grey// George /Grey/Katherine /Herbert/'William /Hussey/ Lord Chief Justice SirElizabeth /Berkeley/s John /Hussey/kElizabeth /Sheffield/William /Hussey/m/Lumely/ Edmund /Grey/Katherine /Percy/q Henry /Percy/ Sirr q Harry "Hotspur" /Percy/q  GHSS-X4oElizabeth /de Mortimer/r !Edmund , Earl of March /Mortimer/]r  8KLV-5Q +Phillipa , Countess of Ulster /Plantagenet/s Priscilla /RANDALL/r  JBD7-2RaElizabeth /de Burgh/l(Hugh 'the Great' Count of Paris /Magnus/Deborah /Skiff/s Edward II King Of /ENGLAND/s  8WKN-JDII, King of England /Edward/Princess of Castile /Leonor/PJoana /de Dammartin/eCountess of Ponthieu /Marie/P!William (Guillame) III /Ponthieu/Princess of France /Alix/,Louis VII ("the , King of France /Younger")/l'Alice , Countess of Champagne /(Adele)/Thibaud IV /Champagne/*Mathilde , Princess of Carinthia /(Maude)/Estienne Henry Count /Blois/a#Adela , Princess of England /Alice/)William the , King of England /Conqueror/Countess of Flanders /Matilda/r John /Dane/v Frances /Bowyer/v Bridget /Bowyer/William /Dane/*%w Samuel /STORY/w  NRHW-SNSElizabeth /Burnham/ Isaac /Hart/Elizabeth /Hutchinson/w Judith /Wignol/w  94SK-SJWw Reginald /Foster/ x w Reynold /Foster/w  94SK-RC/Yx Thomas /FORSTER/8x  94SL-1PFx Elizabeth Jane /CARR/qx  94SL-2Vhx Cuthbert /FORESTER/x  KWXQ-42 y Elizabeth /Bradford/x  KWXQ-57hIy Thomas /FORSTER/(y  9GVR-D6FWilliam /Foster/Joan /Elwerden/Thomas /Foster/William /Forster/Richard /Forster/Reginald /Forster/Sir Alfred /Forster/Sir Randolph /Foster/Sir John /Forster/rSir William /Forster/Sir Reginald /Forster/Sir Hugo /Forster/Sir Richard /Forster/Baldwin IV /Forester/Baldwin III /Forester/[Princess of England /Alfrith/$Alfred the , King of England /Great/PBaldwin II /Forester/Princess /Adela/t  /Elizabeth/e Edna /Greenough/e Robert Greenough /Preston/ Moses /Preston/ Edward /Preston/dWilliam /Presson/Mary /Raymond/n1} William /Presbury/}  8GXC-TX/f}  Ann /TOZIER/,I}  1M3K-2X4EJohn /Presbury/Dorcas /Bessey/} Anthony /Bessey/b}  Anthony BesseyJane /Annable/nJohn /Presbury/ /Catherine/Samuel /Maggs/Mary /Keedwell/Thomas /Choate/ Mary /Varney/~  John /Choate/~ Sgt./Anne /Arramas/rRobert /Choate//Sarah/ Thomas /Varney/!Abigail /Proctor/"William /Varney/ #Bridget /Knight/a$Walter /Knight/% /Elizabeth/&William /Proctor/'Isabel /Lilburn/(John /Lilburn/*)Bertha of /Franks/*Thomas /Hutchinson/ + Anne /Browne/ɀ + Ann /Brown//, Jane /Leids/? -Edward /Brown/* - 8KLQ-VSB.Thomas /Leids/e / Jane /Gybbes/v /Jane /Gibbes/, Jane GrubbsN0William /Gybbes/,1Thomas /Browne/ 2 Joan /Gabb/ 2 VBJ4-HCb3Christopher /BROWNE/,4Christopher /Browne/l5 Anne /Brown/ 6II /Svyatopolk/7/David/t8/Gertruda/ Princess of Poland9Yuri /Dolgorukii/sE :/Aleksandr/ Saints# :Prince of /Vladimir/f ;!III /Vsevolod/ Prince of Vladimirj ; Big /Nest/o<Maria of Ossetia //=5Yaroslavl II /Vsevolodovich/ Grand Prince of Vladimir>Fedosia /Igorevna/a?Aleksandra /Briacheslavna/N @/Daniil/ Grand Dukelo @Grand Duke of Vladimir /Daniil/A#Ivan I /Kalita/ Prince of LithuaniaBIvan II // Prince of MoscowC Aleksandra //nD"Dmitry Donskoi // Prince of MoscowE Eudoxia // F Vasily I //G/Sophie//HVasily II // Prince of MoscowI/Maria/JARTHUR RICHARD /CAMERON/HT KAmbrose /BROWNE/3 K GM4D-RS/ L/Anne/l L 9T7Z-V7 MSarah /BROWNE/ M P3ND-6NR NRichard /BROWNE/҆ N 9ND1-PN/) O John /BROWNE/ O 8KLM-ZWOh PPeter /BROWN (BROWNE)/A P 4JDT-6XR QThomas /BROWNE/ Q P3ND-4BBՇ R Joan /SAYER/ R 10NG-Q5TE SDorothy /BEAUCAMP/ S JXXD-TB/A TJoan //) T 10NG-QWDw U Joan /BROWN/Z U 12SQ-341W VKatherine /BROWN/ V 9T80-LXe W John /BROWN/ʈ W 9T80-11O" XElizabeth /BROWNE/ X 9ND2-4VhW Y John /BROWN/: Y 9T80-3CO Z Grace /BROWN/o Z 9T80-26Rȉ [John /BEDINGFIELD/ [ ZWHZ-DGD \Agnes /BROWNE/ \ 9ND2-67R; ]Alice /BEDINGFIELD/ ] ZWHW-Z4Es ^Alice /SHELTON/S ^ VB27-QJH _ Agnes /BROWN/ _ 9T80-KRR `Mrs Anne /BROWNE/ ` 9ND1-WP  aWilliam /BROWN/ a 9T80-5P/X bThomas /BEDINGFIELD/3 b ZWHX-VQB c John /BROWN/p c 9T7Z-T2ONj dMargaret /BROWNE/ d 9ND2-52  eGrace /PINCHBECK/ߋ e 9T7Z-RPI: fMargaret /SCOTT/ f 9T80-PG v gPeter /BEDINGFIELD/R g ZWJL-76E hThomas /BEDINGFIELD/Y h ZWHW-NKB iAlice /BEDINGFIELD/ˌ i ZWHZ-43E, jMargaret De /Baliol/ j 9FFH-G1 h kAgnes /BEDINGFIELD/D k 8KLN-9LEl John /Scott/r m Aliee /BROWN/ m 9T80-6VR nEdmond /BEDINGFIELD/kӍ n 9GTQ-88B+ o Margery //d o 9T80-4J/h pThomas /BEDINGFIELD/C p ZWHX-2LB qChristopher /BROWNE/n q 9T81-NFh܎ rRobert /BROWN/s r 9T80-M4B sRobert /BEDINGFIELD/o s ZWHX-FHBX tEdmund /BROWN(BROWNE)/1 t 9T80-F3B uAnne De /WALDEGRAVE/p u ZWHW-WR/ҏ vEdmund /BEDINGFIELD/ v ZWHZ-MNBADate of Import: Feb 25, 2000ADate of Import: Feb 12, 2000ADate of Import: Feb 4, 2000ADate of Import: Feb 12, 2000ADate of Import: Feb 4, 2000ADate of Import: Feb 4, 2000ADate of Import: Feb 24, 2000ADate of Import: Feb 24, 2000ADate of Import: Feb 24, 2000ADate of Import: Feb 24, 2000ADate of Import: Feb 24, 2000 ADate of Import: Feb 24, 2000!ADate of Import: Feb 24, 2000"ADate of Import: Feb 24, 2000$ADate of Import: Feb 24, 2000%ADate of Import: Feb 24, 2000&ADate of Import: Feb 24, 2000'ADate of Import: Feb 24, 2000(ADate of Import: Feb 24, 2000IDead [edan.FTW] Dead7ADate of Import: Feb 13, 2000ICopyrighted but use freely for your self and families Not to be sent to for profit company's Copyrighted but use freely for your self and families Not to be sent to for profit company's Copyrighted but use freely for your self and famiIlies Not to be sent to for profit company's Copyrighted but use freely for your self and families Not to be sent to for profit company's9ADate of Import: Feb 12, 2000:ADate of Import: Mar 1, 2000<ADate of Import: Feb 12, 2000=ADate of Import: Mar 1, 2000>ADate of Import: Feb 12, 2000?ADate of Import: Feb 12, 2000@ADate of Import: Mar 1, 2000AADate of Import: Feb 12, 2000BADate of Import: Mar 1, 2000 pI?II?BB? DD?"R!R$I#IBCDR*I)I,I-+I,I/B0.B/B2D31D2D5R64R5R G9I:8I ;9I<:I=;I<I?R>R /U0U 1U2U3U4U5U6UIGHGKGLJG<KG G G I B.A?)1M,&/u`!3 .A?)=WRrBM!N.A?60'76qD).A?r p+F啮&% $ .A?BltGi.+3 `< .A?}z6HL3`""N.A?λ2IF7+N.A?Q#ڃwKwWN.A?6 t4jHVU.A?59o @+=\`R"u 7.A? ?w+K U޾ ! H.A?ѽnO(9ar/xp"J.A?+)~)XM.vZTl`i"n M.A?(+G;CrcX%g+.A?2*z AJW` w" N.A?P K $MRM<`q')`4!W.A?TUe,sQlLPfk` !Y.A?VW(RfvI!J_,?` `.A?Xdd kIvʛ.A?ivu[}&K.A?Z[.swfN1[ўQ-`5b.A?^_$'4G$WAo"`i.A?`aEߑADLì`p.A?ef|@IAxy`}.A?h\fIF.A?cbu%-N2Q`P.A?qd͒IF@YՍ`E-.A?jϮv]nMùA`^ .A?klӍN!W]Ok#`3 .A?mnn`\HR{` .A?o9Bgn²>`..A?|y4I ]t`,.A?trOLlqIּP`.A?{sJtFSuW$`P.A?xvFQ S]J(5? .A? l_`5N׬u`@".A?7 8 )—ʵFȈ.A? sqnqG[`w".A?ڙWHB/=3.A?>uI~u<=Q z1"% .A?Gē HxrX  Z%"d .A?)NbP ." .A?*9m$&B4D`! .A?8_Woҋ*aJ'j) "2 .A?0yD;`'".A?`_ _G%?C`! .A?12HCA~#`" .A?T 3 IMߴ.A? c%PLuj`)! .A?h5m:WK_S[۩`!e .A?OyB{@EXf )! CADate of Import: Feb 12, 2000DADate of Import: Feb 12, 2000EADate of Import: Mar 1, 2000FADate of Import: Feb 12, 2000GADate of Import: Mar 1, 2000HADate of Import: Feb 24, 2000IADate of Import: Feb 25, 2000JADate of Import: Feb 24, 2000KADate of Import: Feb 25, 2000LADate of Import: Feb 25, 2000MADate of Import: Feb 13, 2000NADate of Import: Feb 13, 2000OADate of Import: Mar 1, 2000PADate of Import: Mar 1, 2000QADate of Import: Mar 1, 2000RADate of Import: Mar 1, 2000SADate of Import: Feb 13, 2000TADate of Import: Feb 13, 2000UADate of Import: Feb 13, 2000VADate of Import: Feb 13, 2000IA.K.A. Bridget Bower John Dane was born about 1587 in Berkhampstead, Hertfordshire. He married about 1608 Frances Bowyer who died about 1641 in Roxbury. MA. He married second Annis Bayford who died in 1682/83. Frances was probably the daughIter of Thomas and Margaret Bowyer based on certain "benefactions" recorded for the Parish of Bishop's Stortford. "John Dane, by deed dated 21st July 1630, in consideration of the Parish haveing been at great charge in relieving Margaret his moIther-in-law, the wife of Thomas Bowyer, after the death of her husband, and conveyed a parcel of ground taken out of a great yard belonging to John Dane, with a herenail ther or booth, and half part of a well lying in Hockerill Street, for theI benefit of the chief inhabitants of this Parish forever." Frances had been at one time a servant of Lady Margaret Denny, who was maid of honor to Queen Elizabeth I, and the wife of Sir Edward Denny, a gentleman of the Queen's Privy Chamber. SIhe came with her husband to New England and died soon after their arrival.John Dane came to New England with his wife and his children Elizabeth and Francis. His son John had preceded his parents to Ipswich in 1635 and they followed a year latIer, having "hasted after me as sone as they could." After a short period in Roxbury they settled in Ipswich in order to worship with Rev John Norton.The earliest grant of land to him was on April 9, 1639, but it appears this land had been occuIpied by them earlier. The grant was for a one acre lot "lying in the street called the west ens.." on the north side of the Ipswich River and adjoining the lot of Robert Muzzey. He had a six-acre planting lot "beyond the reach of Ready Marsh,"I and four more acres of planting ground within the common fence.In October, 1649, John petitioned the General court that the house and lands belonging to his father-in-law, William Chandler, might be made over to him for he had "paid more debtI of Chand'l than ye house and land was worth, & also brought up ye children of Chandler w'ch have been chargeable to him." On February 2,165/66 he made a deed of gift to "his dear and loving wife Annis Dane.." of all the housing and lands thatI had belonged to her first husband. He was a commoner and was made freeman at Ipswich on June 2, 1641. He died Sept, 1658, in Roxbury, MA. Their children were: 1. John Dane, Jr Abt 1612 - 1684 +Eleanor Clark 2. Elizabeth DaneI Abt 1610 - 1693/94 +James Howe Abt 1605 - 1702 3. Francis Dane Abt 1615 - +Elizabeth Ingalls 4. Mary Dane Bef 1616 - 1617 First husband of Frances Bowyer may have had the last name "Lone".XADate of Import: Feb 14, 2000 7U G G=G G=GXGWGZGYG\I[IBDRaG`GcG"'bGeI+dI,B-R.8UjG/'iGlIakIbRc9Ud:UqGe'pGsIwtrIx sIyvBz uB{xC| wC}zD~ yD|R {R~G'}GII IB BD DR RI]u V.A?3ܘNqP`OZ `{ Mu .A?`%j;AL[9`` `{ Fu .A??Dr S` `%g Mu W.A?u|&HRúq`. ` F v .A?vՕGРΐpJ``Q MZv .A?1TI=T,\` ` L Fv CXU'i9e/ELPŗĖ`# H i#w w Mv CY;"zKx&i`>"#͸`a#͸Fv .A? 4`A M{ n.A?:˷zQMK!M-{ o.A?Q37RH&&MS{ p.A?[$p@\2V`! Mz{ q.A?aHd.F{ .A?Dq`@R}MZADate of Import: Feb 14, 2000I . Samuel2 Story (William1) married Elizabeth Burnham, daughter of Thomas Burnham and Hester Bishop, at Ipswich/Norfolk, Ct. He was born in 1660 at Ipswich, Essex, Ma (Story Family in Vermont.). He married Mary (Williams) Choate on 16 Jul 1716I at Ipswich, Essex, Ma (_________, Vital Records of Ipswich, pg 416.). He died circa 1726 at Norwich, Ct. He served under Hawthorne during King Phillips War on 23 Sep 1676 at Ipswich, Essex, Ma (_________, Massachusetts Officers and SoldierIs in Seventeenth Century Conflicts, by Carole Doreski in no series (Boston, Mass: NEHGS, 1982), 225, pg 225.) (_________, Soldiers in King Phillips War, by George Madison Bodge in no series (Boston: n.pub., 1906).). He left a will on 17 Sep 17I26; The will of Samuel Story, of Norwich, Conn., is recorded on Probate Records of New London, Conn., Volume C, page 88. It is dated Sept. 17, 1726 and the witnesses appearing, etc., Dec. 1, 1726. In his will he mentions his wife Mary; his sonIs John Story, Samuel Story, Stephen Story and his son Ephraim's children; daughters Elizabeth Hidden, Mary Andrus, Dorothy Day, Hannah Nolten, Anna Proctor, Margaret Choat; son-in-law John Choat and daughter in law Elizabeth Choat. To his sIon Stephen Story he left, "my woodlot in Tabasco, Number 319, he paying to his father, Emerson, what is due him from me." To his son Solomon Story he left, "15 acres that I reserved in my deed to my son John, he paying 20 shillings yearly t Io my present wife during her widowhood." The inventory on his estate was taken on Sept. 25, 1726 and included " a wood lot in Ipswich.". The date of the inventory places Samuel Story's death between Sept. 17 and 25, 1726. Source: photoco Ipy from Jesse Marshall of Conn. Children of Samuel2 Story and Elizabeth Burnham were as follows: i. Dorothy3. ii. Margaret. iii. Elizabeth; born 1 Oct 1680 at Ipswich, Essex, Ma (Story Family in Vermont, pg 1.); married Ebenezer Hidden  I 17 Jul 1701 at Rowley, Essex, Mass (_________, Vital Records of Rowley Mass., To The End of The Year 1849 Salem, Mass. 1928 in no series (n.p.: n.pub., n.d.), pg 408.). iv. Mary; born 24 May 1682 at Ipswich, Essex, Ma (Story Family in Vermon  It, pg 1.); she was intention 22 Nov 1718 at Gloucester, Essex, Ma (_________, Vital Records of Gloucester, Mass, To The End of The Year 1849 in no series (Topsfield, Mass.: Topsfield Historical Society, 1917), pg 527.); married Thomas Andros 2  I2 Nov 1718 at Gloucester, Essex, Ma. As of 22 Nov 1718, she was also known as Marsey Storie (Ibid.). 11. v. Samuel, born 11 Jan 1683/84 at Ipswich, Essex, Ma. vi. Hannah; born 10 Jul 1685 at Ipswich, Essex, Ma (Story Family in Vermont, pg I 1.); married Timothy Knowlton 30 Aug 1711 at Ipswich, Essex, Ma (_________, Vital Records of Ipswich, pg 413.). As of 30 Aug 1711, she was also known as Hannah Storey (Ibid.). 12. vii. Jacob, born 17 Feb 1685/86 at Ipswich, Essex, Ma; Mar Ir. Inte Martha Burley. viii. Anna; born 31 Mar 1691 at Ipswich, Essex, Mass (Ibid., pg 357.); married John Proctor 13 Jun 1713 at Ipswich, Essex, Ma (Ibid., pg 414.) (Ibid.). As of 13 Jun 1713, she was also known as Annah Story (Ibid.). 1I3. ix. Ephraim, born 22 Oct 1692 at Ipswich, Essex, Mass; married Elizabeth Emerson. 14. x. John, born 19 Jun 1694 at Ipswich, Essex, Mass; married Sarah Choate. 15. xi. Solomon, born 13 Mar 1695/96 at Ipswich, Essex, Mass; married Mary ChoaIte. 16. xii. Stephen, born 7 Oct 1697 at Ipswich, Essex, Mass; married Mary Emerson.\ADate of Import: Feb 13, 2000]ADate of Import: Feb 13, 2000^ADate of Import: Feb 13, 2000_ADate of Import: Feb 13, 2000aADate of Import: Feb 14, 2000ISome genealogies on the Internet show Elizabeth Burnham as descended from Thomas Burnam (born in 1646) and Burnham's wife Hester Bishop, born in 1655. But this is impossible, because Hester would have been only 5 years old at the time ElizabeIth was born. There are a number of other Elizabeth Bishops who were born at around the same year, but with different parents, that are listed on the Internet. Perhaps, one of these was the Elizabeth Bishop who was the wife of Samuel Story.IHutchinson, Elizabeth (~1628 - 1710) - female b. ABT 1628 in England d. 1710 in Reading, Massachusetts, USA father: Hutchinson, Thomas (*1593 - ) mother: Browne, Ann (*1597 - ) From The Devil Discovered, Salem Witchcraft 1692 WrittenI by Enders A. Robinson page 288-289: Elizabeth Hutchinson was born about 1628 in England, daughter of Ann [Browne] and Thomas Hutchinson. Elizabeth Hutchinson married, about 1650, Isaac Hart of Reading. They had six children, includingI Deborah, who in 1673 married Benjamin Proctor of Salem, the brother of John Proctor. In 1692 Elizabeth Hart was in her mid-sixties. She and her husband lived in Reading. Her brother Captain Francis Hutchinson in Reading, and her halIf-brother John Hawked in Lynn, were both men of influence. On May 14, 1692 the conspiracy filed a complaint [Number 17] against Elizabeth Hart and seven others. On May 15 she was arrested, examined, and imprisoned. A major reason for hIer accusation was her connection to the Proctor family through her daughter Deborah. On October 19, 1692 Elizabeth's son, Thomas Hart, presented a petition to the General Court at Boston for the release of his mother on bail. It statIed, 'Mother was taken into custody in the latter end of May last, and ever since committed a prisoner in Boston jail. She being ancient and not able to undergo the hardship that is inflicted from lying in misery, and death rather to beI chosen than a life in her circumstances, my father being ancient and decrepit was wholly unable to attend in this matter.' It is not known whether the petition was granted. In the Superior Court of Judicature at Salem, January 1693, the I grand jury dismissed the case of Elizabeth Hart. In 1710 Isaac Hart died, and later the same year Elizabeth Hart died, both at Reading. After the death of Thomas Hutchinson, his widow Ann married, about 1630, Adam Hawkes of Lynn. Af!Iter Ann's death, Adam, age sixty-five married, in 1670, Sarah Hooper, age nineteen. After Adam's death in 1672, Sarah married Samuel Wardwell. On September 1, 1692, Sarah Hooper Hawkes Wardwell, age forty-one, her daughter by Adam, Sar Iah Hawkes, age twenty-one, and her daughter by Samuel, Mercy Wardwell, age nineteen, were imprisoned for witchcraft.cADate of Import: Feb 14, 2000$IAlso known as Judith Taylor. Also said to be daughter of John Dane Death date from: Title: Ancestors of American Presidents Judith Wignol(6240) (6241)(6242) was born about 1602 in England. She died in Oct 1664 in Ipswich, Massachusetts%#I. Age at death: About 62. She might be the daughter of Alexander Wignall, but this is not proven. (Alternatively, there are records that spell her maiden name "Wignall," show her birth place as Exeter, England and London Garden, England, her m&$Iarriage date as September 28, 1618, and suggest that she might have died in England before her husband and children emigrated as she is not listed on immigration records. However, there are records showing that a wife of Reginald Foster, named'%I Judith, died in October 1664 in Ipswich, Massachusetts. Perhaps she was mistakenly omitted from the immigration records. Reginald Sr. remarried in 1665.) Author: Roberts, Gary Boyd Publication: Santa Clara CA: Carl Boyer, 3rd, in cooperat(&Iion with the New England Genealogical Society, Boston, 1995 Repository: Note: State Library of Ohio Call Number: Media: Book Page: 28 1 Judith WIGNOL d: 1664 + Renald FOSTER d: ABT. 1681 2 Sarah FOSTER b: ABT. 1620 + W)'Iilliam STORY b: ABT. 1614 d: BEF. JAN 1702/03 3 Samuel STORY b: BET. 1658 - 1660 d: 1726 + Elizabeth 4 Stephen STORY b: 7 OCT 1697 d: 13 DEC 1766 + Mary EMERSON b: 20 APR 1704 d: 13 JUL 1777 *(I 5 Philippa STORY b: 21 MAY 1726 d: AFT. 1796 + Ebenezer WOOD b: 15 NOV 1726 d: 1796 6 Hepzibah WOOD b: 14 APR 1747 d: 11 MAY 1783 + Nathaniel FILLMORE b: 20 MAR 1739/4)I0 d: 7 SEP 1814 7 Nathaniel FILLMORE b: 19 APR 1771 d: 28 MAR 1863 + Phoebe MILLARD b: 12 AUG 1781 d: 2 APR 1831 8 Millard FILLMORE b: 7 JAN 1800 d: 8 MAR 1874eADate of Import: Feb 13, 2000fADate of Import: Feb 13, 2000gADate of Import: Feb 13, 2000hADate of Import: Feb 13, 2000jADate of Import: Feb 14, 20001I Reginald or Renold Foster came to America in 1638 from Theydon Garnon, Essex Co., England. He settled at Ipswich that year, one of the earliest inhabitants of that town, and he purchased a house and lands of John Tuttell on 26 Sept. 1638. He 20Iwas a town officer of Ipswich and also granted land at Ipswich April 6, 1641. It is believed, by Savage, that he came with sons Abraham, Reginald, Jr., William, Isaac and Jacob and 2 daughters, one of whom was Mary, the other was likely Sarah.31I He came either from Brunton or Exeter, Devon and was perhaps, according to Savage, a widower at his immigration. Savage is unclear regarding wife Judith; Judith Wignall may have been his first wife whom he married in England in 1619, accor42Iding to one source. He may have married a 2nd time, in Ipswich, in 1659, a Judith with whom he had 3 more children. However, son Reginald may have married Judith ___ in about 1659 as his first wife. Reginald, Sr. did marry again in 1665 to Sar53Iah Martin, widow of John Martin and had another 4 children; she was the widow named in his will and not wife of Reginald, Jr., who was having children with Elizabeth Dane at the same time as Sarah's children were being born. None of the childr64Ien from his (possible) 2nd and 3rd marriages are named in his will; Savage leans toward the Senior Reginald as having made these marriages, but it is also likely that Reginald, Jr. was the father of the children of Judith and his father was fa75Ither of Sarah Martin's children. Reginol or Reynold Foster, Sr., "husbandman, Ipswich, bought of John Tuttell 26 Sept 1638, a house and lands (Ipsw. Rec.). Had charge of the town herd of cattle on South side of the river in 1643; work may b86Ie done with his son Abraham. Town officer. With wife Sarah sold land 2 Aug 1676. Will dated 30 April 1680, probated 9 June 1681, inventory taken 30 May 1681, bequeathed to wife Sarah what she brought at marriage, and other things; to sons Abra97Iham, Renold, Isaac, William and Jacob; to daughters Sarah, wife of William Story, and Mary, wife of Francis Paybody; to grandchild Hannah Story. The son Abraham died 15 Jan 1711, age about 90." (From "Pioneers of Massachusetts," Charles H. Pop:8Ie, 1986) = = =\\ Reginald Foster(1688) (1689)(1690) (1691)(1692) (1693)(1694) (1695)(1696) (1697) was born about 1595 in England. He was probably born in or near Exeter, Devonshire, England. He immigrated in 1638 to America. He settled in;9I Ipswich by 1638 when he he purchased land bought house and land from John Tuttell on September 26, 1638. He was a town officer. He was granted land on April 6, 1641. He later owned some land shares on Plum and Hogg Islands. He signed a will o<:In Apr 30 1681. In his will he mentions wife, Sarah; sons: Abraham, Renold, Isaac, William, Jacob; and daughters, Sarah, wife of William Story, and Mary, wife of Francis Paybody, and grandchild, Hannah Story. He died in May 1681 in Ipswich, Mas=;Isachusetts. Age at death: About 86. He had an estate probated on Jun 9 1681. Inventory of his estate was done on May 30, 1681. He was a town officer and husbandman in Ipswich, Massachusetts. Also, he had charge of the town herd of cattle on th><Ie south side of the river in 1643. James Savage is unclear about Reginald Foster's wives, but Judith Wignall is likely to be his first wife whom he married in England in 1619. He may have married a second Judith in 1659 with whom he had three ?=Imore children. Reginald Sr. did marry again in 1665 to Sarah Martin, widow of John Martin, and had four more children. She was the widow mentioned in Reginald Sr.'s will and was not the wife of Reginald Jr. who was having children with Elizabe@>Ith Dane at the time Sarah's children were born. Savage leans towards Reginald Sr. marrying two wives name Judith, but some believe the other Judith was the first wife of Reginald Jr., not the second wife of Reginald Sr. Some records show that A?Iit was his son, Reginald, Jr. who married Sarah Martin; however, supposedly Reginald Jr. and Elizabeth Dane were having children when Sarah Martin's children were born. None of the later-born children are mentioned in Reginald Sr.'s will. He aB@Ind his wife, Sarah, sold land on August 2, 1676. There are contradictory theories about Reginald's parents. Some records show his parents as Thomas Forster and Elizabeth "Jane" Carr. One researcher says that the assumed parentage is pure specuCAIlation, and points out that it is an unlikely assumption that someone with the surname Foster of Exter in southern England is the son of someone with the surname Forster in northern England without direct evidence. Other records show him to beDBI the son of a Reginald Foster. (Alternatively, there are records that spell his first name "Reginold," "Reginol," "Renold," or "Reynold," show his birth place as Brunton, England, first marriage date as September 28, 1618; death date as May 30ECI, 1681; will dated April 30, 1680, and estate inventory dated May 10, 1681.) He was married to Judith Wignol about 1619 in Theydon Garnon, Essex, England. Children were: Mary Foster, Sarah Foster, Abraham Foster, Isaac Foster, William Foster,FDI Jacob Foster, Reginald Foster , Jr.. He was married to Sarah- Unknown in Sep 1665 in Ipswich, Massachusetts. Children were: Ruth Foster, Ellen Foster, Hannah Foster, Nathaniel Foster. ----------------------------------------------------GEI---------------------------- Reginald Foster , Jr.(1698) (1699) was born about 1636 in Exeter, Devonshire Co., England. He immigrated in 1638 to America. He died on Dec 28 1707 in Ipswich, Massachusetts. Age at death: About 71. He married ElHFIizabeth Dane about 1652. There is speculation that he might have married Sarah Martin in September 1665, but some researchers feel certain that his father, Reginald Sr. married Sarah, because Reginald Jr. and Elizabeth Dane were having childreIGIn during the time that Sarah's four children were born. (Alternatively, there are a few variant birth dates ascribed to him, but records show that he was 71 years old when he died in 1707 which supports his birth year as about 1636.) Parents: JHIReginald Foster and Judith Wignol. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- = = = Reginald owned land on Plum and Hog Islands per his will proved 09 June 1681, included in recitation of his esKIItate inventory in "Foster Genealogy" (1899), pp. 115-18. He came to America with his wife, Judith, and seven children (p. 15). Philip Howard Gray, "Penobscot Pioneers" (Camden: Penobscot Press, 1994), p. 37, discusses his identity and statLJIes Reginald was probably born in Harlow, co. Essex, perhaps [!] son of Reynold Foster and grandson of John Foster. Reginald was a husbandman in Ipswich, MA from 1638. "Magna Charta, Part VIII," John S. Wurts (Philadelphia, PA: Brookfield PuMKIb. Co.), p. 2628, states that Thomas Forster and Elizabeth Carr are "assumed to be the parents of Reginald...." An e-mail message from John Sanders [sand@bayview.romgroup.co.uk] 16 January 1998: "I am relieved to know that there are doubts oNLIn your side of the Pond about the identification of Reginald Forster m. Judith Wignol of Theydon Garnon with Reginald s/o Thomas F of Brunton and Elizabeth Carr. " There are some problems in your data though. Leaving aside the question about OMIwhich daughter of William Carr and Ursula Brandling married Thomas Forster of Brunton, Elizabeth was still unnmarried when her father died. In M.M. Meikle: "Northumberland divided: Anatomy of a 16C bloodfeud" in Archaeologia Aeliana SeriesPNI 5 Vol XX, p. 86/7, she writes "... In early January 1589 William died from an illness that may have been precipitated by the court case [litigation with the Herons about the title to Ford - JS]. He was aged thirty-seven and knowing that heQOI was about to die he hurriedly leased his lands at Crookham to his brother Ralph in return for three marriage portions of £200 to be given to his daughters Elizabeth, Jane and Eleanor. On the very same day he put his heir Thomas, aged elevRPIen, and his younger son, William, into the safe custody of Lord Hunsdon [President of the Council in the North and a cousin of Queen Elizabeth - JS] for the duration of their minority along with all rights to their lands and marriage. ..." SQI(relying on his inquisition post mortem Public Record Office ref: C142/227/195). This has to mean that Elizabeth was still unmarried in 1589. Yet there is an alleged marriage to Thomas Forster as early as 1580 at Gisburn, ? the one in YorTRIkshire. This problem will not be lessened if it was Jane, not Elizabeth who married Thomas, since Jane was the younger. According to the IGI 1992 edition, the Guisburn marriage is based on data from their extraction programme and so from a USIformal record of some kind. I would suggest that the Gisburn record was misread and should have been 1590. This is consistent with the unverified baptismal record for Elizabeth on 24 May 1575 at St Nicholas, Newcastle upon Tyne, in the IGVTII. This data is a third party submission so may not be reliable, but is specific enough to look credible, pending verification. A 1590 marriage would also close the otherwise unlikely gap between marriage and birth of Reginald 1595- but thWUIat date is itself inconsistent with Elizabeth's reported demise in 1594. All this needs clarifying. "The idea that Reginald, with his father still very much alive (an unverified IGI entry suggests he was born 1555), and apparently with no otXVIher children (really ?), trotted off to Essex and married there, produced a family and migrated to the US strains credulity a bit. Although name variants do get mixed up they often indicate a different origin. In the North, the variant FostYWIer is not common in the 16C. I think it imprudent to assume that someone named Foster recorded in Essex could safely be identified with a family in the North called Forster over many generations, unless there was explicit evidence to supporZXIt it. In the light of Philip Gray's apparent doubts, it looks as though such evidence is lacking. At all events, until this question is settled, there is not much point in pursuing the unresolved aspects of the Carr of Ford descent." [YIName: REGINALD (Renold) FOSTER 1 2 Sex: M Birth: ABT. 1595 in Brunton, England 3 Death: 1681 in Ipswich, MA 4 Event: To America APR 1638 From England to Ipswich, Mass. _FA1: 1641 Ipswich, MA. (See Notes) _FA1: 30 APR 1680 Will writ\ZIten 5 _FA1: 9 JUN 1681 Will Proved Reference Number: 2942 Note: 1. FAMILY GROUP SHEET from Priscilla Bohanan, New Hampshire Antiquarian Society, Hopkinton, NH. 2. See also: "Foster Genealogy, Record of Posterity of Reginald Foster",][I F.C. Pierce, 1899, p. 120. "Reginald Foster, of Little Dadow, Co., Essex, England; landed in Ipswich, Mar. in 1638. He belonged to the Foster family of Bamborough and Etherstone Castle Co., Northumberland. Reginald brought with him five sons^\I and two daughters. 3. "A Genealogical Dictionary of The First Settlers of New England" Vol. 2, James Savage, Little Brown and Co., 1860. 4. NEGHR, Vol. VI, p. 254: Mentioned in Will... Wife, Sarah Children, Renold, Abraham, Isaac, Ja_]Icob, William, Sarah (wife of William Story), Mary (wife of Francis Peabody), Mary (dau of Wm. Jackson). 5. From Historical Paper presented at dedication of the "Story Memorial Building", Windsor, Vermont, 1916: "...After arriving on the Am`^Ierican shore he (William Story) married Sarah Foster, a native of England and the daughter of Judge Reginald Foster, an early and prominent colonist and a magistrate of Ipswich." According to Savage, Reginald's estate inventory was take_In 10 May 1681; his will was dated 30 April 1681 and proved 9 June 1681. After Judith's death, Reginald m. (2) 19 Sept 1665 Sarah, widow of John Martin.lADate of Import: Feb 13, 2000mADate of Import: Feb 13, 2000nADate of Import: Feb 13, 2000oADate of Import: Feb 13, 2000qADate of Import: Feb 14, 2000gIReginald owned land on Plum and Hog Islands per his will proved 09 June 1681, included in recitation of his estate inventory in "Foster Genealogy" (1899), pp. 115-18. He came to America with his wife, Judith, and seven children (p. 15). PhilhfIip Howard Gray, "Penobscot Pioneers" (Camden: Penobscot Press, 1994), p. 37, discusses his identity and states Reginald was probably born in Harlow, co. Essex, perhaps [!] son of Reynold Foster and grandson of John Foster. Reginald was a higIusbandman in Ipswich, MA from 1638. "Magna Charta, Part VIII," John S. Wurts (Philadelphia, PA: Brookfield Pub. Co.), p. 2628, states that Thomas Forster and Elizabeth Carr are "assumed to be the parents of Reginald...." An e-mail message frjhIom John Sanders [sand@bayview.romgroup.co.uk] 16 January 1998: "I am relieved to know that there are doubts on your side of the Pond about the identification of Reginald Forster m. Judith Wignol of Theydon Garnon with Reginald s/o Thomas F ofkiI Brunton and Elizabeth Carr. " There are some problems in your data though. Leaving aside the question about which daughter of William Carr and Ursula Brandling married Thomas Forster of Brunton, Elizabeth was still unnmarried when her fatherljI died. In M.M. Meikle: "Northumberland divided: Anatomy of a 16C bloodfeud" in Archaeologia Aeliana Series 5 Vol XX, p. 86/7, she writes "... In early January 1589 William died from an illness that may have been precipitated by the court mkIcase [litigation with the Herons about the title to Ford - JS]. He was aged thirty-seven and knowing that he was about to die he hurriedly leased his lands at Crookham to his brother Ralph in return for three marriage portions of £200 to benlI given to his daughters Elizabeth, Jane and Eleanor. On the very same day he put his heir Thomas, aged eleven, and his younger son, William, into the safe custody of Lord Hunsdon [President of the Council in the North and a cousin of Queen omIElizabeth - JS] for the duration of their minority along with all rights to their lands and marriage. ..." (relying on his inquisition post mortem Public Record Office ref: C142/227/195). This has to mean that Elizabeth was still unmarriedpnI in 1589. Yet there is an alleged marriage to Thomas Forster as early as 1580 at Gisburn, ? the one in Yorkshire. This problem will not be lessened if it was Jane, not Elizabeth who married Thomas, since Jane was the younger. According toqoI the IGI 1992 edition, the Guisburn marriage is based on data from their extraction programme and so from a formal record of some kind. I would suggest that the Gisburn record was misread and should have been 1590. This is consistent withrpI the unverified baptismal record for Elizabeth on 24 May 1575 at St Nicholas, Newcastle upon Tyne, in the IGI. This data is a third party submission so may not be reliable, but is specific enough to look credible, pending verification. A 1sqI590 marriage would also close the otherwise unlikely gap between marriage and birth of Reginald 1595- but that date is itself inconsistent with Elizabeth's reported demise in 1594. All this needs clarifying. "The idea that Reginald, with htrIis father still very much alive (an unverified IGI entry suggests he was born 1555), and apparently with no other children (really ?), trotted off to Essex and married there, produced a family and migrated to the US strains credulity a bit. usIAlthough name variants do get mixed up they often indicate a different origin. In the North, the variant Foster is not common in the 16C. I think it imprudent to assume that someone named Foster recorded in Essex could safely be identifiedvtI with a family in the North called Forster over many generations, unless there was explicit evidence to support it. In the light of Philip Gray's apparent doubts, it looks as though such evidence is lacking. At all events, until this questuIion is settled, there is not much point in pursuing the unresolved aspects of the Carr of Ford descent."sADate of Import: Feb 13, 2000tADate of Import: Feb 13, 2000uADate of Import: Feb 13, 2000vADate of Import: Feb 13, 2000wADate of Import: Feb 13, 2000xADate of Import: Feb 13, 2000yADate of Import: Feb 13, 2000zADate of Import: Feb 13, 2000{ADate of Import: Feb 13, 2000|ADate of Import: Feb 13, 2000~ADate of Import: Feb 14, 2000ADate of Import: Feb 13, 2000ADate of Import: Feb 13, 2000ADate of Import: Feb 13, 2000ADate of Import: Feb 13, 2000ADate of Import: Feb 13, 2000ADate of Import: Feb 13, 2000ADate of Import: Feb 13, 2000ADate of Import: Feb 13, 2000ADate of Import: Feb 13, 2000ADate of Import: Feb 13, 2000ADate of Import: Feb 24, 2000ADate of Import: Feb 25, 2000ADate of Import: Feb 13, 2000ADate of Import: Feb 13, 2000ADate of Import: Feb 24, 2000ADate of Import: Feb 25, 2000ADate of Import: Feb 13, 2000ADate of Import: Feb 13, 2000ADate of Import: Feb 24, 2000ADate of Import: Feb 25, 2000ADate of Import: Feb 14, 2000ADate of Import: Feb 13, 2000ADate of Import: Feb 13, 2000ADate of Import: Feb 13, 2000ADate of Import: Feb 13, 2000ADate of Import: Feb 14, 2000ADate of Import: Feb 24, 2000ADate of Import: Feb 25, 2000ADate of Import: Feb 24, 2000ADate of Import: Feb 25, 2000ADate of Import: Feb 24, 2000I IIIB BBBD DDDG'GII IB BG'GIIIBBDDRRG'GG'GG'GG'GG>GG>GG>GG>GG>GG>GG>GG>GG>GADate of Import: Feb 25, 2000ADate of Import: Feb 24, 2000ADate of Import: Feb 25, 2000ADate of Import: Feb 14, 2000ADate of Import: Feb 14, 2000ADate of Import: Feb 14, 2000ADate of Import: Feb 14, 2000ADate of Import: Feb 21, 2000ADate of Import: Feb 21, 2000ADate of Import: Feb 21, 2000ADate of Import: Feb 21, 2000ADate of Import: Feb 21, 2000ADate of Import: Feb 21, 2000ADate of Import: Feb 21, 2000ADate of Import: Feb 21, 2000ADate of Import: Feb 21, 2000ADate of Import: Feb 21, 2000ADate of Import: Feb 21, 2000ADate of Import: Feb 21, 2000ADate of Import: Feb 21, 2000ADate of Import: Feb 21, 2000ADate of Import: Feb 24, 2000ADate of Import: Feb 24, 2000ADate of Import: Feb 25, 2000ADate of Import: Feb 24, 2000ADate of Import: Feb 24, 2000ADate of Import: Feb 24, 2000IA.K.A. William PrestonADate of Import: Feb 25, 2000ADate of Import: Feb 24, 2000I The History of Martha's Vineyard by Dr. Charles Banks: Volume III Family Genealogies: pp. 410-411 THE PRESBURY FAMILY Compiled by Dr. Charles Banks, c. 1925. Transcribed and prepared for the web by C. Baer 1999. [Comments in brackets Iadded by C. Baer, 1999. Sources upon request.] The ancestor of the Vineyard family of this name was JOHN PRESBURY, an early settler of Sandwich (1643), who d. May 1648. His wid. CATHERINE m. (2) RICHARD CHADWELL 22 July 1649. They had issz { -{ S{ :z{ { X { . ,W| %E$| O@| ! ~a|   |  | | | } $fI} } } } L} ~ &=~ OY~ 'Ax~ i~ ~ ~ ,=  ( N7'H "`     $w ,#    (B 'c 2r > 1-ɀ .$ K5+ @,W 0~v / 33+ 2) M414 q3Y |?-~ 6 T @ Uӂ  # =>j FB /;ۃ n*! P5D 7o z~ Ä TC< DB# ECA Dt H< & Fą 7  @ U-3 l QN3 wOM҆ `XN _D ?A M fu' [ oB) VZKZ \WU )YVʈ B5O cW: 50xUo b]S aV ni[ S mtP dO r\ qg[3 Yp ` /!ߋ "lR hybR pg k]ˌ 5 iD f z_ v]Ӎ T shC 4 v#a p {_1 =Qp n N}Z8go-mt-5;xLz/yT .HP[ 0@|y~,v5krD$s^,n-s\ u 6)VmM>s#`cQ/8iaEmt?3T K1/l0 8-v,L7y",u"oj*d &bC![-Ib . Q3!/p3 !:b;st8:v8;o7 981~sp/s_C H5=7 ~0D+ S`6A/ y S x> S   j  y@9; -!_   J M "   ~-yu=  x    0 $ ]y,k(F _?F{o! :y4 !mtE 71{ 6 [& R(  #! ")d6C 32~ ,A $, >  +h - dI%<'(%l)*%o.#R%Q (")"!(d|<}: #H0C JuT=2G*M /&2F$dY z^IA74?6$9u^;:8H9p<9 G;Fq>0YD=@X7iB?-RQfjh@`E>\cDJ}Z<P]:J54K"IlmJ[IgN^="MWlZIx[H[ ATA5VmURTWS VAg?{ba>fGP#EZnHMO'eDC Y{YEP -46`fovZXB @E B~ +] YIO \IK ]@ rfy ; =b to& & ^ r +8 f xy#C z|w~ w {x z& x^ F u ]5 ,2i2F}QQ{~>4x,f{O|yz:B s+$]8o|G~)fL(^Ic  9pfcG L] J'mS?.gJ;`)?vW4Qt" L1iD|]!:0gX[w ?* 8E     0 e J    & @($(9 G>GG>GG>GG>GG>G G? 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Samuel was a baker by trade and had been admitted as a "freeman" or "burgess" of Bristol 3 Sept. 1767 I although the scale of payment indicates that he was not particularly well-off. He was residing at Winford 1774 and 1781. It is possible that Somerset Record Office may be able to find more for you; I have made contact on your behalf with thaIeir researcher and will be in touch with you again when I have received his reply. Your sincerely Margaret McGregor, Archivist/Researcher R3453 11.4.00 Somerset County Council Archivist writes: The marriage licence for Samuel Maggs and W$Y(bY<bya^'bb K %b*K %b(%b`?^% b K %b[!!bW'T"!b],#"bW%)#bW&%$bW"&%bW'&b^(('b\*)(b\+*)b\.+*b]-,+b]#-,b\/.1b\)/4bY106bY=17b_328b_439b_64:b_25;b_\6<b`87=b`Y8>ba:9?ba]:@bbO;AbY0<BbY=Cb`7>Db`S?Ebdx@FbcTAGbcQBHbXcCIbXEDJbXFEKbXGFLbXHGMbXIHNbXbIObedJPbbLKQbbMLTbbNMUbb;NVbbKOWb`WPYbcRQZbcAR[b`>S\bcBT]bXDU^b`PV`b`XWab`?Xbb`VYcb@zZkbf[eb_5\fba^]gba_^hba`_iba9`jb?aa bXCblbXUcmbegdnbheeobgffrbehgtbeihubeJivbijwbikxbjolybjnmzbjn{bjmo|bkp}bkq~bLrribisbitbdzubk~vbitwbduxbd{ybdzbd{bi|bl}bk~bkbkpbkqblblblbl}bibibibiwbjbdybmbnbjbjbjbjbjbjlbibijbisbibd@bibibkbkvbkbkbi|bibikbibibibmbmbXbqbrbsbrbXbXbXbXbXbXbXbXbXbXbXbXbX!bqbqbqbnbnbnbnbXbnbnbnbnbnbnbnbnbADate of Import: Feb 24, 2000#I Father gave him land on Hog Island, became first white man to live there Farmer After 35 years on island, moved to mainland Owned much land Known as Governor Choate, either because of all his holdings, or because of ownership of so much "Iland on Hog Island.ADate of Import: Feb 24, 2000ADate of Import: Feb 24, 2000'I Ipswich, Essex Co., MA Paid for his first farm with grain and West India goods became owner of several farms adjacent to first purchase eventually owned almost all of Hog Island, about 300 acres 1667 Freeman Sergeant of militia, active m(&Iember of the church John Choate was baptized in Groton, Boxford, Colchester, on June 6, 1624 . His wife was named Ann, and she was born in 1637 in Groton, Suffolk, and died Feb 16, 1726/27. He emigrated in 1643 and settled at Chebacco, Ips)'Iwich, where he owned several farms. He was a sergeant in the militia and was made freeman in 1667. He died Dec 4, 1695 at Ipswich. = = = John Choate, son of Robert and Sarah Choate, was bapt. 6 June 1624, in Groton, Boxford, Colchester, *(IEngland. Both of John's parents died in 1638 and are buried in the cemetery at the church in Groton. After his parents deaths, John removed to Kent to live with relatives, until he was of a suitable age to embark to America. As a young man of +)Inineteen years, he came to this country in 1643 from Sudbury in the county of Suffolk, England, as an apprentise to Mr. Thomas Low. He came to this country with one of his brothers, but the brother returned to England, the following year. On a,*Irrival, he, soon found employment in Chebacco Parish, Ipswich, Essex Co., Massachusetts and was considered one of the towns first settlers. In 1648, at the age of 24 years, his name appears in a list of one hundred and sixty-one persons who su-+Ibscribed to a fund to pay Major Daniel Denison for giving military instruction. Hence he was called "a subscriber to the Denison allowance." Mr. Choate married in 1660, his wife being born in 1637 and died on 16 Feb. 1727. They settled upon a .,Ismall farm which he had purchased, and which he paid for, as the record runs: "In cattle, not over eight years old: In grain English and Indian and partly in West India goods.". This farm stood near the border line between Ipswich and Chebacco/-I, located at the head of the creek. Mr. Choate's house stood a few rods northeast of the residence recently occupied by Mr. John Low. For many years it was well known as "The Choate Place," and was inherited successively by his son, Joseph Cho0.Iate, and his grand-son, Daniel Choate. But in later years the old house was torn down, and the farm became merged in others adjacent to it, so that to-day the spot on which John Choate's house once stood is pointed out with some difficulty, ev1/Ien by the inhabitants of the neighborhood, for nothing remains to mark approximately the location except a well on the opposite side of the road. As the years went on he added by purchase to his landed possessions, until he had become the prop20Irietor of two or three farms adjacent to his own. As early as 1667, he commenced buying the shares of common lands which had been allotted to the proprietors of the town. These were located on an island, almost two miles away, in full view fro31Im where Mr. Choate lived. The island embraced about three hundred acres, constituting a swell of land, the form of which bore some resemblance to the back of a large hog lying asleep on the surrounding waters. These sea-girt land was wild, cov42Iered with trees and bushes. This island, either from its shape, or because it was used as a common pasture for swine, or for some unknown reason, since as early as 1637 had been called "Hog Island". Mr. Choate, as opportunity offered, bought, 53Ione by one, these shares of the common lands until, in 1690, he was almost the sole owner of the island. The earliest deed of conveyance , now extant, was given in 1678, when he was almost the sole owner of the island and purchased the very sp64Iot on which stands the present Choate house , the birth place of the late Hon. Rufus Choate of Boston. Thus this early settler of Chebacco, by his industry, made his mark as a thrifty farmer, and as his sons came to manhood he was able to give75I to each a farm, excepting the youngest Benjamin, for whom he provided the means of a college education. Benjamin graduated from Harvard College in 1703 and went on to become a preacher at Kingston, leaving there before 1725. Mr. Choate for mo86Ire than half a century lived among his neighbors a worthy example of industry and thrift. What part he took in public affairs we know but little. It is recorded that he became a freeman, by oath in 1667, held the rank of sergeant in the militi97Ia and that he was a voter by virue of his membership in the Congregational Church. From certain entries on the records, various depositions and law papers, he appears to have had more or less to do with the courts of his day, sometimes being h:8Iimself arraigned for trial and sometimes being called to testify as a witness, as for example, when charged with the theft of Mr. Hubbard's apples, or to bear witness, as in the case of "Rachell Clentons," who was charged with being a witch. R;9Ieferences: 1. "The Choates in America - John Choate and his Descendents - 1624-1896", by E. O. Jameson; Published by Alfred Mudge & Son, Boston - 1896. 2. "Antiquarian Papers", Issue: May 1883, pg.2 3. "History of Ipswich, Essex and Hamilton" :Iby Joseph B.Felt, published in 1991 by Heritage Books, Inc. Reprinted from original, first published in Mass. in 1834.IChoates in America 1643-1896, E.O. Jameson, Alfred Mudge & Son, Printers. 1896. Page 1, #1. MA vital record transcripts to 1849, Fische #1TADate of Import: Feb 24, 2000ADate of Import: Feb 24, 2000 ISigned petition for John Proctor.!I `.A?2@/!kHF`’!# .A?^"~TKK (!P .A?]exA7^Il .A?n)OJGOyN.A?(.RqR5DW  B'%U.A?2A5}Ih`uw .A?Aa2Ң@DzCOqOk,!]% .A?NO* 'S>N}ӮZ m .A?"(!_iF=.A?YmtJaaE*B)` 6z.A?_lLs` 6z.A?Zn\LP`9 !6zB"IID: I249 Name: William VARNEY Sex: M Reference Number: REFN 1380 Birth: 1608 in England Christening: Note: conflicting infor...one source sez moved to Salem, MA area; the other sez spent 25 years in Barbadoes as a shipbuilder CA"IDeath: 1 MAR 1653 in (or 1654) Ipswich, Essex Cty., MA 1 Note: VARNEY Family Assoc. Papers (20 Knollridge Rd, Salem, MA) 1989 Marriage 1 Bridget KNIGHT b: 1604 in or 1611 Somersetshire, England Married: 4 MAY 1629 in Barbadoes, West IndDB"Iies Note: or married in Salem, MA per Dorothy Travers; or married abt 1625 England GED2HTML v3.1a (8/20/97); GTI and Ancestry World Tree sez married 4 May 1629 in Salem, Essex, MA (AFN:FHW5-CT Children Rachel VARNEY b: 1632 in IpswiEC"Ich, MA William VARNEY b: 1632 in Ipswich, Essex Co., MA Walter VARNEY b: 20 JUL 1635 in Barbadoes, West Indies Sarah VARNEY b: 1636 Thomas VARNEY b: 1639 in Ipswich, MA or Barbadoes, West Indies ====== A Genealogy of Some of the DescFD"Iendants of William Varney of Ipswich MA 1649 and more particularly of his son, Humphrey Varney of Dover NH 1659, Herbert Clarkson Varney Essex County Quarterly Court Files 1:45 Humphrey (2nd spouse) VARNEY b: ABT 1642 in Dover Neck StraE"Ifford, Ipswich or Cocheco, MA (or 1936) Sources: per Varney internet site REFN: 3580ADate of Import: Feb 25, 2000I#IMay have been widow of Parsons and so may have been Bridget Parsons at time of marriage. Massachusetts, Probate Records, Supplement Name: Varney, Bridget Date: Nov. 1672 Town: Type: inv Vol./page: V:119 Name: Varney, William DatJH#Ie: Mar. 1654 Town: Ipswich Type: int Vol./page: I:338 Remarks VARNEY Family Assoc. Papers (20 Knollridge Rd., Salem, VA): 1989 Notes for Bridget (Spouse 1) Essex County, Massachusetts, Probate Records, Supplement Name: Varney, BrI#Iidget Date: Nov. 1672 Town: Type: inv Vol./page: V:119 Name: Varney, William Date: Mar. 1654 Town: Ipswich Type: int Vol./page: I:338ADate of Import: Feb 25, 2000$Icarpenter Immigration: 1626 Arrived at Cape Ann with Capt. Roger ConantADate of Import: Feb 25, 2000&IProctor Genealogy 1546-1979. Pages 15 & 16. Directory of the Ancestral Heads of New England Families 1620-1700. Page-Proctor.ADate of Import: Feb 25, 2000Q'IAlso Lillburn She was the daughter of John Lilburn of West Lilburn who also owned the manors of Shawdon, Glanton and Bedford, all of which were located in Northumberland. (see note 1) EMBLETON PARISH, Northumberland The Proctor family,RP'I originally settled in Nether Bordley, Yorkshire, was established at Shawdon in 1506 through the marriage of William Proctor of Nether Bordley to Isabel, daughter of John Lilburn of Shawdon. John Proctor who exchanged Shawdon for the Dunstan eSQ'Istate, married twice. Thomas Proctor, the eldest son of the first marriage, became ultimately the owner of Rock, whilst John Proctor, the second son of the second marriage, succeeded under his fathers will to the land at Dunstan. The old towerTR'I, formerly known as Dunstan Hall, received from its new owners the name Proctor's Stead, by which it is generally known. But though the name of the Proctors remains associated with the place, the family did not retain the property for any greaUS'It length of time. John Proctor, son of John Proctor and Elizabeth Ion, sold his land at Dunstan in 1778 to Daniel Craster for 7,700 pounds. In this way the old estate of the Wetwangs was added to that part of Dunstan which from ancient times hT'Iad been the property of the Craster family. The boundries of Dunstan belonging to John Proctor were surveyed in 1724 and showed the "west farm" containing 359 acres, another farm containing 219 acres for a total of 578 acres.+M [edan.FTW] 22:13X,ISource: A Witter Family History by Edwin D. Witter Jr.; Ancestral File. Witter Family: Jane Eldis/Lide. AF: Jane Leids, daughter of Thomas Leids and Jane (Gybbes) Gibbs. Married Edward Brown. Surname could be Lide, Lyde or Leids, accorW,Iding to Genealogical and Biographical Record of New London County, Conn., and AF. An Ancestral File printout says mother was Jane Gibbs and father Thomas Lide. Another AF record says she was born in 1583.,M [edan.FTW] 22:13ADate of Import: Feb 25, 2000/Ior Gibbs There was also a wife of Thomas Leids named "Jane Grubbs" - could these be the same person?ADate of Import: Feb 25, 2000ADate of Import: Feb 25, 20001I [dickdutton.ged] From Ancestral File (TM), data as of 2 January 1996.ADate of Import: Feb 4, 2000ADate of Import: Feb 4, 2000YA{Boston, Suffolk, Mass.# d , Breteuil, Eure, France~Nether Bordley, Yorkshire, EnglandF8 of Bengeworth, Worcestershire, England{iShawdon;yof, , Varmland, SwedendqLynn (bef. Cos.) Mass.dzkof, Romerike, Buskerud, Norwayqq Inkberrow, Wostershire, England[6pLynn, Essex, MA|lR7qInkberrow, Worcestershire, EnglandRi07qInkburrow, Worcestershire, Englandw͍  Atwick, York, England5rtLSt. Swithin, Worcestershire England[prSt. Swithin, Worcester, Worcestershire, England1I% Of, Tankerville, Northumberland, England ?: Of, Chillingham, Staffordshire, EnglandusSwan Hall, Hawkedon, Suffolk, England=xvrSwannhall, Hawkedon, Suffolk, England_0E%Heton, , , England0Of Painswick, Gloucester, Englandb8Prob. Hawkedon, Suffolk, EnglandEt Of, Kirkby Ireleth, Lancashire, EnglabdyvHawkedon, Suffolk, England'O": Bury St Edmunds, Suffolk, England=i}Of Swan Hall, Hawkedon, Suffolk, EnglandEEsOf, Kirkby, Lancashire, Englabd:rStamford, Lincolnshire, EnglandV0{ Of, Tolethorp, Rutlandshire, EnglandYyzROf, Stamford, Lincolnshire, England)h0P Tolethorp, Rutlandshire, England[KpT Kiev}wuPoland} Of, Mitford, Lincolnshire, England?|PRiazan'\EuPolotsk{PrSuzdal)W)LithuaniaJmBorovskav"E Of Hawkedon, Suffolk, England, England/p-vOf Hawkedon, Suffolk, England0d~ All Saints Churc, Stamford, Lincolnshire, England^sHawkedon, Suffolk, England, Englandp'2 Charlestown, Middlesex Ma, Prob Hawkedon, S England\c  Did NOT come on, Mayflower, re Mayflower Soc, iety>wXR0uPlymouth, Plymouth, Massachusetts~{m (Inv Of Estate), Plymouth, Plymouth, Mass.9Somerton, Hawkedon, Suffolk, EnglandaxR|Of Stanford, Lincs., Eng.sSwanhall, Suffolk, EngyxOf Stanford Drap, Tolethorpe, Rutlandshire, EnglandTp Of, Oversley, Warwickshire, EnglandŋyLOf, Harewood, Yorkshire, England}zpOf, Aldwark, Yorkshire, EnglandBedingfield, Suffolk, England;QvPuOf, Stafford, Staffordshire, England}P4xOf, Hawkedon, Suffolk, England$|axOf Stamford, LINCOLN, Eng=,Oxborough, Norfolk, England{yOf, Alwoodley, Yorkshire, England;S0) Lansingcroft, Yorkshire, EnglandC| qOf, Quindenham, Norfolk, EnglandqP?P0Of, Denham Castle, Suffolk, EnglandR0LBernard Castle, Gainford, Durham, England2quOf, Stratton Audley, Oxfordshire, England (royal License)Ort, , Kent Co, Englandg^)d , , Yorkshire, England`|x?"pBoves, Somme, France, FrancefwPvzOf, Alnwick, Northumberland, Englandz:tOf, Tolethorpe, Rutlandshire, EnglandԂPr, , Warwickshire, England?X) St. Edmonds, Suffolk, Englandvv# Of, Warkworth, Northumberland, England&VyOf Stamford, Lincs., Eng.)E)dzOf, Raby, Durham, EnglandN+yqHolme Hale, Norfolk, England:yOf, Abergavenny, Monmouthshire, Englandht7Of Raby With Keverstone, Staindrop, Durham, England~uPuOf, Middleham, Yorkshire, Englandll0#En Of, Brancepeth, Durham, EnglandZ:): Of, Horncastle, Lincolnshire, EnglandEIw(div) 1096m (17-1410), Shuldham, Norfolk, EnglandOvAlso Of, Eriswell, Norfolk, England 1iG# Ereswell, Suffolk, England;MShuldham, Norfolk, EnglandEl}of, Leicester, Sussex, EnglandhOf, Oxburg, Norfolk, Englandxpof, , Orkney Islands, Scotland)Monas, Of Bruisyard, Suffolk, EnglandwuKwI Northampton, Northamptonshire, EnglandՅ , Iona, Argyllshire, ScotlandP0 , , , Scotland;1~(21-10 May 1422), Eriswell, Norfolk, England΃̂d~Also Of, Oxborowe, Norfolk, EnglandC).yBeheaded, At Tower Hill, Norfolk, England]qx )<5~Skirbeck, , Lincshire, England>:  Andover, MAq;0ASkirbeck, Lincolnshire, EnM]1PU Of, Bendham, Suffolk, EnglandUSmeeth, Co Kent, England@;iBrabourne, Co Kent, EnglandDM> Church, Brabourne, Co. Kent, England|G! Of, Fleming Hall, Bedingfield, Suffolk$1~(16-1362), Oxburg, Norfolk, England; OAlso Of, Suffolk, EnglandZ)^Kediton, Suffolk, England%:%3d~Also Of, , Suffolk, EnglandP0dzOf, Pateshull, Heyford, NorfolkThetford, Norfolk, EnglandxCOf, Pateshull, Heyford, Norfolk, EnglandOAlso Of, Heyford, Norfolk, England:;Of, , Normandy, France)zGrundisburg, Suffolk, England^@i5Churchofaugustin, Friere, Thetford, Norfolkq]* _6w Provence, France, Provence, France{)JRIVEFR$p, Ashford, Hertfordshire, Englandp9#, Bisham, Berkshire, EnglandX+ , Neuchatel, Ne, Switzerland) , Red Castle, Augushire, Scotland}ԉ, Ewyas-Harold, Herefordshire, England}"EP$p, Bristol, Gloucestershire, England[zGwARIZOͯ , Whittington, Shropshire, EnglandՅ, Ewyas, Herefordshire, England))j , Cleveland, Yorkshire, England)v , York, Yorkshire, England[0csOf Patteshull, Nrthmp, England*)1|, Of Bletsho, Bedfordshire, England^0E Of, Turnbridge, Kent, England?pzOf, Ashperton, Herefordshire, EnglandPuvOf, , Gloucestershire, EnglandrPc(14-1301)6wF{SpREErOf, Chester, Cheshire, EnglandܝGGR, Bletsoe, Bedfordshire, Englandu- Of, Egmanton, Nottinghamshire, Englandwrtf:Of, , , BelgiumR22(60-1359)x^}Of, , Yorkshire, EnglandƊz<, Urach, Baden, Germany>bv8 , Urach, Baden, Germany79sTennenbach+Jx? , La Sarraz, Waadt, Switzerlands.^, Jerusalem0Յ, Grandson, Waadt, SwitzerlandtSԉ, Geneva, Geneva, Switzerland1, La Sarraz, , Switzerland+I, Genf, Genf, Switzerlandg;b^< Of, Geneva, Switzerlandl0Pq*<, La Sarraz, Waadt, Switzerland>~n>Not Married8]0JpNeuchatel, Switzerland5)Of, Roucy, Aisne, France|, Neuchatel, , Switzerland#)Ɗ<, Neuchatel, , Switzerland>)), , , Germany֍2zxOf, Hainault, Duchy Of Lowerh2DI_)uOf, Montdidier, Somme, FranceERKOf, Montdidier, Picardy, Franceq#sOf, , Hertfordshire, EnglandQ|Ewyas-Harold, Hereford, EnglandS8T Knockin, Warwick, Eng>ێ, Salisbury, Wiltshire, England_0}, Ewyas Harold, Herefordshire, England3Ewyas, Herefordshire, England7I_gOf, Ewyas-Harold, Hereford, England)RQEvesham, Worcester, EnglandP,EŋOf, Great Musgrave, Westmoreland, England\3)̂Alveston, Gloucestershire, England.:/yOuse River l0Of, Berkeley Castle, Gloucestershire, EnglandwPxgOf, Edlington, Yorkshire, EnglandYW Calne, Wilts, Eng & Aston Cantlow, Warw., Eng^Calstone, Wilts, Eng7M!Studley Priory, Warwick, EngMÏzpOf Bowden And Market Harborough, EngrOf, , Westmoreland, England ;D"EzpOf Ashby, Bucks, Eng_FOf Bowden/market Harb. W^:wmHMءun`E#qF : .:I #q`;#qMW B(9<!40A>q "q`'#QMv [9=-9!,L{FFq"r`'#F .A?80AHPM ^:>mMZ\G+Z`"r`"r #r #r$0$M g&9A1]9B^`"css$$F4 n.A?B{uF%SQ9%`N"r"st% %MY v]9D.#V=LN¹U`a"tt`ϵ"Q|% %M~ .A?nS1CǣljssF .A?9=LU9e J` mu`v M .A?ׅn3EZD`_( Mӂ .A?mwJb̖`'u`o F .A?M-KCS3$c` M# .A?TGc>2!N!Mj .A?k\3JI2z`V `!M .A?QSՓF&Fۃ .A?i4h?BBt³+S ` `4!M! .A?fAs9<uFD .A?P)O=cbuFo .A?`/gK,I;`J!S!`!MÄ .A?g,3WJ}`p!M .A?;AO#Ku `!`!M# .A? NH4<FA .A?(~K@+b!)"Mt .A?enzTBG >E7uuF .A?*dGn`!`3"M .A?iUtF,,)vFą .A?*QGJm3S$"`%"i"M .A?FZmDq_vF A(.A?%@]%ay"M3 .A?g՘ClFY+jS#`#-vS#`#avs|%%Ml .A?GFE S v`n!"u`/t"v%!h % F ".A?E6,G^Erz`#v#`#s$s%|%'%&F҆ (.A?%,UGcSՠr)s*#v+$-%,M ..A?ujUB&+"P`#s/D#s0D#s1D#s2 %4 %3MA 5.A?I7K.3<s6=w7]#}w8]#w9k%;%:MADate of Import: Feb 4, 2000ADate of Import: Feb 4, 2000ADate of Import: Feb 4, 2000ADate of Import: Feb 4, 2000ADate of Import: Feb 4, 2000ADate of Import: Feb 25, 20002I [dickdutton.ged] From Ancestral File (TM), data as of 2 January 1996.ADate of Import: Feb 4, 2000ADate of Import: Feb 4, 2000ADate of Import: Feb 4, 2000ADate of Import: Feb 4, 2000ADate of Import: Feb 4, 2000ADate of Import: Feb 25, 20003I [dickdutton.ged] From Ancestral File (TM), data as of 2 January 1996.ADate of Import: Feb 4, 2000ADate of Import: Feb 4, 2000ADate of Import: Feb 4, 2000ADate of Import: Feb 4, 2000ADate of Import: Feb 4, 2000ADate of Import: Feb 4, 2000ADate of Import: Feb 25, 20004I [dickdutton.ged] SLAKE From Ancestral File (TM), data as of 2 January 1996. [dickdutton.ged] SLAKE From Ancestral File (TM), data as of 2 January 1996.ADate of Import: Feb 4, 2000ADate of Import: Feb 4, 2000ADate of Import: Feb 4, 2000ADate of Import: Feb 4, 2000ADate of Import: Feb 4, 2000ADate of Import: Feb 4, 2000ADate of Import: Feb 4, 2000ADate of Import: Feb 4, 2000ADate of Import: Feb 4, 2000ADate of Import: Feb 4, 2000p 3Rq 3Er 3As BUt CUu<3Gw 4Ix 4Iy 4Cz 4C{ 4D| 4D} 4E~ 4E 4A 4A DU FUC4GC5GC<G@I@I@DAIAIABADIJG KI KB KC KD KE KA LI LB LD LR LE LA MI MB MC MD ME MA NI NB NC ND NE NA OI OB OC ADate of Import: Feb 4, 2000 ADate of Import: Feb 4, 2000 ADate of Import: Feb 25, 2000 ADate of Import: Feb 25, 2000 ADate of Import: Feb 25, 2000=I poisonedADate of Import: Feb 11, 2000ADate of Import: Feb 11, 2000ADate of Import: Feb 11, 2000ADate of Import: Feb 11, 2000ADate of Import: Feb 11, 2000JIstill living - details excludedADate of Import: Feb 25, 2000KI [dickdutton.ged] From Ancestral File (TM), data as of 2 January 1996.ADate of Import: Feb 4, 2000ADate of Import: Feb 4, 2000ADate of Import: Feb 4, 2000ADate of Import: Feb 4, 2000ADate of Import: Feb 4, 2000ADate of Import: Feb 4, 2000LI [dickdutton.ged] From Ancestral File (TM), data as of 2 January 1996.ADate of Import: Feb 4, 2000ADate of Import: Feb 4, 2000ADate of Import: Feb 4, 2000ADate of Import: Feb 4, 2000 ADate of Import: Feb 4, 2000!ADate of Import: Feb 4, 2000MI [dickdutton.ged] From Ancestral File (TM), data as of 2 January 1996."ADate of Import: Feb 4, 2000#ADate of Import: Feb 4, 2000$ADate of Import: Feb 4, 2000%ADate of Import: Feb 4, 2000&ADate of Import: Feb 4, 2000'ADate of Import: Feb 4, 2000NI [dickdutton.ged] From Ancestral File (TM), data as of 2 January 1996.(ADate of Import: Feb 4, 2000)ADate of Import: Feb 4, 2000*ADate of Import: Feb 4, 2000+ADate of Import: Feb 4, 2000,ADate of Import: Feb 4, 2000-ADate of Import: Feb 4, 2000OI [dickdutton.ged] From Ancestral File (TM), data as of 2 January 1996..ADate of Import: Feb 4, 2000/ADate of Import: Feb 4, 20000ADate of Import: Feb 4, 20001ADate of Import: Feb 4, 20002ADate of Import: Feb 4, 20003ADate of Import: Feb 4, 20004ADate of Import: Feb 4, 2000PI [dickdutton.ged] From Ancestral File (TM), data as of 2 January 1996.5ADate of Import: Feb 4, 20006ADate of Import: Feb 4, 20007ADate of Import: Feb 4, 20008ADate of Import: Feb 4, 20009ADate of Import: Feb 4, 2000:ADate of Import: Feb 4, 2000;ADate of Import: Feb 4, 2000QI [dickdutton.ged] From Ancestral File (TM), data as of 2 January 1996.<ADate of Import: Feb 4, 2000=ADate of Import: Feb 4, 2000>ADate of Import: Feb 4, 2000?ADate of Import: Feb 4, 2000@ADate of Import: Feb 4, 2000AADate of Import: Feb 4, 2000 OD OR OE OA PI PB PC PD PR PE PA QI QB QC QD QE QA RI SIBSG TI UI VI VB VE VA WI WB WE WA XI XB XE XA YI YB YD YR YE YA@YG ZI ZB ZE ZA@ZG [I [B [E [A \I \B \E \A@\G ]I <.A?q ̿O `##r=S#`#w>D#s?$A %@M B.A?CުJSj\mF C.A?FL,AF) E.A?vO曚G%tFZ F.A?GoAӖ F G.A?AGpt`ڗ"xH$J %IFʈ K.A?XGoS`9V"tL%N %MM O.A?Vn&Me`"=xP %R %QF: S.A?>pQCetCk`!axT M"UvV|%X%WMo Z.A?#niF8r2`Z"t[]\F _.A?^6"(H>J `"(`,%bg%aM c.A?f0*Z?}D+.KW=xdY %f%eF h.A?ZmJEux+ǚ`["i`y"jFS l.A? 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